ARCHIVIO: Opportunità di Lavoro
Researcher in Cancer Cell Biology University of Oslo – Department of Biosciences (IBV)
Position as Researcher available at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo in the research group of Professor Cinzia Progida.
The position is for a period of 16 months.
The candidate for this position will work on a project funded by the Norwegian Cancer Society. The goal of this project is to identify and characterize molecules and pathways involved in lysosome transformation in cancer cells, and how this is coupled with the development of the cancer cell migratory and invasive ability. To achieve this, the project will make use of RNAi screens, proteomics, and advanced imaging techniques such as super-resolution and live imaging. Our group has access to the National imaging platform NorMIC Oslo, with a wide range of state-of-the-art imaging equipment. The Department of Biosciences harbors also an EM-lab, the Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC) and Proteomics services. The work includes collaboration with national and international groups and the candidate will have the possibility to spend a short visiting period in the lab of prof. Roberto Zoncu at the University of California, Berkeley.
Contact information
For further information please contact: Professor Cinzia Progida, e-mail:, phone: +47 228 54441.
For questions regarding the recruitment system please contact: HR adviser Nina Holtan, e-mail:, phone: +47 228 54424.
Bando di concorso per una borsa di dottorato in Scienze Biologiche e Biotecnologie Applicate, Università di Torino, Tema: “Studio degli effetti degli inquinanti organici persistenti (POPs) sul genoma del Dictyostelium per l’identificazione di geni e proteine suscettibili all’azione cancerogena”. Lo studente può partecipare al bando se laureato entro il 31 ottobre 2021 ed inizierà la sua attività di ricerca il 1 gennaio del 2022.
Se interessati contattare la responsabile del progetto Dott.ssa Pergolizzi Barbara all’indirizzo mail
1-year postdoctoral researcher in extracellular vesicle analytics (renewable contract)
MSC-Med laboratory UMR7057 (CNRS and Université de Paris) is seeking an extremely motivated rigorous postdoctoral researcher to integrate an ambitious translational project aiming to optimize the manufacturing process and engineering of EVs from stromal cells to transfer the obtained protein-loaded EVs to the development steps just before a clinical trial. The project goes from the design of high-performant immortalized expression system to the scale-up and technology transfer for a batch production in GMP environment to carry out regulatory safety testing. The project will be carried out by a public/private multidisciplinary consortium including the MSC-Med lab.
In this project, the role of the post-doc to be recruited is to implement a characterization toolbox that will be used to analyze protein-loaded EVs by a combination of analytical approaches: NTA, Exoview, nanoflow cytometry and A4F for investigating EV size, immunophenotype, purity, loading and sub-populations, etc. The post-doc will be in charge of developing protocols, standardizing methods, performing analytical validation and analyzing/comparing EV samples in a comprehensive way.
Profile: Background on biochemistry, biophysics, biology or pharmacy is preferred. Consolidated expertise (≥3 years) in extracellular vesicles is absolutely required. In particular, consolidated expertise on EV characterization is requested.
For more information: Download in pdf format
Type of contract: 1-year CDD (renewable)
[Starting date: January 2022]
Research Laboratory Technician - Humanitas Research Hospital

The Laboratory of Translational Immunology is currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled research technician to assist scientists in their laboratory procedures. The position is immediately available and is funded for up to 4 years and may become permanent under special circumstances. The selected candidate will work in close contact with the Humanitas Research Hospital and Cancer Center to study T cell responses in individuals with cancer undergoing an experimental vaccination protocol in combination with immune checkpoint blockade. The group is specialized the identification and characterization of novel lymphocyte subsets by using high-dimensional single cell analysis (30-parameter polychromatic flow cytometry/cell sorting and single cell RNA sequencing) and advanced bioinformatics. Full access to Humanitas facilities (flow cytometry, genomics, microscopy, BSL-3, SPF mouse house) will be granted.
The optimal candidate would have a degree in biology, biotechnology or related disciplines, at least 1-2 year training in an immunology laboratory, exceptional organization skills and previous experience in basic flow cytometry or molecular biology, Fluent English (written and spoken) is required.
For more information: Download in pdf format
To apply, please send a motivation letter, your CV, and the contact information (or letters of recommendation) of at least two referees to Dr. Enrico Lugli (
[Application deadline: August 31, 2021]
Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca - Università di Udine
Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca presso l'Università di Udine, 37° ciclo, Scienze biomediche e biotecnologiche,
Progetti di ricerca:
- Tissue dependent molecular and cellular players of immunoregulation in cancer
- Redox balance in cancer cells and design of antioxidant
- Peripheral biomarkers of impairment of oxidative metabolism during exercise in aging, inactivity, pathological conditions (including Covid-19 infection):
- Exosomes in ulcerative colitis patients: implications for disease progression and the therapeutic perspective
- Mechanisms of transformation and malignant progression of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)
- Glioblastoma molecular characterisation for new therapeutic strategies
- Breast and ovarian cancers: study of disease progression and response to therapies
- 3D Organoids/spheroids platforms and next generation sequencing approaches to investigate mechanisms of cancer cell death and resistance
- Role of transthyretin (TTR) dynamics on ATTR amyloidosis, studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The role of proteases and mechanical forces.
