2024 |
Comparison of Structural and Functional Properties between Classical and Novel Octagonal Ring Bar SWSs Operating in the K-Band |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Double Bevel-Cut Vlasov-Type Antenna with Reflectors for High Power Microwave Pulse Devices |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Robust Disturbance Rejection Control of DC/DC Interleaved Boost Converters with Additional Sliding Mode Component |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Design of a Ka/V-band rectangular folded traveling wave tube with a hollow-sheet-beam |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Study of a V-band Overmoded Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tube |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Stability Analysis and Design of a Ku-band Extended Interaction Klystron (EIK) |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Design of a low voltage and high power Traveling Wave Tube based on a sheet-beam ring bar |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
A Novel Conical Cut Frequency-Tapered Ring Bar SWS for High-Power and Wide-Bandwidth K-Band TWTs |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Design and Experimental Characterization of a Low-Cost, Real-Time Health Monitoring System for Automotive Applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Wearable Ring-Shaped Biomedical Device for Physiological Monitoring through Finger-Based Acquisition of Electrocardiographic, Photoplethysmographic, and Galvanic Skin Response Signals: Design and Preliminary Measurements |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Performances Evaluation of Electric Vehicles Recharging Systems Implementing Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride Switches |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Low-Voltage Travelling-Wave Tubes for Space Applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Design and Thermal Analysis of a Coupled-By-Rods Interaction Structure for Traveling-Wave Tubes |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Comparison Between Halbach Array and Periodic Permanent Magnet Circuit Configuration |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Design of a novel conical cut frequency-taper for a K-band Ring Bar Slow Wave Structure |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Implementation and Comparison of SiC and GaN switches for EV Fast Recharging Systems |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Comparison between SiC and GaN switching devices in fast-recharging systems for electric vehicles |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Wearable Multisensor Ring-Shaped Probe for Assessing Stress and Blood Oxygenation: Design and Preliminary Measurements |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Local and global measures of information storage for the assessment of heartbeat-evoked cortical responses |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Photoplethysmograhic sensors, potential and limitations: Is it time for regulation? A comprehensive review |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems: A Brief Overview |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Reduction of graphene oxide supported on paper by CO2 laser and its application as electrochemical sensing of phosphate ions |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Design of a Planar Helix Slow Wave Structure for TWT applications in the K-Band |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Symmetric Vlasov-type antenna for High Power Microwave applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Phosphate ions detection by using an electrochemical sensor based on laser-scribed graphene oxide on paper |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
A silicon photomultiplier-based analog front-end for DC component rejection and pulse wave recording in photoplethysmographic applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Novel Configuration for a C-Band Axial Vircator With High Output Power |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Optimal sizing for a Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Input for baroreflex analysis: which blood pressure signal should be used? |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Nonlinear Robust Control of a Quadratic Boost Converter in a Wide Operation Range, Based on Extended Linearization Method |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Feasibility of Ultra-Short-Term Analysis of Heart Rate and Systolic Arterial Pressure Variability at Rest and during Stress via Time-Domain and Entropy-Based Measures |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
A portable multisensor system to assess cardiorespiratory interactions through photoplethysmography |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Adaptive scheduling of acceleration and gyroscope for motion artifact cancelation in photoplethysmography |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Design and Validation of a Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer System for EV Battery Charging |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Switching Frequency Effects on the Efficiency and Harmonic Distortion in a Three-Phase Five-Level CHBMI Prototype with Multicarrier PWM Schemes: Experimental Analysis |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Low-invasive multisensor real-time acquisition system for the assessment of cardiorespiratory and skin conductance parameters |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Information Dynamics of Electric Field Intensity before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Measuring the Rate of Information Exchange in Point-Process Data With Application to Cardiovascular Variability |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Feasibility of Ultra-short Term Complexity Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Resting State and During Orthostatic Stress |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Supercapacitor-Based Shuttle Bus Characterization for Urban Charging Infrastructure |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Homodyne solid-state biased coherent detection of ultra-broadband terahertz pulses with static electric fields |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Comparison of frequency domain measures based on spectral decomposition for spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity assessment after Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Power losses comparison between Silicon Carbide and Silicon devices for an isolated DC-DC converter |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Experimental investigation on a cascode-based three-phase inverter for AC drives |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Feasibility of Linear Parametric Estimation of Dynamic Information Measures to assess Physiological Stress from Short-Term Cardiovascular Variability |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Implementation on NI-SOM sbRIO-9651 and Experimental Validation of Multi-Carrier PWM Techniques for Three-Phase Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Multivariate Correlation Measures Reveal Structure and Strength of Brain–Body Physiological Networks at Rest and During Mental Stress |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Mechanisms in Young Obese Subjects |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Vascular resistance arm of the baroreflex: methodology and comparison with the cardiac chronotropic arm |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
