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  • 1. Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste (100%)

    26-ott-2021 11.31.47

    Aula Magna, Edificio 4 - Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze | Online articolo, notizia, unipa, saaf, food packaging, Frédéric Debeaufort, Alleanza FORTHEM Mercoledì 27 ottobre, alle 9.30 ... and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste” a cura del prof. Frédéric Debeaufort ... Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_Innovative-and-sustainable-food-packaging-based-on-fish-and

  • 2. Programma_Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste (40%)

    26-ott-2021 11.28.29

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND SEAFOOD WASTE 27/10/21 ore 9,30-11,30, aula Magna, SAAF Saluti Istituzionali Stefano Colazza - Direttore Dipartimento SAAF Sabine Hoffman - Responsabile progetto Forthem Unipa Paolo Inglese - Responssabile ... Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH Link

  • 3. cv prof. sagratini (25%)

    31-mag-2022 12.32.35

  • 4. iemma francesca cv (21%)

    14-apr-2020 11.59.56

    ., Cirillo G., Curcio M., Iemma F. Book Active polymers in food packaging: Antimicrobial properties of chitosan and its Chapter derivatives. In Galaz A.D., Bailey D.S: Food Packaging and Preservation ... I. Food Packaging. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-118-59489-6 Scrivener Publishing LLC, Beverly, MA USA and John Wiley ... ., Cirillo G., Iemma F. Polymers and Food Packaging: A Short Book Overview. In: Giuseppe Cirillo ... , from technology to Biology” Volume I. Food Packaging. 2015, 1, 1-8. Scrivener Publishing LLC, Beverly

  • 5. c v prof francesca iemma 2021_signed (21%)

    26-mag-2022 11.14.33

    ., Spataro T., Cirillo G., Curcio M., Iemma F. Book Active polymers in food packaging: Antimicrobial properties of chitosan and its Chapter derivatives. In Galaz A.D., Bailey D.S: Food Packaging and ... Science: From Book Technology to Biology. Volume I. Food Packaging. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-118-59489- 6 ... . Spizzirri U.G., Cirillo G., Iemma F. Polymers and Food Packaging: A Short Book Overview. In: Giuseppe ... , from technology to Biology” Volume I. Food Packaging. 2015, 1, 1-8. 39. Cirillo G., Spizzirri U.G

  • 6. forthem locandina 3 (15%)

    25-ott-2021 22.21.21

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND SEAFOOD WASTE 27/10/21 ore 9,30-11,30, aula Magna, SAAF Saluti Istituzionali Stefano Colazza - Direttore Dipartimento SAAF Sabine Hoffman - Responsabile progetto Forthem Unipa Paolo Inglese - Responssabile ... Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH Link

  • 7. forthem locandina 3 (15%)

    25-ott-2021 22.14.50

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND SEAFOOD WASTE 27/10/21 ore 9,30-11,30, aula Magna, SAAF Saluti Istituzionali Stefano Colazza - Direttore Dipartimento SAAF Sabine Hoffman - Responsabile progetto Forthem Unipa Paolo Inglese - Responssabile ... Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH Link

  • 8. Nuovi testi in lingua Inglese - Anno 2016 (15%)

    7-nov-2016 15.07.48

    reinforced composites: materials, manufacturing and design - 9780849342059 CRC Press, Marcel Dekker Inc Food Packaging Science and Technology - 9780824727796 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York D. Sun Lee, K. L. Yam, L. Piergiovanni Food packaging. Materiali, tecnologie e qualità degli alimenti

  • 9. Libri in inglese - anno 2016 (15%)

    25-nov-2016 13.45.45

    , manufacturing and design - 9780849342059 CRC Press, Marcel Dekker Inc Food Packaging Science and ... . Piergiovanni Food packaging. Materiali, tecnologie e qualità degli alimenti 9788847014565 Springer

  • 10. cv_ercolini_02_2019 (13%)

    23-apr-2020 16.29.23

    , F. (2004) Development of polyethylene films for food packaging activated with an antilisterial ... ) Antimicrobial activity of a nisin-activated plastic film for food packaging. Letters in Applied

  • 11. CV_GiuseppeCavallaro (4) (13%)

    19-gen-2018 12.45.45

    Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Clay Minerals, Food Packaging and Shell Life, International Journal ... , S.M. Lee, S. Milioto Bionanocomposites for Food Packaging Applications ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 9

  • 12. CV_GiuseppeCavallaro (4) (13%)

    19-gen-2018 12.38.56

    Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Clay Minerals, Food Packaging and Shell Life, International Journal ... , S.M. Lee, S. Milioto Bionanocomposites for Food Packaging Applications ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 9

  • 13. esti marco cv (11%)

    21-apr-2020 15.49.20

    had been contract professor of Food Packaging and distribution technologies, Oenology and Food

  • 14. Estratto CCS Ingegneria Meccanica - 28 -novembre 2018 (11%)

    27-giu-2019 16.17.53

    formatura delle lamiere: un caso di studio Roberto G. Buffa 2019 applicato al food packaging Veca

  • 15. Piva_Giulio (11%)

    2-mar-2017 13.06.17

    nanocrystals from lignocellulosic raw materials, for oxygen barrier coatings of food packaging film. UNDER

  • 16. Laureandi_straordinaria 19-20marzo2019_sessioni (11%)

    14-mar-2019 11.31.34

    - Ingegnerizzazione Dei Processi Di Formatura Delle Lamiere: Un Caso Studio Applicato Al Food Packaging

  • 17. cv prof. rosalba lanciotti (11%)

    15-apr-2022 13.38.21

    food PACKaging using Polybutylenesuccinate“ (15/12/2011 - 14/12/2014). BAKE4FUN (FP7). Innovative

  • 18. AVVISI STUDENTI (11%)

    11-mar-2023 18.26.45

    and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste” nell’ambito delle attività

  • 19. 1291-rtda_chim-07-annex1_en (11%)

    23-feb-2023 10.15.56

    for the management of surgical wounds and biodegradable films for food packaging incorporating

  • 20. cv_blanco (11%)

    30-mag-2023 14.41.48

    ;Characterization of polymeric materials for use in food packaging and their environmental