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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity (100%)

    5-ago-2020 12.25.40

    Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity Servizio Sociale, politica sociale, austerity, Culture e Società, Unipa Da mercoledì 8 a venerdì 10 gennaio 2020, si svolgerà l'International Academic Exchenge organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo Territoriale Universitario di Agrigento, nell'ambito dei Corsi di Studio in Servizio Sociale (Agrigento ... Social Work Research. Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity. Comitato scientifico: Roberta

  • 2. Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity (100%)

    5-ago-2020 12.25.40

    Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity Servizio Sociale, politica sociale, austerity, Culture e Società, Unipa Da mercoledì 8 a venerdì 10 gennaio 2020, si svolgerà l'International Academic Exchenge organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo Territoriale Universitario di Agrigento, nell'ambito dei Corsi di Studio in Servizio Sociale (Agrigento ... Social Work Research. Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity. Comitato scientifico: Roberta

  • 3. Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity (100%)

    5-ago-2020 12.25.40

    Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity Servizio Sociale, politica sociale, austerity, Culture e Società, Unipa Da mercoledì 8 a venerdì 10 gennaio 2020, si svolgerà l'International Academic Exchenge organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo Territoriale Universitario di Agrigento, nell'ambito dei Corsi di Studio in Servizio Sociale (Agrigento ... Social Work Research. Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity. Comitato scientifico: Roberta

  • 4. Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity (98%)

    5-ago-2020 12.25.40

    Social Work Research | Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity Servizio Sociale, politica sociale, austerity, Culture e Società, Unipa Da mercoledì 8 a venerdì 10 gennaio 2020, si svolgerà l'International Academic Exchenge organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo Territoriale Universitario di Agrigento, nell'ambito dei Corsi di Studio in Servizio Sociale (Agrigento ... Social Work Research. Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity. Comitato scientifico: Roberta

  • 5. O201 - CIG Z1F20A8EB0 - Acquisto materiale bibliografico (22%)

    20-dic-2017 11.57.30

    - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R. DIXON ... The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R. DIXON, A Government ... Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University ... Analysis - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R

  • 6. O201 - CIG Z1F20A8EB0 - Acquisto materiale bibliografico (22%)

    20-dic-2017 11.57.30

    - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R. DIXON ... The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R. DIXON, A Government ... Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University ... Analysis - Into The Age of Austerity, Fourth Edition, Oxford, University Press, 2017. HOOD e R

  • 8. Call for papers Problematizing Migration (19%)

    14-mar-2023 17.08.00

    migration has never been more urgent. Pervasive austerity policies have, unsurprisingly, been unable ... • Migration, race, and capitalism • Predatory bureaucracy, inequality, and austerity • Violence, death

  • 10. Area Ricerca e Sviluppo (14%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.40

    to the Space Theme from austerity cuts by the budgetary authority, contributions to be made to activities

  • 11. Current PhD students (14%)

    18-mag-2015 10.44.18

    Current PhD students articolo, notizia, unipa Students of the XXX cycle Name Thesis title Vita Valeria Multilevel protection of human rights and foreigners’ constitutional rights Spallino Silvia Grillone Carmela Quinn Eileen Schirò Dalila Maria The inviolable right of the child to be “educated” and the duty of the adults to “devote” to the child: aspects of criminal law and international law Tortorici Giorgio Ferro Anna Maria The impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures on social

  • 12. Esiti CdD n. 13 del 20-11-2019 (14%)

    22-nov-2019 9.35.40

    Research: values, methods and strategies in times of austerity”, dott.ssa Di Rosa: DELIBERATO

  • 13. Prot. 2298-2019 | Determina pernottamento relatori convegno (14%)

    18-dic-2019 14.25.06

    Research. Values, methods and strategies in times of austerity” del 10 gennaio 2020; CONSIDERATO

  • 14. PHDCourse_IdentificationandCausalEffectsinMacro (14%)

    7-giu-2023 11.58.37

    for austerity: estimating the average treatment effect of fiscal policy. The Economic Journal, 126(590

  • 16. DTG (LM-52, CFU 9) 2015-2016 (long) (12%)

    1-ott-2015 12.52.22

    to Corporations versus Civil Society?". In Politics in the Age of Austerity. W. Streeck and

  • 17. Deloitte Palermo university_FINAL (12%)

    28-feb-2015 15.46.20

    /rights/whatIsAResearcher 4 | P a g e austerity programme with a budgetary reduction

  • 18. MA 52-14 (12%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    ;. In Politics in the Age of Austerity. W. Streeck and A. Schafer (eds.). Cambridge: Polity Press, pp

  • 19. O244 - CIG Z7534824C4 - Acquisto libri (12%)

    19-gen-2022 11.39.11

    and Why it Matters, 2019, 978-1786490209 Atlantic books Alesina-Giavazzi-Favero, Austerity

  • 20. CV Pietro Pizzuto (12%)

    16-gen-2025 14.32.13

    Conference; 60th ERSA Conference, Web Conference; IEO/IMF Webinar: Access, Accountability, Austerity