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Seminari nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+



Nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+ sono stati organizzati due seminari per gli studenti dei CdS in Architettura del paesaggio (LM3) ed Ingegneria dei sistemi edilizi (LM24).

I seminari tenuti da Zoe Georgiadou e Panagiotis Ilias della University of West Attica saranno svolti giovedì 6 ottobre 2022 dalle 10.00 alle 14.00 nell'aula Profeta Colajanni (edificio 8, G210-220) e tratteranno le seguenti tematiche:

"Social architectural design: Designing for a changing world"
This lecture connects  the contemporary circumstances of social, economic, political and natural systems with questions such as “How can an architect contribute to a major social crisis?” and “Can architectural design provide social transformation for people in vulnerable positions?”. Parasitic architecture, innovative projects coming out from traditional structures, rehabilitation and student works are presented, with the short film “microtopia”.

"Introduction to the techniques of photographing - Photography of two-dimensional surfaces"
Introduction to the equipment used (camera, its parts, aperture function, ISO speed and applying, lighting). Types of 2D imaging (texture, reflection, transparency, etc.). Touble-shooting (material highlighting, details, etc.). Photography as a means of documentation (color, correction, details, etc.)

