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181. research seminars.Palermo2021•pdf (12%)
29-mar-2021 12.12.51researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range
182. 2. Newsletter #2 Students (12%)
12-mar-2021 9.42.07involvement. The students’ presentations will also help to enhance the development of further cooperation
183. research seminars.docxbozza 2 (12%)
18-mar-2021 11.32.46researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range
184. INVITO REGIONE research seminars 01 (12%)
30-apr-2021 10.08.47researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range
185. CV_Laura_Corbari (12%)
6-mag-2021 16.30.59/s41598-020-74543-6 Scientifc Reports, Nature research PRESENTATIONS Speaker at the conferance
1-ott-2021 9.54.31that the project submitted, as well as the relative content (including formulas, presentations and
187. Home - FEM (12%)
9-ago-2013 9.56.47small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please
188. FEM-Memorial Colloquium (12%)
7-ago-2013 12.02.53will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please confirm your
189. FEM- Memorial Colloquium (12%)
3-gen-2014 16.38.29of a limited number of scientists. This rather small group will provide high-quality presentations
190. Home (12%)
3-gen-2014 16.40.11small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please
191. Brochure (12%)
27-ago-2013 9.03.15will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Thus, please confirm your
192. CV ENG (12%)
21-feb-2014 10.15.08among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian
193. new-page (12%)
21-feb-2014 10.15.12among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian
17-mar-2014 11.11.26screenings and three book presentations (queer literatures) which are also part of the sicilia Queer
195. CV Eng (12%)
18-feb-2014 11.31.14: A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed
196. new-page (12%)
18-feb-2014 11.31.18: A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed
197. Tesi di Laurea di Giuliana Cimino sull’International Journal of Cardiology (12%)
10-ott-2016 12.32.48, in anteprima alla sessione "10 Top Ranked Oral Presentations", giovedì 13 Ottobre 2016 ed
198. Message from the Organizing Committee (12%)
6-apr-2016 14.44.41Message from the Organizing Committee Water&Energy, message, DICAM With great excitement we received lots of positive feedback on the two seminars. On behalf of the organizing team, I would like to thank everybody for their valuable input to the seminars! Especially, I would like to express my great gratitude to all speakers and members of the local organizing members. I wish everybody a productive and fruitful time. Don’t miss the Powerpoint section (presentations can be downloaded) and
199. Home - Water&Energy (12%)
6-apr-2016 15.24.18experience. Three presentations will regard the main results of some important projects developped
200. Call for papers USA (12%)
3-apr-2017 10.12.24title: 250-300 words Duration of presentations: 20 minutes Conference languages: Italian, French and