A prototypal PCB board for the EMI characterization of SiC-based innovative switching devices |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Simulation of parasitic effects on silicon carbide devices for automotive electric traction |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Model-Based Transfer Entropy Analysis of Brain-Body Interactions with Penalized regression techniques |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Synergistic and Redundant Brain-Heart Information in Patients with Focal Epilepsy |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Low invasive multisensor acquisition system for real-time monitoring of cardiovascular and respiratory parameters |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
PPG/ECG multisite combo system based on SiPM technology |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2019 |
Experimental investigation and characterization of innovative bifacial silicon solar cells |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Comparison of short-term heart rate variability indexes evaluated through electrocardiographic and continuous blood pressure monitoring |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Graphene Field-Effect Transistors Employing Different Thin Oxide Films: A Comparative Study |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A validity and reliability study of Conditional Entropy Measures of Pulse Rate Variability |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Experimental Investigation on the Performances of Innovative PV Vertical Structures |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A new Frequency Domain Measure of Causality based on Partial Spectral Decomposition of Autoregressive Processes and its Application to Cardiovascular Interactions |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Time, frequency and information domain analysis of short-term heart rate variability before and after focal and generalized seizures in epileptic children |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A portable system for multiple parameters monitoring: Towards assessment of health conditions and stress level in the automotive field |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Multiscale Information Decomposition Dissects Control Mechanisms of Heart Rate Variability at Rest and During Physiological Stress |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A portable electronic system for non-invasive real-time acquisition of multiple physiological signals |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Nonlinear brain-heart interactions in children with focal epilepsy assessed by mutual information of EEG and heart rate variability |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Mutual Information Analysis of Brain-Body Interactions during different Levels of Mental stress |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Investigation on Metal–Oxide Graphene Field-Effect Transistors With Clamped Geometries |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Minimally Invasive Assessment of Mental Stress based on Wearable Wireless Physiological Sensors and Multivariate Biosignal Processing |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Ostruzione polmonare ed aritmia respiratoria |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Multiscale information storage of linear long-range correlated stochastic processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Employing Microwave Graphene Field Effect Transistors for Infrared Radiation Detection |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
One diode circuital model of light soaking phenomena in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Advanced piezoresistive sensor achieved by amphiphilic nanointerfaces of graphene oxide and biodegradable polymer blends |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Photovoltaic characterization of organic solar cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Invited Article: Ultra-broadband terahertz coherent detection via a silicon nitride-based deep sub-wavelength metallic slit |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Electrical characterization of high-efficiency bifacial silicon solar cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Silicon nitride-based deep sub-λ slit for ultra-broadband THz coherent detection |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Reliability of Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Indexes Assessed through Photoplethysmography |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Layout influence on microwave performance of graphene field effect transistors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Anomalous electrical parameters improvement in Ruthenium DSSC |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
A LiDAR prototype with Silicon Photomultiplier and MEMS mirrors |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
PV systems in the vertical walls: A comparison of innovative structures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2017 |
Electro-optical characterization of ruthenium-based dye sensitized solar cells: A study of light soaking, ageing and temperature effects |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Affordable, ultra-broadband coherent detection of terahertz pulses via CMOS-compatible solid-state devices |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Mixed-mode operation of hybrid phase-change nanophotonic circuits |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Solid-state-biased coherent detection of ultra-broadband terahertz pulses |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Moderate-to-Strong Turbulence Generation in a Laboratory Indoor Free Space Optics Link and Error Mitigation via RaptorQ Codes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Cardiovascular parameters detection using a Photoplethismographic system |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Photoelectrical response of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Design and implementation of a portable fNIRS embedded system |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2016 |
Light Soaking measurements on Ruthenium-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Experimental characterization of Ruthenium-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells and study of light-soaking effect impact on performance |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Comparison in terms of TOF measurements between APD and SiPM for LiDAR applications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
TOF LiDAR with SiPM technology |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Time Of Flight measurements via two LiDAR systems with SiPM and APD |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
