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Risultati della ricerca
1. Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2017/2018 (100%)
6-mar-2018 11.12.47Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2017/2018 Bando, selezione Erasmus+, Student's, a.a.2017/2018, unipa BANDO ERASMUS+ MOBILITA' PER STUDIO A V V I S O Pubblicato il Bando Erasmus Plus mobilità per studio anno accademico 2017/2018 per la selezione di posti di mobilità , disponibili presso le Università partner con le quali sono stati sottoscritti accordi interistituzionali Modalità e termini per le candidature La domanda a pena di esclusione, deve essere compilata e trasmessa
2. Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2018/2019 (100%)
6-mar-2018 10.02.46Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2018/2019 Bando Erasmus+, Student's, a.a.2018/2019, unipa Bando a.a.2018/2019 ROSARIO MARRARO
3. Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2017/2018 (100%)
9-apr-2018 11.20.30Bando di selezione Erasmus+ "Student's" a.a.2017/2018 Bando, selezione Erasmus+, Student's, a.a.2017/2018, unipa BANDO ERASMUS+ MOBILITA' PER STUDIO A V V I S O Pubblicato il Bando Erasmus Plus mobilità per studio anno accademico 2017/2018 per la selezione di posti di mobilità , disponibili presso le Università partner con le quali sono stati sottoscritti accordi interistituzionali Modalità e termini per le candidature La domanda a pena di esclusione, deve essere compilata e trasmessa
4. Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering - a student's guide (60%)
16-ott-2023 10.59.26Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering - a student's guide electronics engineering, notizia, unipa Herein you get a short summary of important information to guide you through the Master’s degree organization and make your University life easy and enjoyable. Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering - a student's guide RICCARDO PERNICE Herein you get a short summary of important information ... enjoyable. Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering - a student's guide /sites/portale/_categories
5. New York Cardozo School Agreement (31%)
7-mar-2018 10.42.55that student's records without the prior written consent of that student, unless required to do so by law ... Student's official transcripts to the other party. Article 3. General Requirements for Study Each ... Exchange Students of PALERMO pyrsuimr an LL.M. De ~~tree Upon a student's successful completion ... be counted toward an LL.M. degree needed to "cure" a deficiency in the student's foreign legal ... that will be payable as a result of that student's participation in the Exchange Program or LL.M. program. Artide
6. Guida-alla-compilazione-del-progetto-formativo-per-tirocini-curriculari_ENG (28%)
18-apr-2023 10.24.17can start from the date indicated NB depending o n the student's course of study ... indicated in the student's s tudy plan m ust b e i ndicated, i f known Start date*: expected ... *: student's u niversity r egistration number (see p revious n ote); In the next screen ... indicated b y the student's Study Program Council and the company will have to select
7. New York Cardozo School 03-05-18_Memorandum of Understandin (27%)
6-mar-2018 12.45.06that student's records without the prior written consent of that student, unless required to do so by law ... Student's official transcripts to the other party. Article 3. General Requirements for Study Each ... Exchange Students of PALERMO pyrsuimr an LL.M. De ~~tree Upon a student's successful completion ... be counted toward an LL.M. degree needed to "cure" a deficiency in the student's foreign legal ... that will be payable as a result of that student's participation in the Exchange Program or LL.M. program. Artide
8. New-York-Cardozo-School-Agreement-Annex (27%)
16-dic-2020 15.40.11that student's records without the prior written consent of that student, unless required to do so by law ... Student's official transcripts to the other party. Article 3. General Requirements for Study Each ... Exchange Students of PALERMO pyrsuimr an LL.M. De ~~tree Upon a student's successful completion ... be counted toward an LL.M. degree needed to "cure" a deficiency in the student's foreign legal ... that will be payable as a result of that student's participation in the Exchange Program or LL.M. program. Artide
9. Turnitin End_ student (27%)
8-lug-2022 14.39.29piece of evidence about a student's academic ability. When a report is being used for an important decision about a student's performance, instructors should review and evaluate the information ... suspension of access to the Site. In addition, a student's papers and materials may be deleted ... /or feedback received through the Service should be considered as one piece of evidence about a student's writing ability. When a score is being used for an important decision about a student's performance
10. Programme-Guide (22%)
8-mar-2013 17.33.54, financial and administrative modalities related to the student's participation in the joint course and
11. L.A. Visiting.modulo 2020 (20%)
5-giu-2020 13.53.24components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which ... educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions
12. La Gennusa (20%)
4-apr-2017 15.52.07from 3-4 hours. The oral examination is aimed to evaluate the student's ability to use the acquired ... answers; (3) student's ability to present to the examiner the topics of the program
13. scheda.trasparenza(9) (20%)
7-apr-2017 13.11.23to evaluate the student's ability to use the acquired knowledge for solving problems and numerical ... criteria: (1) adequacy and accuracy of the oral answers and numerical exercises; (2) student's ability
14. Learning Agreement (20%)
6-lug-2015 12.34.40of educational components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and ... completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described
15. 06_Erasmus-Learning-Agreement-for-studies_Unipa (20%)
7-mar-2017 15.27.15of educational components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and ... completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described
16. Learning-Agreement (20%)
6-dic-2013 9.22.44Modulo All. B LEARNING AGREEMENT Borse di studio MIUR per Studenti iscritti a Corsi di Studio con insegnamenti di lingua e/o cultura cinese A.A. 2013/2014 STUDENTE - STUDENT'S PERSONAL DATA Cognome e nome Family and First name Email Dipartimento - Corso di Studio Department - Degree course Docente italiano responsabile per la mobilità Italian Mobility Programme ... ) _________________________________ (Dott.ssa Angela Maria Adriana Ragonese) STUDENTE STUDENT'S PERSONAL DATA Max
30-mag-2017 11.58.42in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which will be replaced ... educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions
18. Erasmus Learning Agreement for studies Unipa (20%)
31-mag-2017 10.17.25outcomes: [Web link(s) to be provided.] Table B: Group of educational components in the student's ... for the successfully completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described
29-mar-2017 10.43.33in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which ... them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions to this rule
29-mar-2017 10.45.42in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which ... them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions to this rule