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2024/2025 01500 ASTROFISICA 6 FISICA


Data Titolo Tipologia Scheda
2024 Indication of a fast ejecta fragment in the atomic cloud interacting with the southwestern limb of SN 1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 Probing Shocked Ejecta in SN 1987A with XRISM-Resolve: The Effects of the Gate Valve Closed Nota o commento Vai
2024 EWOCS-I: The catalog of X-ray sources in Westerlund 1 from the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 The Impact of Effective Matter Mixing Based on Three-dimensional Hydrodynamical Models on the Molecule Formation in the Ejecta of SN 1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 Probing Shocked Ejecta in SN 1987A: A Novel Diagnostic Approach Using XRISM-Resolve Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Unraveling the Effects of Dense Medium on a Near to Bohm-Limit Acceleration in Kepler's SNR Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Vai
2023 Evidence for proton acceleration and escape from the Puppis A SNR using Fermi-LAT observations Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Vai
2023 Investigating particle acceleration dynamics in interpenetrating magnetized collisionless super-critical shocks Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to spectral signatures of hadronic PeVatrons with application to Galactic Supernova Remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Evidence for proton acceleration and escape from the Puppis A SNR using Fermi-LAT observations Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2023 Plasma heating and particle acceleration in collisionless shocks through astrophysical observations Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Gamma-ray emission from Puppis A with Fermi-LAT telescope evidence for proton acceleration Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2023 Detection of a fast ejecta fragment in the atomic cloud interacting with the southwestern limb of SN 1006 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2022 Particle energization in colliding subcritical collisionless shocks investigated in the laboratory Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Polarized radio emission unveils the structure of the pre-supernova circumstellar magnetic field and the radio emission in SN1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443 Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 High-energy gamma-ray detection of supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Detailed characterization of a laboratory magnetized supercritical collisionless shock and of the associated proton energization Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 A Spatially Resolved Study of Hard X-Ray Emission in Kepler???s Supernova Remnant: Indications of Different Regimes of Particle Acceleration Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 The supernova remnant SN 1006 as a Galactic particle accelerator Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2022 Additional Evidence for a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Heart of SN 1987A from Multiepoch X-Ray Data and MHD Modeling Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 The supernova remnant SN 1006 as a Galactic particle accelerator Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Evidence for past interaction with an asymmetric circumstellar shell in the young SNR Cassiopeia A Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Modeling particle acceleration and non-thermal emission in supernova remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Modeling the remnants of core-collapse supernovae from luminous blue variable stars Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Laboratory evidence for proton energization by collisionless shock surfing Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 X-ray emitting structures in the Vela SNR: Ejecta anisotropies and progenitor stellar wind residuals Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Indication of a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Hard X-Ray Emission from SN 1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 The fully developed remnant of a neutrino-driven supernova: Evolution of ejecta structure and asymmetries in SNR Cassiopeia A Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Spectral Evolution of the X-Ray Remnant of SN 1987A: A High-resolution Chandra HETG Study Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Modeling the mixed-morphology supernova remnant IC 443: Origins of its complex morphology and X-ray emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Three-dimensional modeling from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged SNR: Role of an initial ejecta anisotropy on matter mixing Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Unveiling pure-metal ejecta X-ray emission in supernova remnants through their radiative recombination continuum Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Matter Mixing in Aspherical Core-collapse Supernovae: Three-dimensional Simulations with Single-star and Binary Merger Progenitor Models for SN 1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Deep XMM-Newton Observations Reveal the Origin of Recombining Plasma in the Supernova Remnant W44 Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Hydrodynamic simulations unravel the progenitor-supernova-remnant connection in SN 1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Mass Accretion Impacts in Classical T Tauri Stars: A Multi-disciplinary Approach Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2019 