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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Home (100%)

    27-giu-2016 10.20.00

    Home doctorate,biodiversity,saf,palermo,italy,mediterranean, DOCTORATE IN “MEDITERRANEAN BIODIVERSITY” - XXXII COURSE Area CUN 07 Start: January 2017 Conclusion: December 2019 Coordinator: Prof. Maria Antonietta GERMANÀ Administrative centre: Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Università degli Studi di Palermo Contacts:; ph. +3909123896094; ph. +3909123896074 MARIO MINACAPILLI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 2. Announcement competitive exam AY 2016/17 (91%)

    27-giu-2016 10.29.31

    Announcement competitive exam AY 2016/17 doctorate,biodiversity,saf,palermo,italy,mediterranean, Bando di concorso per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca nell’università degli studi di Palermo - AY 2016/17 Schedule of Doctorate exams - AY 2016/17 MARIO MINACAPILLI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 3. Alagna_Vincenzo (88%)

    2-mar-2017 13.05.37

    of surface crust and SWR on hydrological processes is particularly important in Mediterranean regions ... in Mediterranean areas In particular:  for hydraulic characterization of crusted soils ... Estimating hydraulic conductivity of a sealed loamy soil from Beerkan experiments in a Mediterranean ... Investigation on soil water repellency in a Mediterranean managed pine woodland C.3 Application of minidisk infiltrometer to estimate water repellency in Mediterranean pine forest soils C.4

  • 4. DOCTORATE BOARD (84%)

    28-giu-2016 13.29.34

    of Mediterranean fruit trees; Diagnosis of fungal pathogens in horticultural crops, fruit trees, and ornamental plants. 4 Augustí Manuel UPV Fruit tree Physiology; Mediterranean fruit ... UNIPA Landscape biodiversity in the Mediterranean agricultural and ... Mediterranean fruit crops and woody plants; Characterization of Mediterranean fruit crop germplasm. 15 ... species; Phylogeography of crustacean amphipods; Marine Mediterranean species, including invasive

  • 5. Giovanni Iapichino (76%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.22

    for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. Saragoza, Spain. GRANTS Awarded a grant from the Italian ... -2004 Horticulture - University of Mediterranean Studies of Reggio Calabria. 1992/2012 Student Tutor ... the cryopreservation of nodal explants of Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) Johnst., a rare, endemic Mediterranean ... hybrids for spring production in southern mediterranean area . JOURNAL OF APPLIED HORTICULTURE, vol. 11 ... as alternative to methyl bromide fumigation for annual strawberry production in a Mediterranean area. JOURNAL

  • 6. Pubblicazioni_dottorandi_2006_2008 (76%)

    8-mar-2013 19.52.24

    determinations in a mediterranean area. Journal of Hydrology, 329:39 2006) - 48, ISSN: 0022-1694. 3 ... agricultural area. Options méditerranéennes, Series (dottorando dal 2008) A: Mediterranean ... soils by pedotransfer functions. Options méditerranéennes, Giangrosso Series A: Mediterranean ... ) Mediterranean environment. Options méditerranéennes, Series A: Rallo Mediterranean Seminars

  • 7. Salvatore La Bella (74%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.29

    Professional Training Course ‘Mediterranean Gardens’ including an 8-hour secondment at CRESM (Centro ... response of various agricultural crops to Southern Mediterranean, semi-arid climates. Salvatore ... ., LICATA M., - 2011 – “BIO-agronomic and ENERGY potential of Carthamus tinctorius L. In the Mediterranean ... Sciences Member of IDIMED – Istituto Dieta Mediterranea (Institute for the Mediterranean Diet) SISTEMA

  • 8. Carmelo Santonoceto (74%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.42

    traditionally cultivated in Mediterranean environment. In particular, grain legumes, for the traditional ... results applicable to the operative conditions of Mediterranean semiarid prone environments where olive ... in mediterranean environment. Italian Journal of Agronomy, vol. 4: 545-551. 4. Santonoceto C., Anastasi U. 2010 ... .) in a Mediterranean environment. Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 46– 52. SISTEMA /sites

  • 9. The role of pedogenic overprinting in the obliteration of parent material in some polygenetic landscapes of Sicily (Italy) (73%)

    14-lug-2016 18.12.02

    The role of pedogenic overprinting in the obliteration of parent material in some polygenetic landscapes of Sicily (Italy) Gypsic Vertisol, Vertic Cambisol, Gypsic Haploxerept, Vertic Haploxerept, Micromorphology, Clay, Mediterranean Many soils older than the Holocene have experienced several changes, and possess properties that may be due to the complex effect of several stages of soil development; these soils are called polygenetic. It is still rather unclear, however, if, as time elapses