Fabrication and analysis of the layout impact in Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Impact of GFETs geometries on RF performances |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy based on photoconductive antennas |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
Radiofrequency performances of different Graphene Field Effect Transistors geometries |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Infrared detection in multifunctional graphene-based transistors |
Altro |
Vai |
2016 |
Variazione della pressione sistolica e diastolica con la respirazione |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Photocurrent generation in Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Microwave parameters dependence on Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs) dimensions |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy setup based on photoconductive antennas |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
Non-uniform doping concentration CIGS absorber profile for highefficiency solar cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Simulation analysis of Ruthenium-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Si photomultipliers for bio-sensing applications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Electrical characterization of low power CIGSSe photovoltaic modules |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
SiPM as miniaturised optical biosensor for DNA-microarray applications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Electro-optical characterization of highly efficient Dye-Sensitized solar cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Physiological parameters measurements in a cardiac cycle via a combo PPG-ECG system |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Measurements of cardiac Pre-Ejection period using a combo PPG-ECG system |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Error mitigation using RaptorQ codes in an experimental indoor free space optical link under the influence of turbulence |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Characterization of Ruthenium-based Dye-Sensitized solar cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Indoor free space optics link under the weak turbulence regime: Measurements and model validation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Comparison on the use of PV systems in the vertical walls |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Brain Monitoring Via an Innovative CW-FNIRS System |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Characterization of Thin Film CIG(S,Se)2 submodules using Laser Beam Induced Current Technique |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Graded carrier concentration absorber profile for high efficiency CIGS solar cells |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Photoelectric valuation of highly efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Characterization of thin film CIG(S,SE)2 submodules using solar simulator and laser beam induced current techniques (Versione estesa) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Design and realization of a portable continuous wave fNIRS |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Continuous Wave fNIRS with Silicon Photomultiplier |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Fabrication and characterization of graphene field effect transistors (GFET) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Fabrication of graphene ruthenium-complex heterostructures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Photoresponse of graphene ruthenium-complex heterostructures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Fabrication and electro-optical characterization of Ruthenium-based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
PPG Embedded System for Blood Pressure Monitoring |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Hydrogel films engineered in a mesoscopically ordered structure and responsive to ethanol vapors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Electrochemical Conversion of Dichloroacetic Acid to Chloroacetic Acid in Conventional Cell and in Two Microfluidic Reactors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Backward second-harmonic generation of near infrared picosecond pulses |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
CIGS PV Module Characteristic Curves Under Chemical Composition and Thickness Variations |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Wideband THz time domain spectroscopy set-up based on ultrafast pulsed laser:
model and experiments |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Optical turbulence measurements and channel modeling of an indoor Free Space Optics link (Abstract) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Signal to noise ratio measurements of silicon photomultipliers in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
A wideband THz Time Domain Spectroscopy system based on pulsed laser: model and experiments |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Fabrication of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFET) possessing a photoelectrical response |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Rateless codes mitigation technique in a turbulent indoor Free Space Optics link |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Responsivity measurements of SiC Schottky photodiodes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Parametrical study of multilayer structures for CIGS solar cells |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Electro-optical characterization of new classes of Silicon Carbide UV photodetectors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Blood Pressure Monitoring with a PPG Embedded System |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
CulnSe2/Zn(S,O,OH) junction on Mo foil by electrochemical and chemical route for photovoltaic applications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Signal to Noise Ratio of Silicon Photomultipliers measured in the Continuous Wave Regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Optical turbulence measurements and channel modeling of an indoor Free Space Optics link (Versione estesa) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Fabrication of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFET) possessing a photoelectrical response |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
CuInSe2/Zn(S,O,OH) junction by electrochemical and chemical route for photovoltaic applications (GE 2014) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Fading mitigation coding techniques for space to ground free space optical communications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
