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  • 1. Short Biography (100%)

    25-gen-2024 14.41.49

    Short Biography DI, biography, assistant professor Marco Rosone earned a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering specializing in geotechnics (Final grade 110/110 cum laude) at the University of Palermo in 2006. In 2011 he obtained his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering at Università Mediterranea ... (Geotechnics). He obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in the sector 08/B1 ... (Geotechnics). He obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in the sector 08

  • 3. Siamo lieti di presentare la “Winter School on Active Tectonics and Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution”. Si terrà a Palermo (Sicilia), una delle città più storiche e antiche d'Italia, il prossimo inverno (5-8 dicembre 2022) presso il “Museo Geologico Gemmellaro” fondato nel 1861 da Gaetano Gemmellaro, geologo e paleontologo. (66%)

    31-ott-2022 10.29.30

    , the confirmed invited speakers are: Attilio Sulli – Full Professor, University of Palermo Luigi Ferranti – Full Professor, University of Napoli Antonino Maltese – Researcher, University of Palermo ... of London) Javed N. Malik – Full Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Petra Štěpančíková – Full Professor, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS (Prague) Carla Bottari


    28-set-2020 19.10.02

    e all’interessamento del direttore del Distem professor Valerio Agnesi, del Responsabile della Collezione ... UN METEORITE CONSERVATO AL DISTEM DI PALERMO NARRA LA STORIA DEL SISTEMA SOLARE PRIMORIDIALE ... quadrati, ed è conservato come una reliquia nella Collezione di Mineralogia del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DISTEM), in via Archirafi 36, a Palermo (Figura 2). Figura 2. Il frammento del meteorite di Piancaldoli conservato presso la Collezione Mineralogica del DISTEM

  • 5. 103_Ed_Regolamento_Generale-di-Ateneo---D.-R.-n.-3423-del-31_10_2013 (60%)

    11-dic-2023 15.08.49

    il Rettore, il Direttore di Dipartimento, il Coordinatore del Corso di Studi ed il Presidente ... Dipartimenti 1. Ogni proposta di nuova istituzione di un Dipartimento, formulata sulla base ... con riguardo alla sussistenza dei requisiti di legge per almeno un triennio. 2. Un Dipartimento ... . Il Regolamento del Dipartimento, nel rispetto dello Statuto e del presente Regolamento, disciplina ... del Dipartimento, nel rispetto di quanto riportato al successivo comma 2, nonché le modalità

  • 6. Salvatrice Vizzini (59%)

    23-mar-2018 15.33.33

    Salvatrice Vizzini labiomar, distem, unipa Professor of Ecology Name: Salvatrice Vizzini Nationality: Italian Email: Salvatrice Vizzini graduated in Biology in 1997, got her PhD in 2001 and held PostDoc positions from 2001 to 2004 at the University of Palermo (Italy). From 2005 to 2014 she was Researcher in Ecology and since 2015 she is Associate Professor of Ecology at the University of Palermo. She is the head of the Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory

  • 7. Mazzola (59%)

    26-feb-2016 12.58.03

    Antonio Mazzola labiomar, distem, unipa Professor of Ecology Name: Antonio Mazzola Nationality: Italian Email: Antonio Mazzola is Full Professor of Ecology at the University of Palermo. Since 2011 he is the Director of the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences and since 2014 he is Vice-president of CoNISMa (National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences). He has coordinated numerous national and international scientific projects. Currently he teaches

  • 8. Antonio Mazzola (59%)

    26-feb-2016 12.59.12

    Antonio Mazzola labiomar, distem, unipa Professor of Ecology Name: Antonio Mazzola Nationality: Italian Email: Antonio Mazzola is Full Professor of Ecology at the University of Palermo. Since 2011 he is the Director of the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences and since 2014 he is Vice-president of CoNISMa (National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences). He has coordinated numerous national and international scientific projects. Currently he teaches

  • 9. Vizzini (59%)

    26-feb-2016 13.01.40

    Salvatrice Vizzini labiomar, distem, unipa Professor of Ecology Name: Salvatrice Vizzini Nationality: Italian Email: Salvatrice Vizzini graduated in Biology in 1997, got her PhD in 2001 and held PostDoc positions from 2001 to 2004 at the University of Palermo (Italy). From 2005 to 2014 she was Researcher in Ecology and since 2015 she is Associate Professor of Ecology at the University of Palermo. She is the head of the Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory

  • 10. Volatiles and Volcanic Vigor (59%)