- 3D models of tissue organ culture to study the role of probiotics and postbiotic in Inflammatory Gut Disorders
- Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle
Ulteriori informazioni: Scarica Locandina in formato pdf
[Application deadline: July 21, 2021]
Posizione aperta per ricercatore Senior - IOM Ricerca

IOM Ricerca, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo, hanno aperto delle call per una posizioni di Ricercatore Senior.
Dettagli della posizione offerta:
- Luogo di lavoro: IOM Ricerca - Via Penninazzo 11, Viagrande (CT) Italy;
- Durata del contratto: fino alla data del 31/12/2022
- Tipo di contratto: contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato (full-time);
- Retribuzione: in relazione all’esperienza del candidato;
Progetti di ricerca:
- “BiLiGeCT - Biopsie liquide per la gestione clinica dei tumori”, CUP di Progetto B66G18000770005 - Codice di progetto: ARS01_00492;
- “DiOncoGen – Diagnostica Innovativa”, CUP di Progetto: G89J18000700007;
- “Drug delivery: veicoli per un’innovazione sostenibile”, CUP di Progetto: B82F150000100005, Codice identificativo PON03PE_00216_1;
- Supervisore: Dr. Stefano Forte
Ulteriori informazioni: Scarica in formato pdf
[Scadenza di presentazione domande: 8, 13, 16 luglio 2020]
Open position: "Molecular signaling in the human ovarian follicle mediated by post-transcriptional regulation"
Reproductive biology group at TalTech is recruiting a motivated candidate to join our molecular cell communication studies of the human ovary. Second and third generation sequencing technologies, bioinformatic data analysis and experimental studies will be used to reveal the underlying causes of ovarian disturbances in infertile women.
Research field: Chemistry and Biotechnology |
Supervisors: Agne Velthut-Meikas, Paolo Guazzi | |
Offered by: School of Science - Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology |
More information: download in pdf format.
[Application deadline: May 31, 2021 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)]
PhD Thesis “Extracellular Vesicles and the Blood-Brain Barrier”
ORGANISATION/COMPANY: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
RESEARCH FIELD: Biological sciences › Biology; Chemistry › Biochemistry; Neurosciences; Pharmacological sciences
RESEARCHER PROFILE: First Stage Researcher (R1)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 22/03/2021 22:00 - Europe/Brussels
- LOCATION: Austria › Vienna
- JOB STATUS: Part-time
More information:
[Application deadline: 22/03/2021]
Assegno di ricerca - Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione Biomedica (IRIB) del CNR
Si pubblica il bando di selezione per il conferimento di 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca da svolgersi presso l’Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione Biomedica (IRIB) del CNR che effettua ricerca nel campo della Biomedicina nell'ambito del programma di ricerca: BIOGENIC ORGANOTROPIC WETSUITS, FET PROACTIVE – EIC-05 NUMBER 952183 per la seguente tematica: “Caratterizzazione delle attività immunomodulatorie di complessi a base di vescicole extracellulari”, sotto la responsabilità scientifica del Dott. Paolo Colombo.
Per maggiori informazioni: scarica il bando in formato pdf
[Scadenza di presentazione: 09/03/2021]
Laboratory research assistant - Hansa BioMed
HansaBioMed Life Sciences Ltd is a company entirely dedicated to research and development of products in the field of exosome sciences. Their mission is to develop and commercialize proprietary platforms, kits, reagents and equipment for EV research in the Life Science market. Their facilities are located in Tallinn (Estonia), in the Tallinn Technology Park (Tehnopol). We are seeking to recruit a qualified applicant for the position of Laboratory Research Assistant, to join a multidisciplinary R&D group.
The company offers:
- Possibility to work in a new and exciting research field, with high future perspective and applications.
- Work in a EAS product development project in collaboration with University partners.
- Possibility to work in international biotech company
- Professional growth in the production and R&D team of the company.
- Salary according to the experience and the qualification of the candidate.
- The employment period of a fixed-term contract with possibility of renewal.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
- Research activity on EAS product development project, focused on engineering of Extracellular
- Vesicles.
- Manufacturing and logistic of company products.
- Support to the R&D team, design and implementation of prototypes, leading optimization and performance verification.
- Design and execution of custom services, troubleshooting of technical issues.
- General lab management
The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:
- MSc in molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, gene technology or related field.
