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Risultati della ricerca
1. SEMINAR-NOVEMBER-17-2014 (100%)
28-ott-2014 17.08.16) Human ex vivo and in vitro models of asthma for the study of allergic airway inflammation. Abstract. Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the conducting airways which undergo distinct structural ... environmental influences whose multifactorial interactions can result in a range of asthma phenotypes. Since ... a major challenge to the logical development of in vivo ‘models of asthma’ using animals. However, use ... volunteers. Asthma research has been greatly facilitated by the introduction of fiberoptic
2. International summit on severe asthma and concomitant diseases, organizzato dal prof. Nicola Scichilone (92%)
10-feb-2023 12.09.58International summit on severe asthma and concomitant diseases, organizzato dal prof. Nicola Scichilone articolo, notizia, unipa, International summit on severe asthma and concomitant diseases, Nicola Scichilone, promise, terza_missione, ECM, specializzazioni, Simreg, Società italiana di medicina respiratoria in età geriatrica International summit on severe asthma and concomitant diseases Policlinico, Tecniche innovative nel centro di riferimento regionale per l’asma grave. L’ex astronauta
3. cv_blasi (73%)
30-mag-2023 14.41.48. Raccanelli, P. Tarsia, V. Valenti. "Acute exacerbations of asthma in adults: role of Chlamydia ... of aortic aneurysms. J Clin Microbiol 1996:34:2766-9 24. F. Blasi. Diagnosis of asthma: laboratory ... asthma. Thorax 1998;53:1094 32. F.Blasi, P. Tarsia, C. Arosio, L. Fagetti, L. Allegra. Epidemiology ... with Chlamydia pneumoniae is related to the severity of asthma. Eur Respir J 2000;15:254-259 39. F. Blasi, R ... with asthma and serological evidence of infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae. Am J Respir Crit Care
4. C.V. prof. Scichilone (66%)
17-nov-2020 13.28.11la Johns Hopkins University, Asthma and Allergy Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1999-2004 ... and reversibility in adult patients with asthma. Chest 1998; 114:1336-1342. 1. Cuttitta G, Cibella F ... inspiration and its absence in asthma. J Appl Physiol 2000; 89:711-720. 1. Scichilone N, Kapsali ... , Scichilone N, Catalano F, Cuttitta G. Prevalence of nocturnal asthma in a general population sample: determinants and effect of aging. J Asthma. 2000; 37(7):595-602. 1. Scichilone N, Permutt S
5. Seminario del Dottorato di ricerca in BIOMEDICINA E NEUROSCIENZE (52%)
19-nov-2014 9.47.02Seminario del Dottorato di ricerca in BIOMEDICINA E NEUROSCIENZE asthma, ex vivo models, in vitro models, Dottorato, Biomedicina, Neuroscienze Lunedì 17 Novembre 2014 alle ore 14:30 nell’aula Nesci della Sezione di Anatomia del Dipartimento BioNeC (Policlinico Universitario), la prof.ssa Donna E. Davies (Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton) terrà un seminario dal titolo “Human ex vivo and in vitro models of asthma for the study of allergic airway
6. CV_verlato (46%)
24-apr-2020 7.26.43Respiratory Health Survey - Italy (1995) Prevalence of asthma and asthma symptoms in a general population ... I, Bugiani M, Ferrari M, Verlato G (1998) An undetected burden of asthma in Italy: the relationship between clinical and epidemiological diagnosis of asthma. Eur Respir J, 11: 599-605 (I.F. 98 ... : evidence of an independent role of atopy, total serum IgE levels, and asthma symptoms. Allergy ... ) 2002 6 1.42) Verlato G, Calabrese R, de Marco R (2002) Correlation between asthma and
7. cv prof. carpagnano (39%)
31-mag-2022 12.01.28of Asthma”, presso la National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Londra 16 Febbraio 2001 ... becomes available, asthma which was previosuly considered to be severe could become mild. What issues ... asthma and the new therapeutic options with “biological” drugs” Anno 2018: Partecipazione ... “Severe asthma T2 high” Anno 2017: Partecipazione al 1st International Meeting - Focus on upper and ... , asthma which was previously considered to be severe could become mild. What issues does this throw up
8. Patrocinio - Evento scientifico "2nd International Course on Severe Asthma and associated comobidities" - Palermo, 10-11 maggio 2019 (33%)
4-gen-2019 10.05.550 94124 0,00 Patrocinio - Evento scientifico "2nd International Course on Severe Asthma and associated comobidities" - Palermo, 10-11 maggio 2019 patrocinio, coordinamento, cerimoniale ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/
9. Gratuito Patrocinio - Congresso scientifico " SEVERE ASTHMA" - Palermo, 26/27 aprile 2017 (33%)
5-apr-2017 12.22.520 1469 0,00 Gratuito Patrocinio - Congresso scientifico " SEVERE ASTHMA" - Palermo, 26/27 aprile 2017 provvedimenti, rettorato, trasparenza VITA IGNIZIO /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/