  • 10. Giuseppe Lo Papa (71%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.31

    in Mediterranean environments, organic matter, humic substances, soil mapping and modeling, mineralogy ... aspects of soil organic and inorganic carbon in Mediterranean soils for C stock and Climate Change ... in a Mediterranean vineyard area. Advances in GeoEcology, Vol. 39, Catena Verlag, pp.61-80

  • 11. Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Ambientali (SAFA) - XXIX ciclo: Presentazioni e obiettivi formativi (71%)

    28-apr-2016 15.47.35

    Animale, Zootecnica Speciale. Mediterranean Agricultural Ecosystems The main research topics involved in the “Mediterranean Agricultural Ecosystems” curriculum focus on the identification and the development, in Mediterranean environments, of eco-compatible agricultural systems, based on the knowledge

  • 12. Seminar_Rodriguez_Sinobas (68%)

    21-giu-2021 12.45.05

    PhD course in Mediterranean Agricultural, Food, and Forest Systems (SAAFM) th Seminar June 25 , 2021 THE CHALLENGES OF IRRIGATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREAS COPYING WITH THE CONSTRAINTS OF THE XXI CENTURY A growing population is exerting unprecedented pressure on water and energy resources, maximizing food production and reducing the impact on ecosystem services. Sociotechnical and socioecological variables are not just terms of our current scientific and technological dictionary but key

  • 13. Carmelo Dazzi (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.13

    Carmelo Dazzi unipa, portale, universita UNIVERSITY SEAT: University of Palermo (Italy) FACULTY: Facoltà di Agraria, Dipartimento dei Sistemi Agroambientali ADDRESS: Viale delle Scienze – 90128 Palermo (I) Tel: +39 09123862211; Email: BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES: Born in Rieti, 16 ... on the Anthropogenic Soils Diffusion: A Case Study in a Mediterranean Vineyard Area. in The Soils of Tomorrow ... microbiological activity along Mediterranean Vertisols and Alfisols profiles. Geoderma, n.159, pp. 379-388

  • 14. Ignazio Poma (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.40

    farming and the organic matter and soil CO2 emission of Mediterranean and South of Perù. Participated in the second and third course of high school for the study of Mediterranean Agronomic problems "

  • 15. Mauro sarno (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.44

    , water quality, organic matter, etc. ..), in Mediterranean environment. 2002 – Present: Associate ... of flower species typical of Mediterranean environment." 1992 – 1997: Degree in "Agricultural

  • 16. STUDENTI DI DOTTORATO - XXXIII ciclo (65%)

    29-gen-2019 15.58.06

    , I had also accomplished the master degree in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM_IAM ... Sede: Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali Università degli Studi di Palermo ... (Carica papaya L) genotypes cultivated in greenhouse under Mediterranean climate” Supervisor (s) Prof

  • 17. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (65%)

    29-gen-2019 15.58.23

    , I had also accomplished the master degree in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM_IAM ... Sede: Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali Università degli Studi di Palermo ... (Carica papaya L) genotypes cultivated in greenhouse under Mediterranean climate” Supervisor (s) Prof

  • 18. 34_bando_dottorati (63%)

    22-gen-2019 15.41.28

    ), i titoli di accesso, le modalità di selezione. Di cui con Borsa Dipartimento Totale Posti Titolo

  • 19. Seminar_Berruga (63%)

    4-giu-2021 10.38.17

    PhD course in Mediterranean Agricultural, Food and Forest Systems (SAAFM) Seminar June 11th 2021 MILK AND PLANTS: USE OF SEED IN DAIRY PRODUCTION Microbes are the most common cause of food spoilage and, among them, it is estimated that losses of in cheese production due to spoilage fungi reach figures around 5 to 10%, causing significant economic losses. As control fungal spoilage tools in cheeses it is extended the use of FDA and EU authorized chemical preservatives like week acids

  • 20. International partners (63%)

    27-mar-2013 10.00.15

    International partners dottorato, international, partners Show Partners in a larger map Proposer University of Palermo Dipartimento dei Sistemi Agro-Ambientali Italian Partners University of Tuscia - Viterbo Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale – Facoltà di Agraria Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Dipartimento di Biotecnologie per il Monitoraggio Agroalimentare – Facoltà di Agraria International Partners National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences- Bucarest