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  • 1. abstract-book180529 (100%)

    20-giu-2018 10.30.06

    from intrinsic defects, impurities common to the 2 laser gives rise to Raman band at 953 cm -1 ... : hydrogen and annealing correlates this band to an optical absorption band chlorine - also contribute ... . The absorption edge, while Cl2 molecules give rise to near UV parameters of the band are close to those of ClClO OA band, often present in "dry" optical fiber waveguides. molecules in inert gas ... was studied. Apart from oxygen vacancy are studied in the present work. (SiODC(I)) band at 7.6 eV, two

  • 2. Contributo per tirocini curriculari 9 Cfu (LM 14) (48%)

    3-mag-2023 12.58.03

    Contributo per tirocini curriculari 9 Cfu (LM 14) articolo, notizia, unipa, band, tirocin, È indetta la procedura di selezione per l'assegnazione di un contributo per svolgere tirocini di 9 Cfu in Italia e all'estero per studenti del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Italianistica (LM 14). Rispetto al primo bando del 19/1/2023 i requisiti di partecipazione sono stati modificati dalla nota del 5/4/2023. Sono ammessi alla selezione studenti che nel 2022/2023 sono iscritti regolarmente

  • 3. Messaggeri della Conoscenza (44%)

    19-giu-2013 12.39.48

    Messaggeri della Conoscenza dipartimento, palermo, psicologia, messaggeri, conoscenza, bando, band, domand Ai bandi di selezione hanno partecipato un numero di studentiinferiore ai limiti previsti. Dunque nessuno dei partecipanti verrà escluso. Il colloquio motivazionale servirà sostanzialmente ad attribuire coloro che hanno partecipanto ad entrambi i bandi ad uno dei due corsi. I partecipanti sono dunque convocati il giorno 25 Giugno alle ore 9 presso la sala riunioni del Dipartimento

  • 4. Bando tirocini Maeci-Crui (44%)

    27-gen-2023 17.11.31

    Bando tirocini Maeci-Crui band, Maeci, Crui, tirocini CRUI, tirocini internazionali, È stato pubblicato il bando per 308 posti di tirocinio curriculare (286 in presenza, 22 a distanza) presso le sedi all’estero del MAECI. Il termine di presentazione della domanda è il 16/2/2023. La domanda deve essere presentata tramite l'applicativo online che permette anche di scaricare un foglio excel per il controllo dei requisiti. Si consiglia di prestare attenzione alla scelta di una sede del Gruppo 1

  • 5. Seminar (42%)

    29-ott-2021 8.12.39

    Seminar band calculations, graphene, group theory, image states, tight-binding approximation Friday, Novembre 3rd 2021, Seminar, 15:00 h Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC [Teams link: code nnwdad3] Seminar Symmetry of Electron Bands in Graphene: (Nearly) Free Electron Versus Tight-Binding Prof. E. Kogan, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link CECILIA MACALUSO Friday, Novembre 3rd 2021, Seminar, 15:00 h

  • 7. cv prof. nicolai (36%)

    6-apr-2022 11.17.34


  • 8. Curriculum_Cottone (34%)

    23-nov-2018 12.26.37

    evolution of the CO stretching band in carboxy-myoglobin in the light of neutron scattering and ... band, J. Non-Cryst.Solids, 357, 677-682, 2011 G. Bellavia, S. Giuffrida, G. Cottone, A. Cupane, L ... association band as a marker for hydrogen bond in trehalose amorphous matrix, Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19 ... ; Water association band as a marker of the matrix structure in amorphous saccharide and saccharide ... 2006 S. Giuffrida, G. Cottone, L. Cordone, "Water association band: an useful tool

  • 9. 20170131-regolamento-osservatorio-sulla-casa (34%)

    17-feb-2017 10.20.36

    LA BAND DEGLI ORSI Onlus (vedi planimetrie in download materiali ... condivisione ed incontro, facilitati dall’ormai ventennale esperienza della band nell’accoglienza ... collaudata attività della band e potranno comunque essere efficacemente potenziate. Gli elaborati ... all’Associazione LA BAND DEGLI ORSI Onlus (vedi planimetrie in download ... di cui Leroy Merlin e La Band degli Orsi verranno in possesso in occasione dell’espletamento del presente