SNR measurements of silicon photomultipliers in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Signal to noise ratio measurements of silicon photomultipliers |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Responsivity measurements of Silicon Carbide Schottky photodiodes in the UV range |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Signal to Noise Ratio of Silicon Photomultipliers: a study in the Continuous Wave Regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Progettazione e realizzazione di un sistema Continuous Wave fNIRS basato su tecnologia SiPM |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Design and development of a continuous wave functional near infrared spectroscopy system |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Silicon Photomultipliers Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the Continuous Wave Regime |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Responsivity measurements of 4H-SiC Schottky photodiodes for UV light monitoring |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Responsivity measurements of SiC photodiodes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Statistical analysis of RaptorQ failure probability applied to a data recovery software |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Backward frequency doubling of near infrared picosecond pulses |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Fading mitigation coding techniques for space to ground free space optical communications (Euro Med Telco 2014) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Electro-Optical characterization of Silicon Carbide Schottky photodiodes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Development of a CW-fNIRS System for brain monitoring |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Design of a portable (CW) fNIRS embedded system |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Packet loss recovery in an indoor Free Space Optics link using rateless codes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Design and realization of a portable multichannel continuous wave fNIRS |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Design and development of a fNIRS system prototype based on SiPM detectors |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Electrochemical and chemical synthesis of CIS/Zn(S,O,OH) for thin film solar cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
P-on-N and N-on-P silicon photomultipliers: an in-depth analysis in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Responsivity measurements of N-on-P and P-on-N silicon photomultipliers in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Analytical Model for wideband THz sources and detectors based on Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
5th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems, Poster OμS13_1569798553: Analytical Model for wideband THz sources and detectors based on Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Optical wireless GEO satellite-to-ground downlinks: rateless codes as solution for scintillation fading |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Numerical Model of THz sources and detectors based on Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Optical sensors for ethanol vapor based on polystyrene opals infiltrated with hydrogel |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Photovoltaic module characteristics from CIGS solar cell modelling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Counter-Propagating Difference Frequency Mixing in Diamond with Terahertz Waves |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Exact reconstruction of thz Sub-λ source features in knife-edge measurements |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Wideband THz Time Domain Spectroscopy based on Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Counterpropagating frequency mixing with terahertz waves in diamond |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Recovery Capabilities of Rateless Codes on Simulated Turbulent Terrestrial Free Space Optics Channel Model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Disclosing of optical properties of metal/dielectric heterostructures by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry enhanced by Surface Plasmon Resonance |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Design of a Multichannel Continuous Wave fNIRS System implemented with SiPM |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Measurements of Silicon Photomultipliers Responsivity in Continuous Wave Regime |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Thin Film CIGS Solar Cells, Photovoltaic Modules, and the Problems of Modeling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
CIGS Thin Film by One-Step Electrodeposition Deposition for Solar Cells |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Counter-propagating difference-frequency generation in diamond with terahertz fields |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
P-on-N and N-on-P silicon photomultipliers: responsivity comparison in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Exact Reconstruction of Sub-wavelength THz Source Profile via Combination of Knife-edge Technique and Time-domain Spectroscopy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Photonic crystal hydrogel films responsive to ethanol vapors |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Ethanol vapor optical sensors based on polystyrene opals infiltrated with
hydrogel |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Periodically nanostructured hydrogels for ethanol vapors sensing |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Observation of Collapse Arrest in Pure Kerr Media Sustained by a Parametric Interaction |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Opals infiltrated with a stimuli-responsive hydrogel for ethanol vapor sensing |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
N-on-P and P-on-N Silicon Photomultipliers: Responsivity comparison in the continuous wave regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Model Analysis of Hydrometeor Scattering Effects on Free Space Near-Infrared Links |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Luby Transform Performance Tests on Time-Correlated Channel Model for Geo Free Space Optics Downlinks |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Rateless Codes Performance Tests On Terrestrial FSO Time-Correlated Channel Model |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Correlated channel model for terrestrial Free Space Optics: performance analysis of rateless codes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Measurements of Silicon Photomultipliers Responsivity in Continuous Wave |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Measurements of Silicon Photomultipliers Responsivity |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Performance Investigation of Fountaine Codes on a Simulated Terrestrial Free
Space Optical Channel |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Random quasi-phase matching in congruent lithium tantalate waveguides by proton exchange |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Modelling of wideband THz sources and detectors based on Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Rateless Codes Performance Analysis in Correlated Channel Model for GEO Free Space Optics Downlinks |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
