2024 |
ChatGPT as a New Tool to Select a Biological for Chronic Rhino Sinusitis with Polyps, “Caution Advised” or “Distant Reality”? |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Is Oral Microflora Related to Development of Malfunction in Patients Using Voice Prosthesis? |
Articolo in rivista |
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2024 |
Uncommon Nasal Mass Presentation: A Radiological Case Series |
Articolo in rivista |
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2024 |
Management of uncontrolled/recurrent epistaxis by ligation or cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery: a scoping review |
Review essay (rassegna critica) |
Vai |
2024 |
Is Oral Microflora Related to Development of Malfunction in Patients Using Voice Prosthesis? |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Dupilumab in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: Real life data in a multicentric Sicilian experience |
Articolo in rivista |
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2023 |
Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders |
Articolo in rivista |
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2023 |
Mastoidectomy in surgical procedures to treat retraction pockets: a single-center experience and review of the literature |
Review essay (rassegna critica) |
Vai |
2023 |
A Prospective Observational Study on the Role of Immunohistochemical Expression of Orphanin in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Recurrence |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
NBI and Laryngeal Papillomatosis: A Diagnostic Challenge: A Systematic Review |
Review essay (rassegna critica) |
Vai |
2022 |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Papillomavirus Infection and Prevention: How Much Does the Sicilian Population Know? An Observational Study |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Swallowing Outcomes in Open Partial Horizontal Laryngectomy Type I and Endoscopic Supraglottic Laryngectomy: A Comparative Study |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Management of pharyngeal collapse in patients affected by moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
A conservative treatment for chronic obstructive sialoadenitis by intraductal instillation of mucolytic, steroids and antibiotic solution |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
The prognostic value of subjective nasal symptoms and SNOT-22 score in middle ear surgery |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Tumours of Nasal Septum: A Retrospective Study of 32 Patients |
Articolo in rivista |
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2021 |
Eustachian tube function assessment after radiofrequency turbinate reduction in atopic and non-atopic patients |
Articolo in rivista |
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2021 |
Articolo in rivista |
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2021 |
Advances in rehabilitation in OSAS |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2021 |
A comparative double blind study of nasal dressing sponge® versus merocel® as nasal pack after nasal surgery |
Articolo in rivista |
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2021 |
Advances in the Role of Pharyngeal Surgery in the Treatment of OSAS |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2021 |
Guide to the management of complications in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2020 |
Sjogren syndrome and parotid marginal zone lymphoma: Report of a case and review of literature |
Articolo in rivista |
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2020 |
Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma: An unusual case report |
Articolo in rivista |
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2020 |
Cardiovascular consequences of sleep disordered breathing: the role of CPAP treatment |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2019 |
Prognostic role of resection margin in open oncologic laryngeal surgery: survival analysis of a cohort of 139 patients affected by squamous cell carcinoma |
Articolo in rivista |
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2019 |
Functional outcomes after supracricoid modified partial laryngectomy |
Lettera |
Vai |
2019 |
Notch-1 signaling activation sustains overexpression of interleukin 33 in the epithelium of nasal polyps |
Articolo in rivista |
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2019 |
Anaplastic thyroid cancer: A case series with a wide spectrum of treatment in emergency |
Articolo in rivista |
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2019 |
Our Assessment Using Palate Postoperative Problems Score (PPOPS): Tool for the Evaluation of Results in Palatal Surgery Techniques |
Articolo in rivista |
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2019 |
Notch-1 decreased expression contributes to leptin receptor downregulation in nasal epithelium from allergic turbinates |
Articolo in rivista |
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2019 |
Association between obstructive apnea syndrome during sleep and damages to anterior labyrinth: Our experience |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Laryngeal involvement in relapsing polychondritis: Case report and review of literature |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Functional Nasal Surgery and Use of CPAP in OSAS Patients: Our Experience |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Effects of adenotonsillectomy on neurocognitive and behavioural function in pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Endoscopic sinus surgery associated with rhinoseptoplasty: A case-control study |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
The EBV-DNA Can be Used as a Diagnostic and Follow-up Parameter of the Rhinopharyngeal Tumors in the Non-Endemic Population of the Western Sicily |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Sinonasal respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma: A report on three cases |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Clarithromycin in the Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Preliminary Results of a Possible Its New Use |
Articolo in rivista |
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2017 |
Expression pattern of estroprogestinic receptors in sinonasal inverted papilloma |
Articolo in rivista |
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2017 |
The role of Leptin in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2017 |
Postural changes in patients undergoing hyoid surgery for OSAS |
Articolo in rivista |
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2017 |
Anterior palatoplasty: Effectiveness for treatment of simple snoring and mild osas |
Articolo in rivista |
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2016 |
Oxidative stress neuroinflammation and cellular stress response in sensorineural hearing loss: novel nutritional therapeutical approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
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2016 |
Sialoendoscopy in the management of the salivary gland disorders |
Articolo in rivista |
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2015 |
Bipolar Quantum Molecular Resonance versus Blunt Dissection tonsillectomy |
Articolo in rivista |
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2015 |
Articolo in rivista |
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2015 |
The immunohistochemical peptidergic expression of leptin is associated with recurrence of malignancy in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. |
