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1. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (100%)
25-gen-2022 10.34.23................................................................................................. 26 Supports for Students ... .................................................................................................................... 36 Students with Disabilities ... .................................................................................................................. 37 Graduate Students ... on this Handbook This handbook applies to all students taking the Professional Master of Education 2020-21 ... of preparation. Any necessary revisions will be notified to students via e-mail. Please note
2. Students (65%)
26-nov-2018 14.56.31Students phd students, dottorato dseas, unipa PhD Student Nationality Cycle Research area Research interest Chiara Di Maria Italian XXXIV Statistical methods Rodolfo Damiano Italian XXXIV Financial Economics Vincenzo Giuseppe Genova Italian XXXIV Statistics Cinzia Pinello Italian XXXIII Marketing Federica Biondo Italian XXXIII Statistical Methods; Empirical Economic Analysis Giorgio Bertolazzi Italian XXXIII Statistics Jelena Mazaj Lithuania XXXIII Applied Economics Nestor Firmin Ntiga Bissene
3. Visiting Students - Università di Granada (63%)
19-mag-2022 15.49.35Visiting Students - Università di Granada Erasmus, erasmus+, visiting students, Si avvisano gli studenti interessati che l'Università di Granada ammette fino a 5 studenti in visiting, con domande da presentarsi entro il 22 maggio 2022. Gli studenti che vogliano fare domanda quali visiting Students, devono avere presentato domanda per il bando Erasmus plus appena scaduto e devono essere stati utilmente collocati in graduatuaria come "idonei" (non vincitori) anche presso altre sedi
4. AVVISO Visiting Students A.A.2019/2020 (60%)
2-apr-2019 16.27.03AVVISO Visiting Students A.A.2019/2020 visiting, L-33, LM-56, L-18, LM-77, visiting students, AVVISO Visiting Students A.A.2019/2020_L-18 e LM-77 AVVISO Visiting Students A.A.2019/2020_L-33 e LM-56 Per informazioni consultare la PAGINA DEDICATA o rivolgersi alla Dott.ssa Valeria Sclafani EMANUELA MIRAGLIA
5. Welcome day for incoming students (59%)
21-mar-2022 8.32.06Orto Botanico dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo - via Lincoln, 2 Welcome day for incoming students articolo, notizia, unipa, Welcome day, incoming students, orto botanico Martedì 22 marzo, dalle 10:00, all'Orto Botanico dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo (via Lincoln, 2) si tiene il "Welcome day for incoming students" per l'A.A. 2021-2022 secondo semestre. Durante l'evento, a cui partecipa anche l'associazione ESN-Erasmus Student Network, gli studenti incoming
6. Current students (58%)
20-nov-2018 21.46.40Current students Current students, dottorato, unipa Name Surname E-mail Nationality Cycle Research area Vincenzo Giuseppe Genova vincenzogiuseppe.genova@gmail.com Italian XXXIV Statistics Chiara Di Maria chiaradimaria95@libero.it Italian XXXIV Statistical methods Salvatore Polizzi salvatore.polizzi@unipa.it Italian XXXIII Financial Economics – Banking and Financial Services Pietro Vassallo pietro.vassallo01@unipa.it Italian XXXII Big data analytics; Network analysis; Data Science; Statistical
7. Current Students (58%)
20-nov-2018 22.08.02Current Students Current Students, dottorato, unipa GIOVANNI BOSCAINO
8. III Avviso - Visiting Students per la Komenius University di Bratislava – a.a. 2019-2020 (58%)
3-giu-2019 8.18.06III Avviso - Visiting Students per la Komenius University di Bratislava – a.a. 2019-2020 articolo, notizia, unipa, dseas-bacheca, visiting students, L-18, L-33, III Avviso Visiting Students per la Komenius University di Bratislava – a.a. 2019-2020 A integrazione dell’avviso pubblicato il 28 maggio u.s., si comunica che sono stati ammessi alla mobilità come visiting students ulteriori otto studenti del corso di laurea in Economia e Finanza: MIGLIORE ALESSANDRO SPINNATO FRANCESCO ANTONA ANTONIO
4-giu-2019 9.44.032° AVVISO - L-18 e L-33 - VISITING STUDENTS PER LA KOMENIUS UNIVERSITY DI BRATISLAVA visiting students, L-18, L-33, dseas-bacheca, II AVVISO VISITING STUDENTS PER LA KOMENIUS UNIVERSITY DI BRATISLAVA Facendo seguito all’avviso pubblicato in data 22 maggio u.s., si comunica che sono stati ammessi alla mobilità “visiting” i seguenti studenti: CdL Economia ed amministrazione aziendale – L18 1 ... la mobilità quali visiting students. Nella mattinata di venerdì 31 p.v. verrà pubblicata la graduatoria
4-giu-2019 16.30.004° AVVISO - L-18 e L-33 - VISITING STUDENTS PER LA KOMENIUS UNIVERSITY DI BRATISLAVA visiting students, L-18, L-33, dseas-bacheca, /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/ Gli studenti ammessi alla mobilità come visiting students per la Komenius University di Bratislava sono invitati ... delle materie inserite nello stesso, presso l'ufficio della dott.ssa Valeria Sclafani (Dipartimento ... alle 12:00 Martedì, Giovedì Dalle 15:00 alle 16:30 Learning Agreement per Visiting Students EMANUELA
11. Notice for International Students (58%)