University of Palermo: Exploiting the Optical Quadratic Nonlinearity of Zinc-Blende Semiconductors for Guided-Wave Terahertz Generation: A Material Comparison |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Electrical characterization of deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization in metal-oxide-semiconductor-like structures |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Parametric Conversion in Micrometer and Submicrometer Structured Ferroelectric Crystals by Surface Poling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Optical characterization of polystyrene direct opals and of inverse-opal hydrogels |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Spatio-temporal Characteristics of THz Emission at the Subwavelength Scale via Optical Rectification |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Features of randomized electric-field assisted domain inversion in lithium tantalate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Sub-Wavelength Scale THz Source via Optical Rectification and its Spatio-Temporal Properties |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Monitoring System of Passive Optical Networks with Remotely Power Supply of Optical Network Terminals |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Second Harmonic Generation via Random Quasi-phase Matching in a Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate Waveguide |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Space-time features of THz emitted from optical rectification occurring in sub-wavelength scales (IWOTST) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
All-Optical frequency Shifter in a Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate Waveguide |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Backward Frequency Doubling in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate in the Pulsed Regime |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Random Quasi-Phae-Matching in Tantalatio di Litio: origine del fenomeno, confronto tra propagazione bulk e guidata. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Space-time features of THz emission from optical rectification in sub-wavelength areas |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Correlated Channel Model for terrestrial Free Space Optics and project specifications evaluation of LT code in OOK modulation |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Space-time Features of THz Emitted from Optical Rectification Occurring in Sub-wavelength Scales |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Universal Charts for Optical Difference Frequency Generation in the Terahertz Domain |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Random quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic
generation in periodically poled lithium tantalate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Spatial and spectral properties of small area THz generation for sub-wavelength microscopy. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Parametric self-trapping in the presence of
randomized quasi phase matching |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Nonlinear Disorder Mapping Via Three-Wave Mixing in Quadratic Crystals |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Spatial and Spectral properties of small area THz generation for sub-wavelength microscopy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Integrated frequency shifter in periodically
poled lithium tantalate waveguide |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Characterization of PP-cLT Waveguides for Second-Harmonic-Generation and Wavelength-Conversion in the C + L Band of Optical Communications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
The role of nonlinear optical absorption in narrow-band difference-frequency terahertz-wave generation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Continuous-Wave Backward Frequency Doubling
in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Broadband Second-Harmonic Generation via Random Quasi-Phase-Matching in PPLT |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Nonlinear Disorder Mapping via Three Wave Mixing in Poled Lithium Tantalate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Continuous-Wave Backward Frequency Doubling in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Nonlinear Disorder Mapping via Wave Mixing in Poled Lithium Tantalate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Interference-Based Chromatic Coatings by Ion Plating Plasma Assisted Deposition Technology |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Continuous-wave backward frequency doubling in periodically poled lithium niobate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Exploiting the optical quadratic nonlinearity of zinc-blende semiconductors for guided-wave terahertz generation: a material comparison |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Soft proton exchanged channel waveguides in congruent lithium tantalate for frequency doubling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Nonlinear Disorder Mapping Through Three-Wave Mixing |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Characterization of PP-cLT Waveguides for phase conjugation in the C + L band of Optical Communications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Remote Optical Monitoring in Remotely Power Assisted Passive Optical Networks |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Studio della nonlinearità quadratica di zincoblende per la generazione di TeraHertz in guida d'onda: un confronto di cristalli differenti |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Studio della Nonlinearità Quadratica di Zincoblende per la Generazione di TeraHertz in Guida d'Onda: un Confronto di Cristalli Differenti |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Optical dynamic monitoring in next generation networks, 10th International Conference on Telecommunications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Generazione di Seconda Armonica per Quasi-Phase-Matching Random in Tantalato di Litio con Poling Periodico |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
High resolution x-ray investigation of periodically poled lithium tantalate crystals with short periodicity |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Random Quasi-Phase-Matched Second Harmonic Generation in Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Monitoraggio dinamico in reti ottiche di nuova generazione |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Quasi phase matched UV second harmonic generation in Lithium Tantalate soft PE waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
UV parametric generation via quasi-phase-matching in Lithium Tantalate waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Frequency doubling in surface periodically-poled lithium niobate waveguides: role of cascading and nonlinear absorption |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Stable proton exchanged waveguides in Lithium Tantalate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Second-harmonic generation in surface periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides: on the role of multiphoton absorption |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Prima sorgente nell’UV in ottica integrata ottenuta per QPM-SHG in Tantalato di Litio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Completely dielectric E-field sensor based on a Lithium Niobate MZI |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Dual-polarization-pump CW laser operation in Nd3+:LiNbO3 channel waveguides fabricated by reverse proton exchange |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Prima dimostrazione di generazione UV per QPM in guide ottiche PE il LiTaO3 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Ultraviolet generation in periodically poled Lithium Tantalate waveguides |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
