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  • 1. Area-lingue-straniere-2004-06 (100%)

    30-mag-2013 14.44.47

    circuiti di produzio- ne e di distribuzione editoriale più in auge. “The status of a language in the world

  • 2. Articoli di Ricerca Comuni a tutti i Corsi di Laurea - Lingua Inglese - Corso di Recupero (91%)

    28-ott-2013 10.06.44

    and services around the world. At market exchange rates, a burger is 44% cheaper in China than ... in the world; the euro is also significantly overvalued. But the yuan now appears to be close to its fair value ... The annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund over the weekend brought together frightened and angry people. The financial crisis that broke upon the world in August 2007 has ... . This is the stage the world has reached, no longer in small peripheral member countries of the eurozone, but

  • 3. Studio ed esercitazione GLOBALIZATION, TOURISM AND CULTURE (86%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.42

    world economy or so called ‘‘free-trade’’ economy. glossario minimo barriers = barriere ... industrialism around the world, destroying preexisting cultures and local self-identity. glossario ... From the economic point of view, globalization is the process whereby the world economies ... knowledge based (World Bank, 1998). glossario minimo knowledge = la conoscenza the standard ... influencing their economies, to global institutions, such as the World Bank, the European Union

  • 4. Quaderni_2004-06_LVIII-LX (79%)

    30-mag-2013 15.18.18

  • 5. Studio ed esercitazione Fear and loathing in the eurozone (78%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.48

    . The annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund over the weekend brought together frightened and angry people. The financial crisis that broke upon the world in August 2007 ... conoscete dalla loro posizione A) morfologica e B) sintattica. The annual meetings of the World ... . The financial crisis that broke upon the world in August 2007 has entered a new and, in crucial ... da altre parti del brano. The annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund

  • 6. ANNALI-2009_LXIII (75%)

    30-mag-2013 14.43.12

    . * Professore associato di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali

  • 7. The Economist 14 Nov 2015 (73%)

    24-nov-2015 16.39.46

    The world economy Pulled back in The world is entering a third stage of a rolling debt crisis ... . The world economy was dealt a second blow, after 2010, when the delayed effects of that earlier boom were ... others, that the IMF is predicting that world GDP will pick up to 3.6% next year; not the sort ... , but not too shabby, considering the slowdown in the developing world that started a few years ago. Yet just as the rich world seems to be getting shot of its dodgy legacy of indebtedness, it risks

  • 8. Annali della Facoltà di Economia (72%)

    26-feb-2015 12.43.32

    The protection of the environment is a world demand and it is interesting to note that even the most ... . Aggregato di Geografia Economica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie

  • 9. Attività seminariali - "The integration of the developing countries into the world economy: challenges and opportunities",16-27 maggio (67%)

    11-mag-2016 18.20.48

    Attività seminariali - "The integration of the developing countries into the world economy: challenges and opportunities",16-27 maggio dseas-bacheca, LM-56, erasmus, seminario Nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+ con l'Università El Manar di Tunisi, dal 16 al 27 maggio sarà ospite del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, aziendali e statistiche la prof.ssa Lamia Mokaddem, che svolgerà un corso su "The integration of the developing countries into the world economy: challenges and

  • 10. Area Economico-Finanziaria 2008 (64%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.28

    Affect Developing Countries”, Policy Research Working Paper 2369, World Bank. Hamilton, J. D. and Kim ... la Cina è il 143° Stato Membro del W.T.o. (World Trade organization). - 2003: Hu Jintao è il presidente

  • 11. Public Debt Management Conference (62%)

    17-set-2019 10.05.00

    . Soggetti coinvolti Ministero delle Finanze, World Bank, OCSE Altri Dipartimenti, Enti Pubblici ... 1. Managing Sovereign Balance Sheet Risks Moderator – Coskun Cangoz, World Bank 11:10 Managing ... from the Sovereign Guarantees? Fritz Bachmair, Independent consultant Cigdem Aslan, The World Bank Mkhulu ... National Debt Andre Proite, The World Bank Office Alberto Crosta, Dong Zhang, Swedish Financial ... Sustainability Moderator - Doerte Doemeland, World Bank 14:00 Risk Management for Sovereign Financing

  • 12. Tumminello (62%)

    9-nov-2021 16.25.01

    Thematic Course PhD in "Scienze Economiche e Statistiche" SEAS Department University ... concepts and analysis tools to real-world networks. Learning Objectives Students completing this course ... , financial, and social systems; • Analyze a real world system by identifying its network structure and ... used to monitor the evolution of real world systems. • Apply insights from the theory of networks to cope with real world problems. Suggested readings • Networks Crowds and Markets by David

  • 13. Area-Economico-Finanziaria-2007 (61%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.39

    in- terrelationship with the economy of the territory considered with its speci- ficity. (*) Dipartimento di Scienze

  • 14. Bando di concorso per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca XXXVI Ciclo (61%)

    24-giu-2020 11.28.01

    ) Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof.ssa Antonina PIRROTTA Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti ... Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Filippo SCHILLECI Dipartimento Architettura Totale ... FORESTRY Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Tiziano CARUSO Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie ... BUCCHIERI Dipartimento Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica Avanzata Totale Posti con borsa 10 ... Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Giorgio Domenico Maria MICALE Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti

  • 15. Settimana Mondiale dell'Investitore (World Investor Week) (61%)

    21-set-2017 12.32.17

    interverranno il Prof. Marcello Chiodi, Direttore Dipartimento SEAS, Università degli Studi di Palermo ... Settimana Mondiale dell'Investitore (World Investor Week) articolo, notizia, unipa Seminario sul tema “Educazione finanziaria e gestione del risparmio” presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche (SEAS), Viale delle Scienze, Edificio n. 13, Aula Magna “V. Li Donni”, Mercoledì 4 Ottobre 2017 ore 14. L’iniziativa si svolge con la collaborazione della Consob (Autorità

  • 16. Annali2014 (57%)

    31-mar-2015 12.40.24

    E REDAZIONE Dipartimento SEAS Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 13 90128 Palermo E-mail: bibliotecaeconomia


    11-mag-2016 18.17.59

    the world economy: challenges and opportunities ... Multilateralism",The World Economy, 15:535-555 Hine, R. C. (1992)"Regionalism and the Integration of the World Economy",Journal of Common Market Studies,30: 115-123 Koné Salif (2012 ... Integration Lindert, Peter H. and Jeffrey G. Williamson. 2001. "Does Globalization Make the World More ... . Hufbauer (2001), World Capital Markets: Challenge to the G-10, Institute for International Economics

  • 18. Area-economico-aziendale-2007 (56%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.58

    Imprese presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali - Università ... di Scienze Motorie - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Finanziarie - Università

  • 19. The governance of global value chains (56%)

    8-mag-2024 18.11.19

    ; transaction costs; value chain modularity. The world economy has changed in significant ways during the past ... of production’ in the global economy. The rising integration of world markets through trade has brought ... the simplest framework that gener- ates results relevant to real-world outcomes. In the 1990s Gereffi ... this work will lead us to a better understanding of the contem- porary world economy. Nonetheless ... , and Taiwan during the 1970s and 1980s, and China in the 1990s emerged sequentially as world-class


    7-gen-2022 10.59.38

    Thematic Course PhD in "Scienze Economiche e Statistiche" SEAS Department University of Palermo Academic Year 2021-2022 Subject Topological Data Analysis Instructor Martina Vittorietti TDA is a relatively new discipline that has provided new insight into the study ... from complex data; • analyze a real world system by identifying its geometrical structure and ... of real world systems. •apply insights from the theory of TDA to cope with real world problems