    14-mar-2017 7.33.59

    THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA (GSA) 2016-17 JAMES B. THOMPSON, JR. DISTINGUISHED INTERNATIONAL LECTURE Terry A. Plank, Professor Earth & Environmental Sciences, Columbia University and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory New York, USA Volatiles and Volcanic Vigor Monday, 10thApril, 2017, 3:00 p.m. (15:00h) Sala Cocchiara, Area della Ricerca CNR-INGV, Palermo What causes some eruptions ... and a Ph.D. (1993) from Columbia University. Since 2008, she has been a professor in the Department

  • 11. Volatiles and Volcanic Vigor_Catania (59%)

    27-mar-2017 13.49.36

    THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA (GSA) 2016-17 JAMES B. THOMPSON, JR. DISTINGUISHED INTERNATIONAL LECTURE Terry A. Plank, Professor Earth & Environmental Sciences, Columbia University and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory New York, USA Volatiles and Volcanic Vigor Tuesday, 11thApril, 2017, 3:00 p.m. (15:00h) Sala Conferenze, INGV Osservatorio Etneo, Catania What causes some eruptions ... a Ph.D. (1993) from Columbia University. Since 2008, she has been a professor in the Department

  • 12. locandina Forest Isbell 20-9-2017 (54%)

    19-set-2017 9.48.45

    20 Settembre 2017 - h 15.00 Aula Macaluso (D1) Via Archirafi 20 - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare Università degli Studi di Palermo Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity Prof. Forest Isbell Associate Director of Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve and Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior at the University of Minnesota (USA) Biodiversity enhances many of nature’s

  • 13. 7_Order_Aiuppa_210119 (54%)

    7-dic-2020 14.53.20

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-CLE - Prot. 70517-26/07/2019 - Rep. Delibere Consiglio di amministrazione n. 405/2019 Dr Emma Liu Leverhulme Research Fellow Our Ref: PNGMULTIGAS_21/01/2019 Prof. A. Aiuppa DiSTeM Via Archirafi, 22 D901i2S3 PTaleermMo, P A 21 January 2019 Dear Professor Aiuppa, Many thanks for sending the quote for the MultiGAS instrument Quote #: LV_2019_1 Your ref: PNGMULTIGAS_21/01/2019 Date Issued: 21/1/2019 Expiration Date: 21/6/2019

  • 14. Department bodies (54%)

    8-lug-2022 14.39.26

    . Edoardo Rotiglianao, Prof. Gianluca Sarà Associate Professor Representatives: Prof. Giuseppe Montana

  • 15. Team (54%)

    7-mar-2022 13.41.45

    Team labiomar, distem, unipa Professors: Antonio MAZZOLA Salvatrice VIZZINI Assistant Professor: Geraldina SIGNA Giovanna CILLUFFO Technicians: Andrea SAVONA Cecilia TRAMATI PhD students: Laura CAVIGLIA Laura CIRIMINNA Roberta BARDELLI Contractors, Collaborators, Trainees Cristina ANDOLINA ANDREA SAVONA

  • 16. CV_Incarbona (54%)

    16-ott-2023 16.55.56

    . ACADEMIC POSITION AND DUTIES September 2019–ong Associate Professor - GEO/01 (Paleontology and

  • 17. Managing Marine Resources Sustainably - Prof. Mike Elliott - 6 e 7 Maggio (54%)

    2-mag-2024 8.55.41

    %22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22641208e3-f899-4457-965f-3dcf01b0e4e7%22%7d DIPARTIMENTO DISTEM, AULA C2, VIA ... Managing Marine Resources Sustainably - Prof. Mike Elliott - 6 e 7 Maggio articolo, notizia, unipa Prof. Mike Elliott, Emeritus Professor in Estuarine & Coastal Sciences School of Environmental Sciences The University of Hull, UK 6 MAGGIO 2024 - ORE 10.30-13.30 Managing Marine Resources Sustainably – I – recent developments in natural and social science for monitoring, assessment and

  • 18. Seminario interdisciplinare organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato (54%)

    16-mag-2024 9.29.55

    Prof. Salvatore Vitabile, PhD Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Coordinator

  • 19. Locandina A4_DEF (54%)

    16-mag-2024 9.27.52

    SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS “Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)” Welcome Greetings Prof. Antonio Russo Vice-Head of PhD School of UNIPA Prof. Francesco Lo Piccolo Head of Architecture Department, DARCH Speaker Prof. Giovanni Cicceri, PhD Researcher, UNIPA Discussant Prof. Salvatore Vitabile, PhD Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Coordinator of the Master Degree


    28-set-2020 19.15.06

    University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK 5Full professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology ... ) from a parent sample 3.9, with 3.00 being the most primitive extraterrestrial provided by the Dipartimento