A stellar flare-coronal mass ejection event revealed by X-ray plasma motions Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Spatially resolved X-ray study of supernova remnants that host magnetars: Implication of their fossil field origin Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 3D MHD modeling of the expanding remnant of SN1987A Role of magnetic field and non-thermal radio emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Collisionless shock heating of heavy ions in SN 1987A Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Investigating the Structure of Vela X Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Spatially Resolved Broadband Synchrotron Emission from the Nonthermal Limbs of SN1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Discovery of a jet-like structure with overionized plasma in the SNR IC 443 Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Post-adiabatic supernova remnants in an interstellar magnetic field: Oblique shocks and non-uniform environment Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Detection of X-ray flares from AX J1714.1−3912, the unidentified source near RX J1713.7−3946 Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Origin of asymmetries in X-ray emission lines from the blast wave of the 2014 outburst of nova V745 Sco Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 XMM-Newton observation of the supernova remnant Kes 78 (G32.8-0.1): Evidence of shock-cloud interaction Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Indications of a Si-rich bilateral jet of ejecta in the Vela SNR observed with XMM-Newton Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Analysis of the XMM-Newton observations of IC443 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2017 Redshifted X-rays from the material accreting onto TW Hydrae: Evidence of a low-latitude accretion spot Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Radio polarization maps of shell-type SNRs - II. Sedov models with evolution of turbulent magnetic field Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Linking gamma-ray spectra of supernova remnants to the cosmic ray injection properties in the aftermath of supernovae Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Modeling the shock-cloud interaction in SN 1006: Unveiling the origin of nonthermal X-ray and γ-ray emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Modeling nonthermal emission from stellar bow shocks Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Formation of X-ray emitting stationary shocks in magnetized protostellar jets Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 XMM-Newton large programme on SN1006 - II. Thermal emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Detailed study of SNR G306.3 - 0.9 using XMM-Newton and Chandra observations Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 X-Ray Emission from Stellar Jets by Collision against High-density Molecular Clouds: an Application to HH 248 Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 An X-ray characterization of the central region of the supernova remnant G332.5-5.6 Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Accretion Shocks in Young Stars: the Role of Local Absorption on the X-ray Emission Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2015 XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 - I. Methods and initial results of spatially resolved spectroscopy Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Supernova 1987A: a Template to Link Supernovae to Their Remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Spatial Distribution of X-Ray Emitting Ejecta in Tycho's SNR: Indications of Shocked Titanium Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Probing the effects of hadronic acceleration at the SN 1006 shock front Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Vai
2014 Modeling the non-thermal emission from bowshocks produced by runaway stars eedings Vai
2014 Role of local absorption on the X-ray emission from MHD accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Accretion Shocks in Classical T Tauri Stars: The Role of Local Absorption in the X-Ray Emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 X-rays from accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars: 2D MHD modeling and the role of local absorption eedings Vai
2014 The loss-limited electron energy in SN 1006: Effects of the shock velocity and of the diffusion process Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Accretion shocks in young stars: the role of local absorption on the X-ray emission eedings Vai
2014 SNRs as cosmic accelerators Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2014 SHOCK-cloud interaction and particle acceleration in the southwestern limb of sn 1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Hydrodynamic modelling of ejecta shrapnel in the Vela supernova remnant Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 The shape of the cutoff in the synchrotron emission of SN 1006 observed with XMM-Newton Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Evidence of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission from HH 80 Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Radiative accretion shocks along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields in classical T Tauri stars Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Non-thermal processes in coronae and beyond Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 The northwestern ejecta knot in SN 1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Role of Ejecta Clumping and Back-reaction of Accelerated Cosmic Rays in the Evolution of Type Ia Supernova Remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Nanoflare Evidence from Analysis of the X-Ray Variability of an Active Region Observed with Hinode/XRT eedings Vai
