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Faculty of Science




LM-75 Environmental Science
LM-75 Scienze Ambientali

Educational objectives - professional opportunities for graduates

Graduates of this 2nd cycle degree course should:

  • Be able to analyse, control and manage complex environmental realities;
  • Possess a solid cultural background with a systemic orientation, with respect to the environment, as well as command of the scientific method;
  • Be able to identify, evaluate and manage the interactions among system components and among the various factors defining environmental processes and problems;
  • Know and be able to develop territory and data analysis research methodologies and tools, permitting also the integration on various scale;
  • Know prevention, reclamation and decontamination methodologies and use the relevant prevention technologies, as well as the methodologies and techniques for human and environment protection;
  • Be able to cope with issues related to environment and territory monitoring, control and management, evaluating them with respect to sustainability and environmental ethics criteria;
  • Possess competences for the evaluation of environmental resources and impact, also trough the formulation of models and the use of conceptual and methodological tools of economics, law and environmental planning;
  • Possess written and spoken fluency in at least one European Union language, besides Italian.

Graduates of this course might find professional opportunities in the following professional activities;

  • Analysis and management of environmental resources, environmental systems and territory;
  • Interventions upon the production of goods and services, aiming at improving environmental quality;
  • Environmental quality evaluation;
  • Planning of activities aiming as sustainable development;
  • Promotion and coordination of initiatives aiming at orientating environmental policies and at participating to the formation of citizens’ critical and propositional consensus to the solution of problems raised by the territory;
  • Design ad management of actions for environmental reclamation, monitoring and control promoted by the public administration, by the production systems and by private subjects.
  • Realisation and evaluation of environmental impact studies, of strategic evaluation and environmental risk studies, as well as of safety studies and related activities;
  • Pollutant analysis and control and management of plants for processing pollutants;
  • Design and certification of environmental management systems;
  • Diffusion of environmental culture through education and divulgation actoivities.
  • la progettazione e la gestione degli interventi di risanamento, di monitoraggio e di controllo ambientale promossi dalla pubblica amministrazione, dai sistemi produttivi e dai soggetti privati;
  • la realizzazione e la valutazione di studi di impatto ambientale, di valutazione strategica e di rischio ambientale, nonché della sicurezza e delle attività correlate;
  • l'analisi e il controllo degli inquinanti e la gestione degli impianti dedicati al loro trattamento;
  • la realizzazione e la certificazione di sistemi di gestione ambientale;
  • la diffusione di una cultura ambientale attraverso attività di educazione e divulgazione.


1st Year
Environment physics 6
Environment chemistry with laboratory – integrated course 9
Sedimentology with elements of marine sedimentology 6
Environmental georesources 6
hydrogeochemistry 6
Chemistry of natural organic substances 6
Mathematical methods and models for applications 6
2nd Year
Chemical-physical aspects in environmental decontamination – integrated course 6
Ecology applied to preservation 6
Animal biological systems in environmental monitoring 6
Elective courses 12
Stage and professional practice 5
Final examination – experimental dissertation 31





Some courses might be substituted by other courses, according to the following table:


Alternative course
Environment biochemistry with elements of toxicology Animal biological systems in environmental monitoring
Landscape ecology with elements of environmental and applied botany Ecology applied to preservation
Geochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems hydrogeochemistry
Suggested Elective activities*
Environment biochemistry with elements of toxicology 6
Landscape ecology with elements of environmental and applied botany 6
Geochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems 6
Remote sensing