Rising educational attainment and opportunity equalization: evidence from France
- Autori: Andreoli F.; Lefranc A.; Prete V.
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
- Tipologia: Capitolo o Saggio
- Parole Chiave: Economic distance; Education; Equality of opportunity; Income distribution; Inverse stochastic dominance; Policy evaluation
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/552667
Educational policies are widely recognized as the means par excellence to equalize opportunities among children with different social and family backgrounds and to promote intergenerational mobility. In this chapter, we focus on the French case and we apply the opportunity equalization criterion proposed by Andreoli, Havnes, and Lefranc (2019) for evaluating the effect of rising compulsory schooling requirements in secondary education. Our results show that such education expansion has a limited redistributive effect on students’ earnings distribution. Nonetheless, we provide evidence of opportunity equalization among groups of students defined by family background circumstances.