- Previous experience in Extracellular Vesicle field is considered a plus.
- Technical skills: cell culturing, immunoassays, chromatography techniques. Proficient with Microsoft Office programs. Fluent in English
- Good prioritization skills, attention to details, ability to work under defined deadlines
- Excellent interpersonal, organization and communication skills, ability to work within a cross-functional team
Interested candidates can send a motivation letter and CV to
[Application deadline: 15/02/2021. Beginning of work: March 2021]
Post-doc position available – extracellular vesicle therapeutics - Jay research group
The Jay research group in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland, College Park is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on applications and technologies related to extracellular vesicles (exosomes). The lab is exploring a variety of approaches in EV/exosome biomanufacturing, drug loading, and delivery, and we are working in areas such as sepsis, wound repair, cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases/injuries, and more. Candidates with interest and experience in any of the following areas are encouraged to apply:
- Synthetic biology
- EV/exosome biology
- Molecular biology
- RNA biology
- Drug delivery
- Cell therapy
- 3D printing/bioprinting
- Microlithography
Prior and current postdocs in the lab have successfully won external fellowship support (NIH F32, Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Fellowship), and seeking such support will be encouraged and facilitated by the PI.
More information about the PI and research group is available at the lab website:
PhD position presso il Centro di Medicina Molecolare di Colonia
The CMMC invites applications for the research group “Protein quality control and stress response” of Dr. Debora B. Trentini Schmidt for a PhD Student (65%).
Protein folding represents an intricate process requiring proteins to navigate a complex energy landscape, putting them at risk for adopting non-native structures. Misfolded proteins are not only dysfunctional, but they can also coalesce into potentially toxic aggregates that are considered a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, cells are equipped with a complex and adaptive network of factors ensuring protein synthesis, folding, conformational maintenance, and degradation. The central interest of CMMC -Trentini-Lab is to understand how protein quality control pathways distinguish functional proteins from aberrant species, and how they make the decision between repair and degradation. The research group is also interested in understanding how these pathways are regulated upon proteotoxic stress and certain disease situations. The researchers use a combination of genetic, biochemical, chemical-biology, and mass spectrometry-based approaches to mechanistically characterize protein quality control pathways in human cells, as well as to evaluate cellular consequences upon their failure.
For more information: PhD student (f/m/x) for the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC)
Assegno di Ricerca - Identificazione e caratterizzazione di composti biofunzionali ottenuti da matrici di scarto attraverso processi green, dall’industria olearia ed agrumicola
E ’indetta una procedura selettiva pubblica per l’attribuzione di un assegno di ricerca (Tipologia B), area CUN: 05, settore scientifico-disciplinare: BIO/13. Le attività di ricerca prevedono la caratterizzazione funzionale di composti estratti e frazionati da materiale ottenuto dalla lavorazione di agrumi e olio. Al fine di verificarne il potenziale utilizzo come adiuvanti nel trattamento di patologie caratterizzate da componente infiammatoria incluso le patologie neoplastiche, gli estratti saranno testati su modelli in vitro di epatocarcinoma e su modelli di cellule endoteliali per verificare la loro capacità di modulare il processo angiogenico. La valutazione degli effetti biologici indotti su tali modelli cellulari sarà effettuata mediante saggi di proliferazione cellulare, apoptosi, analisi delle modifiche strutturali (modifiche del citoscheletro e dei sistemi giunzionali) e analisi della modulazione di marcatori di differenziamento e di specifici pathway di risposta agli stress ossidati o di risposta infiammatoria.
Per maggiori informazioni: scarica il bando in formato pdf
[Scadenza di presentazione domande: 30 giorni dalla data di pubblicazione nell'Albo Ufficiale di Ateneo, pubbl.n.1753 del 05/10/2020]
Postdoctoral Fellow - Vanderbilt University Medical Center
A postdoctoral fellow position funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Paula Hurley in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States.
The contract is for two years and the project aims to refine, with high rigor and reproducibility, the methodology to identify biomarkers of clinically significant prostate cancer in circulating extracellular vesicles.
For more information: Hurley Lab EV PostDoc (pdf)
Multiple postdoctoral fellow and technical staff positions - Witwer Lab at Johns Hopkins University
Multiple postdoctoral fellow and technical staff positions available immediately: Witwer Lab at Johns Hopkins University
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are taking the world by storm and are exploited as biomarkers and therapeutics. There’s still a lot of basic biology to work out, too. Witwer Lab studies EVs in infectious and central nervous system diseases and explores the potential of EVs by using cutting-edge techniques for EV separation and characterization. Examples of project areas include:
- Using and developing novel technologies for single EV phenotyping
- Applying EV release and uptake assays to drug discovery and development
- Studying EVs and enveloped viruses (HIV, SARS-CoV-2)
- Profiling and functional studies of EVs in neurodegenerative diseases: human samples, iPSC models
Send a CV and cover letter to Kenneth Witwer,
(Because of COVID-19 issues, candidates already in the US may have preference.)
