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Fabrication of Bismuth Absorber Arrays for NTD-Ge Hard X-ray Microcalorimeters

  • Autori: Ferruggia Bonura, S.; Gulli, D.; Barbera, M.; Collura, A.; Spoto, D.; Vassallo, P.; Varisco, S.; Santamaria, M.; Di Franco, F.; Zaffora, A.; Botta, L.; Lo Cicero, U.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


The high-spectral-resolution detection of hard X-rays (E > 20 keV) is a challenging and nearly unexplored area in space astrophysics. Traditionally hard X-ray detectors present moderate spectral resolutions, although few tens of eV one could open new frontiers in the study of nuclear processes and high-temperature plasma dynamics in energetic processes. This can be achieved by using cryogenic microcalorimeters. Within a research activity aimed at developing arrays of neutron transmutation-doped germanium (NTD-Ge) microcalorimeters for the high-spectral-resolution detection (about 50 eV@60 keV) of hard X-rays (20 keV < E<100 keV), we developed an electroplating process to fabricate high-thickness (> 60 μm) bismuth absorber arrays. The adopted technological process and the study of related process parameters are discussed; preliminary results on produced arrays are given.