2012 X-raying hadronic acceleration at the SN 1006 shock front eedings Vai
2012 X-ray emitting hot plasma in solar active regions observed by the SphinX spectrometer Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 X-ray structures from outflowing Young Stellar Objects interacting with the Interstellar Medium Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 A population of isolated hard X-ray sources near the supernova remnant Kes 69 Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 AE Aurigae: First Detection of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission from a Bow Shock Produced by a Runaway Star Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 XMM-Newton evidence of shocked ISM in SN 1006: indications of hadronic acceleration Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Suzaku Detection of Diffuse Hard X-Ray Emission outside Vela X Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Overionization in X-ray spectra: a new paradigm for Mixed-Morphology SNRs . eedings Vai
2011 X-ray emission from protostellar jet HH 154: first evidence of a diamond shock? eedings Vai
2011 Effects of non-uniform interstellar magnetic field on synchrotron X-ray and inverse-Compton γ-ray morphology of supernova remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 X-Ray Emission from Protostellar Jet HH 154: The First Evidence of a Diamond Shock? Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Unveiling the spatial structure of the overionized plasma in the supernova remnant W49B Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Constraints on the local interstellar magnetic field from non-thermal emission of SN1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Widespread Nanoflare Variability Detected with Hinode/X-Ray Telescope in a Solar Active Region Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Observational constraints on the modelling of SN 1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 Generation of Knots in a Randomly Pulsed Protostellar Jet: Synthesis of the X-ray Emission eedings Vai
2010 Generation of radiative knots in a randomly pulsed protostellar jet. II. X-ray emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2010 Generation of radiative knots in a randomly pulsed protostellar jet I. Dynamics and energetics Articolo in rivista Vai
2010 The origin of the X-ray-emitting plasma in the eastern edge of the Cygnus Loop Articolo in rivista Vai
2010 Spatial identification of the overionized plasma in W49B Articolo in rivista Vai
2010 Observability and diagnostics in the X-ray band of shock-cloud interactions in supernova remnants Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Effects of non-uniform interstellar magnetic field on synchrotron and inverse compton emission of SNRs eedings Vai
2009 Thermal emission, shock modification, and X-ray emitting ejecta in SN 1006 Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 On the metal abundances inside mixed-morphology supernova remnants: the case of IC 443  and G166.0+4.3 Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Predicted γ-ray image of SN 1006 due to inverse Compton emission Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Evidence of shock modification in SN 1006 eedings Vai
2009 X-ray emission from supernova remnants interacting with interstellar clouds eedings Vai
2009 MHD modeling of supernova remnants expanding through inhomogeneous interstellar medium eedings Vai
2009 Modeling SNR shock waves expanding through the magnetized inhomogeneous interstellar medium Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Modeling the X-ray emission from jets observed with Chandra eedings Vai
2008 New constraints on chemical abundances of the shocked plasma in the supernova remnant IC443 eedings Vai
2008 Hydrodynamic modeling of ejecta shrapnels in the Vela SNR eedings Vai
2008 The outer shock of SN1006 eedings Vai
2008 High Performance Computing on the COMETA Grid Infrastructure eedings Vai
2007 The X-ray emission of the supernova remnant W49B: indications of a jet-like explosion eedings Vai
2007 A High-resolution Survey of the physical and chemical Inhomogeneities in the Vela SNR eedings Vai
2006 X-raying the interstellar medium: the study of SNR shells at the OAPa eedings Vai
2006 The X-ray emission of the supernova remnant W49B observed with XMM-Newton Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 The X-ray emission of the supernova remnant W49B observed with XMM-Newton eedings Vai
2006 Shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR. II. Hydrodynamic model Articolo in rivista Vai
2005 Hydrodynamic simulations of the shock-cloud interaction in the Vela supernova remnant Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2005 Shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR observed with XMM-Newton Articolo in rivista Vai
2005 Multi-phase interstellar clouds in the Vela SNR resolved with XMM-Newton Articolo in rivista Vai
2004 Shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR: the XMM-Newton view eedings Vai
2004 Shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR: the XMM-Newton view eedings Vai
2004 Shock-cloud interactions in the Vela SNR: preliminary results of an XMM-Newton observation Articolo in rivista Vai
2004 An X-rays study of the shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR eedings Vai