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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Research areas (100%)

    27-set-2019 13.53.40

    is interested in scientific and didactic-training activities for disciplines that represent ... - PHYSIOLOGY 05/D1: PHYSIOLOGY This SDS is interested in scientific and didactic-training activities ... didactic-training activities of General Biochemistry. General Biochemistry, as structural biochemistry ... and didactic-training activities in the field of biological functions at the molecular level ... PHARMACOGNOSY This SDS is interested in scientific and didactic-training activities in the field

  • 2. Internal structures (68%)

    18-set-2019 17.02.58

    of Botany). The section collects the didactic and scientific skills relevant to the study of plantae. Its ... molecular biology and embryonic development are commonly cited in scientific and didactic textbooks ... in scientific and didactic textbooks. Section of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies Section

  • 3. Presentation (57%)

    24-lug-2019 9.58.28

    History and Presentation biological research, biotechnological research, chemical research, pharmaceutical research, environmental research The Dept. Of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF) was established on 01.01.2013, by merging the late Dept. of Molecular ... and Biodiversity (DAB), joined by part of the members of the late Dept. of Chemistry. The STEBICEF ... tasks, the Dept. provides the scientific and didactic structures that It has been attributed upon

  • 4. Curriculum: Biologia Cellulare (57%)

    21-nov-2013 16.24.43

    the research and didactic activities, the curriculum students will gain knowledge of the cellular and

  • 5. Cell Biology (57%)

    3-mar-2014 10.36.32

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef The Course of Cell Biology is part of the PhD School in Molecular and Biomolecular Sciences (University of Palermo, Italy) The research themes proposed in the Cell Biology curriculum are focused on current issues such as the study on: cancer cells and antiproliferative and/or cytotoxic effects of new molecules and their mechanisms of action ... microscopy). Through the research and didactic activities, the curriculum students will gain knowledge

  • 6. Cell Biology Curricula (57%)

    3-mar-2014 12.26.06

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef The Course of Cell Biology is part of the PhD School in Molecular and Biomolecular Sciences. The research themes proposed in the Cell Biology curriculum are focused on current issues such as the study on: cancer cells and antiproliferative and/or cytotoxic effects of new molecules and their mechanisms of action, apoptotic and autophagic ... and didactic activities, the curriculum students will gain knowledge of the cellular and molecular

  • 7. Cell Biology Curricula (57%)

    2-apr-2015 9.38.13

    the research and didactic activities, the students of the Cell Biology curriculum will gain knowledge

  • 8. Cell Biology Curricula (57%)

    22-set-2014 12.26.53

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef Il Curriculum in Biologia Cellulare si propone di fornire ai suoi dottorandi le conoscenze teoriche e pratiche più avanzate a livello internazionale nell’ambito della Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, di stimolarne la capacità critica nella elaborazione, analisi ed interpretazione dei dati sperimentali, di far loro apprendere e utilizzare ... , fra batteri ed organismi eucariotici, fra batteri ed ambiente. Through the research and didactic

  • 9. Biologia Cellulare (57%)

    20-feb-2018 12.46.51

    and didactic activities, the students of the Cell Biology curriculum will gain knowledge

  • 10. Gruttadauria Michelangelo CV (57%)

    28-nov-2023 14.43.25

    • Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Nome MICHELANGELO Cognome GRUTTADAURIA Recapiti Dip. STEBICEF, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 17 Telefono 091-23897534 E-mail TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS  Graduated in Chemistry at the University of Palermo on 12/22/1988 with marks 110/110 cum laude. Winner of the "Michele Ruccia" degree prize for the year ... Professor (CHIM06).  In June 2006 he took up service as Full Professor. DIDACTIC ACTIVITY  Teacher