  • 10. Seminar Symmetry of Electron Bands in Graphene (33%)

    26-ott-2021 8.10.14

    in a density-functional-theory (DFT) framework. Identification in the DFT band structure of all eight energy ... unambiguously up to the Brillouin zone borders. On the other hand, the fourth unoccupied band given by the TBM can be identified among those given by the DFT band calculations; it is situated rather high with respect to energy. The interaction of this band with the free-electron states is so strong ... obtained by combining numerical band calculations and analytical analysis based on group theory

  • 11. cv prof_galli_ giugno 2021 it (31%)

    20-mag-2022 12.25.27

    -regulation of Hsp60 in response to skeleton eroding band disease but not by algal overgrowth ... distribution of black band disease in the Maldivian Archipelago. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 105: 65 ... band disease in Goniopora cf. columna colonies may promote its persistence in a coral community ... in response to coral brown band disease. Diseases of aquatic organisms. 115: 15-23. 74) Montano S ... Modulation of Hsp60 in response to coral brown band disease. Diseases of aquatic organisms 115: 15-23

  • 12. Framework_EN (31%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.16


    28-set-2020 19.15.06

    ) and their corrections. surfaces flat and parallel to avoid absorption band saturation and ... to the intensity of the final spectrum. Spectra were acquired under silicate Si-O stretching band (1000 ... the ratio of saturation remanent (full width at half maximum) of the D band (FWHMD, magnetization (MRS) to saturation magnetization (MS) cm–1) and its intensity relative to that of the G band and the coercive ... is poorly visible at ~3400 cm–1, and the OH– band at ~3670 cm–1 is absent (Fig. 8). The reflectance

  • 14. GAVE e PHG (28%)

    9-giu-2014 11.42.29

    treated with endoscopic band ligation Sinha, MD, DM, Harsh P. Udawat, MD, DM, Subhash Varma, MD ... Treatment of gastric antral vascular ectasia with endocopic band ligation Wells CD, Harrison ME, Gurudu Sr gastrointestinal endoscopy 2008   Endoscopic band ligation ... May;2009 69(6):1194. [PubMed: 19410053] Endoscopic band ligation :a novel terapy for bleeding ... . doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2013.08.038. [Epub ahead of print] Endoscopic band ligation vs argon plasma

  • 15. cv_cuomo (27%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

  • 16. EJSS_2014_Suppl_V.2 (27%)

    19-ago-2016 2.34.21

  • 17. Argomenti per tesi (27%)

    21-lug-2021 12.22.00

    for a W-band TWT Design of a Ka Solid State Power Amplifier Design of a sensor for assured position ... Company Folded Waveguide Travelling Wave Tube in V Band for Sat-Com Applications Helix Travelling Wave Tube in Q Band for Sat-Com Applications High Performances Microwave Components For X, Ku, Ka Band

  • 18. Argomenti per tesi (27%)

    21-lug-2021 11.52.03

    for a W-band TWT Design of a Ka Solid State Power Amplifier Design of a sensor for assured position ... Company Folded Waveguide Travelling Wave Tube in V Band for Sat-Com Applications Helix Travelling Wave Tube in Q Band for Sat-Com Applications High Performances Microwave Components For X, Ku, Ka Band

  • 19. Progetti di Dottorato di ricerca su tecniche EPR avanzate da realizzare presso l'Università di St. Andrews, Scozia (27%)

    30-nov-2016 8.29.57

    infrastructure available in St Andrews is truly world-leading (a Bruker EMX cw-X-Band, a Bruker E580 pulse X-Band, a Bruker E580 pulse X/Q-band hybrid (1kW/150W) and a home-built high power pulse W-band (HIPER

  • 20. EPR_studentships_2017 (27%)

    30-nov-2016 8.26.51

    Andrews is truly world-leading (a Bruker EMX cw-X-Band, a Bruker E580 pulse X-Band, a Bruker E580 pulse X/Q-band hybrid (1kW/150W) and a home-built high power pulse W-band (HIPER)). Further information