For more information: WitwerLabAdvert (pdf)
PhD Fellowship available - University of Copenhagen
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences offers a 3 year PhD fellowship in micro-RNAs and extracellular vesicles as novel diagnostic and prognostic markers for the equine bloodworm (Strongylus vulgaris) commencing 1 January 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Group and research
The Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences is subdivided into seven sections and the PhD fellow will be included in the Section for Medicine and Surgery based at Taastrup Campus. The Section’s priorities are clinically applied research in large animal diseases and welfare (equine, bovine and small ruminants) as well as clinical and didactic teaching.
The PhD fellow will be part of a unique, international network of dedicated researchers within equine acute gastroenterology, parasitology and clinical pathology. We are based at four different Universities (Copenhagen, Aarhus, Kentucky and Uppsala). This study rely on laboratory techniques already established (for assessment of miRNA in other species) in our group in Copenhagen and Aarhus. Relevant samples for the study are available from horses naturally infected with S. vulgaris at University of Kentucky as well as from horses infected with S. vulgaris and suffering from thromboembolic colic admitted to the two Veterinary University hospitals in Denmark and Sweden.
More information:
[Application deadline: 16 August 2020]
PhD student position in Biotechnology/Stem Cell Biology
The job offer is associated with a PhD Student position in Biotechnology/ Stem cell biology/ Medical biology field (conducted within research project funded from MAESTRO 11 Program from the National Science Center, NCN, PL).
The position is opened in the Stem Cell Team (led by Prof. Ewa Zuba-Surma, PhD, DSc) at the Department of Cell Biology at the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology (FBBB JU) at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (PL). Starting day to be agreed.
More information:
[Application deadline: 23 August 2020]
Project RENOIR - 13 PhD positions available
RENOIR is a European Training Network that aims to develop and implement a PhD programme in the field of muscle regeneration and aging. An integrated structural training programme for 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to create a new generation of researchers with an interdisciplinary profile and view, to fill the gap created by an increasing need for highly-trained, interdisciplinary scientists to support this key European growth sector.
Molecular determinant of the identity of satellite cells
We investigate how the different stem and progenitor cells in the muscle acquire and maintain their fate using genetic lineage tracing strategies in transgenic mice and loss/gain of function models
Environmental control of muscle homeostasis, regeneration and aging
We focus on how the inflammatory, myogenic and vascular components integrate to coordinate muscle regeneration and how fibrosis develops in pathological conditions
Biomaterials and biological drugs-assisted regeneration
We engineer novel biomaterials and devices to reconstruct the extra-cellular matrix and the muscle niche in vitro that can recapitulate the role of the biochemical signals in muscle regeneration
More Information:
[Application deadline: 1 september 2020]
Posizioni aperte Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo e IOM Ricerca
L’Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo e IOM Ricerca hanno aperto delle call per alcune posizioni nell’ambito di due progetti di ricerca in ambito biomedico.
Le posizioni aperte sono:
- Una posizione per “tecnico di laboratorio” (leggi il bando)
- Una posizione per "ricercatore junior” (leggi il bando)
- Una posizione per "ricercatore senior” (leggi il bando)
- Una posizione per “genetista” (leggi il bando)
- Una posizione per “esperto in marketing scientifico” (leggi il bando)
Queste ed altre posizioni aperte sono pubblicate nella pagina web del gruppo samed:
[Scadenza di presentazione domande: 8, 13, 16 luglio 2020]
Posizione aperta per ricercatore Senior - IOM Ricerca

IOM Ricerca, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo, hanno aperto delle call per una posizioni di Ricercatore Senior.
Dettagli della posizione offerta:
- Luogo di lavoro: IOM Ricerca - Via Penninazzo 11, Viagrande (CT) Italy;
- Durata del contratto: fino alla data del 31/12/2022
- Tipo di contratto: contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato (full-time);
- Retribuzione: in relazione all’esperienza del candidato;
Progetti di ricerca:
- “BiLiGeCT - Biopsie liquide per la gestione clinica dei tumori”, CUP di Progetto B66G18000770005 - Codice di progetto: ARS01_00492;
- “DiOncoGen – Diagnostica Innovativa”, CUP di Progetto: G89J18000700007;
- “Drug delivery: veicoli per un’innovazione sostenibile”, CUP di Progetto: B82F150000100005, Codice identificativo PON03PE_00216_1;
- Supervisore: Dr. Stefano Forte
Ulteriori informazioni: Scarica in formato pdf
[Scadenza di presentazione domande: 8, 13, 16 luglio 2020]