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Life cycle energy performances of a Net Zero Energy prefabricated building in Sicily

  • Autori: Tumminia, G.; Guarino, F.; Longo, S.; Mistretta, M.; Cellura, M.; Aloisio, D.; Antonucci, V.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2017
  • Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista
  • OA Link:


The paper presents the energy performances in a life cycle perspective of a prefabricated building. The building was simulated in energy plus and validated on monitored data. To avoid the shifting of energy burdens from one life cycle stage to others, a Life Cycle Energy Assessment was performed. The primary energy use throughout the building’s life cycle is 1,242 GJ. The materials production stage consumes the highest amount of primary energy (680 GJ) followed by the use stage (484 GJ), while the construction and end-of-life require respectively 1.7 % and the 4.6 % of total primary energy.