22-ago-2022 9.04.07Notice for International Students saaf, agraria, didattica, orientamento, cot, cdl, erasmus, studenti internazionali, international students il Centro Orientamento e Tutorato dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, tra le numerose attività che svolge, riserva particolare attenzione anche agli studenti internazionali. Lo sportello di orientamento ed accoglienza per studenti internazionali ... internazionali vers. ITA Vademecum for International Students vers. ENG VALERIO LOMBARDO /sites/portale
12. Guidelines-for-PhD-students (56%)
4-feb-2024 11.58.07Guidelines for students to enrol in the Courses and Seminars By enrolling in a course ... will be delivered in-person according to the planned timetable and with a number of students ... with the course requirements, students can also choose to attend the same lectures in remote ... students after the closure date for the enrolment. Registration procedures Every month ... a minimum number of three students of the Department of Engineering has enrolled before
13. AVVISO - Visiting Students 2013/2014 - Classe L-33 (56%)
9-giu-2014 17.01.53AVVISO - Visiting Students 2013/2014 - Classe L-33 visiting students, economia e finanza, bacheca_economia, DETERMINA per l’a.a. 2014-2015 gli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea triennale in Economia e Finanza– L33 interessati a frequentare periodi di studi all’estero quali Visiting Students, sulla base delle vigenti regole di Ateneo (S.A. 18.04.2013) che disciplinano la materia, sono invitati a presentare le richieste, indicando la destinazione prescelta, entro la data del 30 giugno
14. Peesentazione Progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students) (56%)
20-dic-2023 16.45.52Peesentazione Progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students) underrepresented students, status, higher education institutions Domani alle 12, durante il Christmas Lunch Seminar, verrà presentato il progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students). Appuntamento presso la Sala Meeting (III piano ed. 15), Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione
15. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (54%)
20-mag-2024 10.30.19installation and field trips for the practical work, capacity building for the staff and students ... , employability and professionalization of students will be promoted. The sustainability of the proposed plan
16. Incoming Students SAAF (54%)
23-mar-2023 11.30.00Incoming Students SAAF saaf, agraria, didattica, erasmus, erasmus +, students, incoming GUIDELINES All the subjects indicated in the table below, with the exception of the first three indicated for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, will be held in Italian and, under request, the teaching materials will be provided in English. For these subjects, if requested by the student, the written and/or oral exam ... + students. 1ST CYCLE (B.Sc.) SUBJECTS 2ND CYCLE (M.Sc.) SUBJECTS 1 1 Subject title (in English
17. Program and manual of civil procedure for Erasmus students (52%)
12-set-2023 12.00.38Program and manual of civil procedure for Erasmus students articolo, notizia, unipa, diritto processuale civile, civil procedure, Russo, Erasmus, students, programma, program, manual, manuale Course attendance is recommended. This is the code of the Team: ryhd7k2 Manual suggested (in English): Author: Michele Angelo LUPOI, Title: Civil Procedure in Italy Edition: Wolters Kluwer ; (available also ... /Michele_Angelo_Lupoi_Civil_Procedure_in_Italy?id=FT9sDwAAQBAJ ) If home university program is 9 CFU or less, Incoming students can
18. Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" (51%)
10-lug-2022 8.52.40Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" prin 2017, attanasio, students' mobility On 11 and 12 July 2022, the Project's mid-term Workshop will take place. The event will be held in Palermo, at the plexus of the church of S. Antonio Abate at Steri Complex (Piazza Marina 61, Palermo). The workshop will aim to take stock of what has already been achieved and to illustrate future prospects in view of the Project's conclusion. Representatives from all the Research Units as well as other
19. Visiting PhD Students - XXXVIII Ciclo (51%)
11-lug-2024 13.29.41Visiting PhD Students - XXXVIII Ciclo saaf, agraria, dottorato, phd, visiting, visiting students Oussama MBARKI Responsible Person: Prof. G. Lo Papa Research Interests: Dynamics of gypso-saline formations in Pre-Saharan Tunisia impact on the oasis soils of Chott Djérid Erika PIROLI Responsible Person: Dott. D.S. La Mela Veca Research Interests: Wildifires; Socio-economic factors; Political Incentives; Social Perspectives Jemma SAAKYAN Responsible Person: Prof. A. Galati Research Interests
20. Visiting PhD Students - XXXIX Ciclo (51%)
11-lug-2024 13.28.48Visiting PhD Students - XXXIX Ciclo saaf, agraria, dottorato, phd, d87, visiting, visiting students Oumayma HMIDI Responsible Person: Prof. G. Lo Papa Research Interests: Soil Sciences Water analysis Artificial Intelligence (AI) Geochemistry Remote sensing GIS mineralogy Georgi PATSATSIA Responsible Person: Prof. A. Galati Research Interests: Natural Language Processing (NLP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI in Medicine AI in Psychology Blockchain Technology (BCT) IT in Agriculture