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Risultati della ricerca
1. Coordination Meeting progetto Europeo DEFEP: “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market” (100%)
9-gen-2025 8.46.21Coordination Meeting progetto Europeo DEFEP: “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market” DEFEP, Sum, unipa Leggi tutto Dal 5 al 7 dicembre 2024, si è tenuto il Coordination Meeting del progetto Europeo DEFEP “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education ... al 7 dicembre 2024, si è tenuto il Coordination Meeting del progetto Europeo DEFEP “Distance Education
2. DEFEP - Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market (91%)
19-giu-2023 13.04.48DEFEP - Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market DEFEP, progetto, Sum, Il Progetto DEFEP, approvato nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education, mira a implementare un sistema sostenibile ed efficace di istruzione a distanza (DE) nei paesi partner dell’area orientale dell’Europa. Questo sistema permetterà di affrontare importanti sfide future che sorgono
3. UniPa partner del progetto DEPEF per lo sviluppo di un sistema di istruzione a distanza nei Paesi dell’Europa orientale (54%)
12-giu-2023 10.01.59UniPa partner del progetto DEPEF per lo sviluppo di un sistema di istruzione a distanza nei Paesi dell’Europa orientale articolo, notizia, unipa, DEFEP L’Università degli Studi di Palermo è partner del progetto DEFEP - Distance Education for Future, finanziato nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. Il progetto, coordinato dalla Petro Mohyla ... Umanistiche UniPa e una rete di istituti universitari di Germania, Moldavia e Ucrania. DEFEP
4. Coordination meeting_3_Chisinau_agenda DEFEP_dic 2024 (54%)
8-gen-2025 11.18.33Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 05-07.12.2024 COORDINATION MEETING on results of two DEFEP project years Moldova State University Chisinau, 05-07.12.2024 Hybrid format Zoom Conference 05.12.2024 ... by representatives of partner HEIs. How to develop DEFEP project: quality implementation, reduced risks, good ... communication and strengthening of the DEFEP team partnership Departure of participants Funded
5. Study Visit progetto Europeo DEFEP: “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market (47%)
2-ott-2023 19.22.44Study Visit progetto Europeo DEFEP: “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market articolo, notizia, unipa, evento Nell’ambito del progetto Europeo DEFEP “Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market”, coordinato dalla Petro Mohyla ... ucraini e moldavi. Locandina Programma BIAGIA RUSSO Nell’ambito del progetto Europeo DEFEP “Distance
6. LOCANDINA A3_Defep (44%)
2-ott-2023 16.30.28Study Visit and Training University of Palermo 9-13 October 2023 APPROACHES OF PEDAGOGY AND DIDACTICS THE METHODOLOGY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Project: DEFEP, Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 101083143 — DEFEP — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE LOCANDINA A3 Template vector design for Brochure, AnnualReport, Magazine, Poster, Corporate Presentation, Portfolio, Flyer, infographic, layout modern
7. Approaches of Pedagogy and Didactics (44%)
5-ott-2023 14.34.11opening: Sala delle Capriate, Steri - piazza Marina, 61 articolo, notizia, unipa, defep, delegazione Lunedì 9 ottobre, alle 9.30, nella Sala delle Capriate del Complesso Monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina, 61) si tiene l'incontro di apertura di "Approaches of Pedagogy and Didactics", study visit e training di una delegazione di docenti ucraini e moldavi. L'iniziativa, che prosegue fino a venerdì 13 ottobre, è organizzata nell'ambito del progetto europeo DEFEP - Distance Education
8. Programma - pieghevole unificato (1)_Defep (28%)
2-ott-2023 16.31.24Study About DEFEP Visit and Training The DEFEP Project aims to implement a sustainable and University effective system of distance education as a separate and of Palermo independent form ... , by the needs of the labor market. Project: DEFEP, Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 101083143 — DEFEP — ERASMUS ... Capriate Olena Filimonova 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Piazza Marina, 61 Project Manager of the DEFEP
9. Programma_Approaches of Pedagogy and Didactics (28%)
5-ott-2023 14.28.57Study About DEFEP Visit and Training The DEFEP Project aims to implement a sustainable and University effective system of distance education as a separate and of Palermo independent form ... , by the needs of the labor market. Project: DEFEP, Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 101083143 — DEFEP — ERASMUS ... Capriate Olena Filimonova 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Piazza Marina, 61 Project Manager of the DEFEP
12. Locandina_Approaches of Pedagogy and Didactics (18%)
5-ott-2023 14.28.57Study Visit and Training University of Palermo 9-13 October 2023 APPROACHES OF PEDAGOGY AND DIDACTICS THE METHODOLOGY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Project: DEFEP, Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 101083143 — DEFEP — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE LOCANDINA A3 Template vector design for Brochure, AnnualReport, Magazine, Poster, Corporate Presentation, Portfolio, Flyer, infographic, layout modern
13. 20 Verbale Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti 16 11 2023 (15%)
20-dic-2023 12.13.22DEFEP – Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern ... per l’introito del finanziamento pari a €. 58.260,00 del progetto di ricerca dal titolo DEFEP – Distance
14. verbale.ccs_19_09_23 (15%)
21-set-2023 12.05.21, superiori al 50%. • Nell'ambito del progetto DEFEP (https://www.unipa.it/DEFEP---Distance-education
15. Esiti_Consiglio_del 11 settembre 2023 (12%)
19-feb-2024 16.09.10di ricerca dal titolo DEFEP – Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response
16. Visite e Delegazioni (12%)
16-ott-2024 14.23.54degli Studi di Palermo è partner del progetto DEFEP - Distance Education for Future, finanziato
17. Verbale CCS Ingegneria Gestionale - 27 ottobre 2023 (11%)
15-dic-2023 18.12.31di Laurea LM 31 (Telematica) all’interno delle attività del progetto Project: DEFEP, Distance
18. 1318 17 11 2023 esiti (11%)
22-nov-2023 16.29.14dal titolo DEFEP – Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests
19. Verbale Consiglio Lingue 27 ottobre 2023 (9%)
30-apr-2024 9.10.30e collaborazione Study Visit Progetto “DEFEP: Distance Education for Future: best EU practices