UV quasi-phase-matched second harmonic in LiTaO3 channel waveguide |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Duplicazione di frequenza in guide d'onda in Niobato di Litio con poling periodico: ruolo dell'assorbimento multifotoni |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Fabbricazione di guide PE in LiTaO3 prive di instabilità |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Confocal optical techniques to study channel waveguides in LiNbO3 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Guide a scambio protonico in Tantalato di Litio stabili nel tempo |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Integrated Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements in a Borosilicate Glass Substrate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Sensore di campo elettrico completamente dielettrico in ottica integrata. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Role of nonlinear absorption during frequency doubling in lithium niobate waveguides. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Guided-wave frequency doubling in surface periodically poled lithium niobate: competing effects |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Integrated optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements in Glass substrates |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Modelling of Quasi-TM0,0 Laser Operation in RPE:Nd3+:LiNbO3 Channel Waveguides. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Progettazione e realizzazione di biosensori a risonanza plasmonica superficiale in ottica integrata. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Multi-line NIR-RGB emission in Nd:LiNbO3 RPE optical waveguides |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Time resolved confocal luminescence investigations on Reverse Proton Exchange Nd:LiNbO3 channel waveguides |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Nanotecnologie in Niobato di Litio per la conversione di frequenza in ottica integrata nel campo UV. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Ultraviolet quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation in surface periodically poled lithium niobate optical waveguides |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Surface Plasmon Resonance Optical Biosensors for Mannoproteins Detection |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Frequency doubling in surface periodically poled Lithium Niobate waveguides: competing effects |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Duplicazione di frequenza e tuning non
lineare in guide d’onda in niobato di litio con
poling periodico superficiale |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Nanotechnology in Lithium Niobate for integrated optic frequency conversion in the UV. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurement of Neutravidin Layer on Gold Thin Film |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Proton Exchange Channel Waveguides Compatible with Surface Domain Engineering in Lithium Niobate Crystals |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Modelling of Laser Operation in RPE Nd3+:LiNbO3 Channel Waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Poling periodico superficiale in tantalato di litio congruente |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Imaginary distance BPM as an efficient tool for modelling optical waveguide fabrication by ion diffusion |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Generazione di luce UV per interazione QPM/SHG in guida ottica di niobato di litio congruente |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Generazione di seconda armonica nel vicino infrarosso per quasi-accordo di fase in guide a scambio protonico in niobato di litio con polarizzazione periodica superficiale |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Ultraviolet quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation in surface periodically poled Lithium Niobate optical waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
UV Generation in Surface Periodically Poled Lithium nimbate Proton Exchanged Optical Waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Surface periodic poling in congruent lithium tantalate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
UV Generation in lithium niobate proton exchanged optical waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Nanopatterned ferroelectric crystals for parametric generation |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Surface Periodic Domain Engineering in Congruent Lithium Tantalate Crystals |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Guide d’onda a scambio protonico in cristalli ferroelettrici con domini ingegnerizzati superficialmente |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Generazione di seconda armonica per quasi accordo di fase in guide a canale su LiNbO3 periodicamente polato in superficie. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Silica masks for improved surface poling of lithium niobate |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2005 |
Polarization effects on the laser operation in RPE Nd3+:LiNbO3 channel waveguides |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Short period Lithium Niobate poling for nonlinear three waves interactions |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Ingegnerizzazione dei domini ferroelettrici nel niobato di litio per applicazioni nonlineari |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Surface Periodic Poling in Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Nano-domains definition in congruent lithium niobate by surface periodic electric-field poling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Nanotecnologie SPPLN per Dispositivi a Cristalli Fotonici |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Analysis of Lithium Niobate Surface Layer after Electric Field Periodic Poling and Proton Exchange |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Nonstoichiometric silica mask to fabricate reverse proton-exchange waveguides in lithium niobate crystals |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Surface poling in lithium niobate waveguide creates efficient wavelength conversion |
Abstract in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Analysis of Lithium Niobate Surface after Electric Field Periodic Poling and Proton Exchange |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
First-Order Quasi-Phase-Matched Blue Light Generation in Surface-Poled Ti:Indiffused waveguide |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Sorgente laser multilinea NIR-RGB in guide ottiche RPE su Nd:LiNbO3 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Nanotecnologie SPPLN con maschere in silica e fotoresist |
Proceedings |
Vai |