8-mar-2013 23.05.34, Canonica GW. RhinAsthma patient perspective: a short daily asthma and rhinitis QoL assessment ... . Bronchodilation response to deep inspirations in asthma is dependent on airway distensibility and ... of intranasal corticosteroids on asthma control and quality of life in allergic rhinitis with mild asthma. J Asthma 2011;48(1):41-7. Sorino C, Battaglia S, Scichilone N, Pedone C, Antonelli-Incalzi R ... small airways in asthma. Allergy. 2010 Jul;65(7):897-902 Mercadante S, Craig D, Giarratano A. US Food
11. Concessione Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo " INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON SEVERE ASTHMA and concomitant Diseases” – 3 e 4 febbraio 2023 – NH Hotel Palermo - (32%)
10-nov-2023 17.20.410 7993 0,00 Concessione Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo " INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON SEVERE ASTHMA and concomitant Diseases” – 3 e 4 febbraio 2023 – NH Hotel Palermo - concessione, patrocinio, cerimoniale, rettorato ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/
12. concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esame-colloquio, per l’attribuzione di n° 1 borsa di studio post-lauream della durata di mesi 12 e per l’importo di € 21.600,00 per attività di ricerca dal titolo “La gestione della ricerca clinica negli ambulatori di pneumologia per le patologie croniche respiratorie ad elevata complessità .†da far gravare su fondi GSK - Call 2018, Innovation in severe refractory asthma - Codice: R4D04-ASS-RIC-GLAXO-SCICHI-2018, Responsabile Scientifico: Prof. Nicola Scichilone ; Codice Concorso: BS-RIC 123-2019,, indetto con D.R. n° 3467 del 18/10/2019 – NOMINA COMMISSIONE (29%)
14-gen-2020 12.32.330000 109356 0000,00 concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esame-colloquio, per l’attribuzione di n° 1 borsa di studio post-lauream della durata di mesi 12 e per l’importo di € 21.600,00 per attività di ricerca dal titolo “La gestione della ricerca clinica negli ambulatori di pneumologia per le patologie croniche respiratorie ad elevata complessità .†da far gravare su fondi GSK - Call 2018, Innovation in severe refractory asthma - Codice: R4D04-ASS-RIC-GLAXO-SCICHI-2018, Responsabile
13. Moukri graphical_abstract (28%)
22-mag-2021 18.18.26will focus on eosinophilic asthma. Asthma is a I. Fabrication of heterogeneous disease that causes ... on eosinophilic asthma, we will find the most electroactive tag. suitable protein as asthma biomarker and ... for the detection of biomarkers of inflammatory diseases with a focus on eosinophilic asthma. In order
15. Programma_congresso_Palermo_COVID_malattie_respiratorie (27%)
28-apr-2022 11.17.40. Scichilone Chairs: A. Carroccio, F. Di Gesù, G. Valenti 09.00 - 09.20 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA ... in asthma and allergic diseases - A. Togias 15.20 - 15.40 Il ruolo della medicina generale nel post COVID ... . Di Gesù, G. Valenti 09.00 - 09.20 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) strategy 2021 - key changes ... . Aliberti 18.30 - 19.00 SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in asthma and allergic diseases ... Initiative for Asthma (GINA) strategy 2021 - key changes - A. A. Cruz 14.40 - 15.30 Saluti delle
16. cv prof. pelaia (25%)
20-mag-2022 13.00.24on optimal use of omalizumab in the management of asthma. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 4: 49-59 ... asthma. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 49: 713-721, 2011. 4 ... for the treatment of asthma. Nature Review Drug Discovery, 11: 958-972, 2012. 2 PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
17. 15 english version bando 2021 (24%)
18-feb-2021 10.52.11of clinical research in severe asthma: the role of the research coordinator”, to be carried out ... in severe asthma: the role of the research coordinator - Description: Severe asthma represents ... on the identification of asthma phenotypes, considered as the evaluation of clinical, functional and ... of patients affected by severe asthma. Therefore, the research Coordinator will be involved
18. Studi Osservazionali 2023 (22%)
10-ott-2023 16.15.45for Severe Asthma Patients. A New, Non-invasive Approach for the Monitoring of Inflammation in Severe Asthma Patients on Biologics NCT Number NCT05946421 Conditions Intervention/treatment Severe Asthma
19. 15 bando 2021 (22%)
18-feb-2021 10.52.11: “Implementation of clinical research in severe asthma: the role of the research coordinator ... stessi. - Description: Severe asthma represents a substantial burden for affected patients ... . In the last few years, much interest has been addressed on the identification of asthma phenotypes ... of our Centre is to improve the assessment and management of patients affected by severe asthma
20. bando_bs_15-2024_scichilone (22%)
2-feb-2024 10.25.08Preclinico dal titolo “Ex vivo 3D model of T2-asthma and the effects of dupilumab”, sottoscritto dalla ... Sanofi Srl – PROMISE, studio “Ex vivo 3D model of T2-asthma and the effects of dupilumab”, Codice ... su: Contratto Sanofi Srl – PROMISE, studio “Ex vivo 3D model of T2-asthma and the effects of dupilumab ... studio “Ex vivo 3D model of T2-asthma and the effects of dupilumab”, Codice Progetto