Articolo in rivista |
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2015 |
Budesonide increases TLR4 and TLR2 expression in Treg lymphocytes of allergic asthmatics |
Articolo in rivista |
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2014 |
Fluticasone furoate maintains epithelial homeostasis via leptin/leptin receptor pathway in nasal cells |
Articolo in rivista |
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2014 |
Profile of intranasal corticosteroids in italy: Safety, cost/effectiveness, local and systemic adverse effects |
Articolo in rivista |
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2014 |
Intratympanic treatment with dexamethasone as first-line or salvage therapy in sudden sensorineural hearing loss: Results of a retrospective study |
Articolo in rivista |
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2014 |
Sleep-disordered breathing:Evaluation of dynamic patterns of the upper airways in obese subjects |
Articolo in rivista |
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2013 |
Carbocysteine regulates innate immune responses and senescenses processes in cigarette smoke stimulated bronchial epithelial cells |
Articolo in rivista |
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2013 |
Personal experience on inverted papilloma surgical treatment |
Articolo in rivista |
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2012 |
Valutazione del pattern dinamico delle vie aeree superiori nei grandi obesi mediante manovra di Muller |
Articolo in rivista |
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2012 |
Disturbo di panico e sistema vestibolare |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2012 |
Trattamento medico dell'ascesso peritonsillare |
Articolo in rivista |
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2012 |
Increased expression of IL-19 in the epitelium of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps |
Articolo in rivista |
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2012 |
Expression of gelatinases (MMP-2, MMP-9) and cyclooxygenases (COX-1, COX-2) in some benign salivary gland tumors. |
Articolo in rivista |
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2011 |
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo following whiplash injury: a myth or a reality? |
Articolo in rivista |
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2011 |
Impiego della Sleep Endoscopy nella diagnostica preoperatoria OSAHS |
Articolo in rivista |
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2011 |
Treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss with transtympanic injection of steroids as single therapy: a randomized clinical study. |
Articolo in rivista |
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2011 |
aspetti etiologici delle linfoadenopatie laterocervicali |
Articolo in rivista |
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2011 |
Analysis of visually guided eye movements in subjects after whiplash injury |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
IL-19 as putative biomarker for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Role of non cholinergic system components in Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polips |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Valutazione del pattern dinamico delle vie aeree superiori nei grandi obesi mediante manovra di Muller |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome(OSAS):effects on the vestibular system |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
Techniques of intratympanic administration |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
Endoscopic septoplasty in combination with functional endoscopic sinus surgery: Our indicatiions |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
Localisation of mediterranean Kaposi's sarcoma in Morgagni's ventricle |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
Sonografic examination of epiaortic vessels in patients with peripheral vertigo |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Pattern dinamico delle VAS nei grandi obesi mediante manovra di Muller |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Criteri di selezione dei pazienti affetti da OSAS da sottoporre a palatofaringoplastica |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Il trattamento della sordità improvvisa mediante cortisonico intratimpanico |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Sarcoma di Kaposi laringeo del ventricolo di Morgagni: caso clinico |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of lateral semicircular canal by Gufoni's manoeuvre |
Articolo in rivista |
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2009 |
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with tonsillectomy in the treatment of severe OSAS |
Articolo in rivista |
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2009 |
Uvulopalatofaringoplastica associata a tonsillectomia nel trattamento dell'OSAS severa |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Analisi video-oculografica degli smooth pursuit in pazienti affetti da schizofrenia e loro consanguinei |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Glut-3 expression in laringeal carcinoma: is really a prognostic indicator? |
Articolo in rivista |
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2009 |
Immunohistochemical expression of CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the laryngeal-tracheal tract in humans suffering from laryngeal neoplasia |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Resection of verrucous squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity using advanced radiofrequency |
Articolo in rivista |
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2008 |
Trattamento della canalolitiasi del CSP: nostra esperienza |
Articolo in rivista |
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2007 |
Abrikosoff's tumour of the tongue:a pediatric case report |
Articolo in rivista |
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2007 |
Cholesteatoma associated with Kabuki syndrome |
Articolo in rivista |
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2007 |
Use of intraoperative video endoscopy during anterior inferior hyoid suspension surgery |
Articolo in rivista |
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2007 |
Uncommon site of Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) involving the external auditory canal (EAC). Case Report |
Articolo in rivista |
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2005 |
Important Biomolecular Indicators In Locally Advanced Laryngeal Squamous Carcinoma: P16 Mutations |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Articolo in rivista |
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2004 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Valutazione della funzione neuroautonomica nella Malattia di Ménière |
Articolo in rivista |
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2003 |
Localization of the atrial natriuretic factor in the human inferior turbinates. An immunohistochemical study |
Articolo in rivista |
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2003 |
Radiosurgery in the treatment of the glottic plane carcinoma |
Articolo in rivista |
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2003 |
Uvulopalatoplasty by radiosurgery |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2003 |
Radiosurgery in the treatment of laryngeal abductor paralysis |
Articolo in rivista |
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2003 |
turbinate surgery by radiofrequency for sleep-disordered breathing |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |