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Data Titolo Tipologia Scheda
2024 Protocol for generation and engineering of thyroid cell lineages using CRISPR-Cas9 editing to recapitulate thyroid cancer histotype progression Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 Oncogenic enhancers prime quiescent metastatic cells to escape NK immune surveillance by eliciting transcriptional memory Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 EBF1, MYO6 and CALR expression levels predict therapeutic response in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Novel insights into cancer stem cells targeting: CAR-T therapy and epigenetic drugs as new pillars in cancer treatment Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Editorial: CAR T-cells: novel therapeutic approaches in the new era of cancer immunotherapy Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Effective targeting of breast cancer stem cells by combined inhibition of Sam68 and Rad51 Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Targeting epigenetic alterations in cancer stem cells Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2022 Destroying the Shield of Cancer Stem Cells: Natural Compounds as Promising Players in Cancer Therapy Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2022 Editorial: The effects of chemotherapy towards the tumor microenvironment Nota o commento Vai
2022 Targeting of the Peritumoral Adipose Tissue Microenvironment as an Innovative Antitumor Therapeutic Strategy Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2022 Cancer cell targeting by CAR-T cells: A matter of stemness Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2022 Correlative Raman–Electron–Light (CREL) Microscopy Analysis of Lipid Droplets in Melanoma Cancer Stem Cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Dual Inhibition of Myc Transcription and PI3K Activity Effectively Targets Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Interleukin-30 feeds breast cancer stem cells via CXCL10 and IL23 autocrine loops and shapes immune contexture and host outcome Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Hyperthermia Mediates Drug Delivery and Impairs the Tumorigenic Capacity of Quiescent Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 CHK1 inhibitor sensitizes resistant colorectal cancer stem cells to nortopsentin Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 PI3K-driven HER2 expression is a potential therapeutic target in colorectal cancer stem cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Cancer stem cell biomarkers predictive of radiotherapy response in rectal cancer: A systematic review Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2021 Adipose stem cell niche reprograms the colorectal cancer stem cell metastatic machinery Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Targeting Phosphatases and Kinases: How to Checkmate Cancer Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Nodular morphea keloidal type: A rare case with paradigmatic histopathology significantly accompanied by a flawless surgical scar Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Nobiletin and Xanthohumol Sensitize Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells to Standard Chemotherapy Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Metabolic Escape Routes of Cancer Stem Cells and Therapeutic Opportunities Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2020 Cancer Stem Cells in Thyroid Tumors: From the Origin to Metastasis Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Cancer Stem Cells: From Birth to Death Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2019 Meeting the Challenge of Targeting Cancer Stem Cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Accumulation of Circulating CCR7+ Natural Killer Cells Marks Melanoma Evolution and Reveals a CCL19-Dependent Metastatic Pathway Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 MYC-driven epigenetic reprogramming favors the onset of tumorigenesis by inducing a stem cell-like state Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 IL4 primes the dynamics of breast cancer progression via DUSP4 inhibition Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Squamous cell tumors recruit γδ T cells producing either IL17 or IFNγ depending on the tumor stage Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Role of Type I and II interferons in colorectal cancer and melanoma Recensione in rivista Vai
2016 ΔNp63 drives metastasis in breast cancer cells via PI3K/CD44v6 axis Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 miR-205-5p-mediated downregulation of ErbB/HER receptors in breast cancer stem cells results in targeted therapy resistance Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Targeting cancer stem cells and the tumor microenvironment Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2013 Tumor and its microenvironment: a synergistic interplay. Recensione in rivista Vai
2013 Erythropoietin activates cell survival pathways in breast cancer stem-like cells to protect them from chemotherapy Articolo in rivista Vai