2024 |
Influence of Line Energy Density on the Ductility of Ti6Al4V L-PBF Parts for Hybrid Metal Forming Applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Solid state recycling operations for AA7075 |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Process parameters and surface treatment effects on the mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of Ti6Al4V components produced by laser powder bed fusion |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Investigating the influence of deposition techniques and processing conditions on AA2024/SiC FSW joints: Evaluation of microstructural and mechanical properties |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Improving the Quality of Reshaped EoL Components by Means of Accurate Metamodels and Evolutionary Algorithms |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Assessing single and multi-step friction stir consolidated recycled billets through uniaxial upsetting test |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Investigation of the reshaping process by hydroforming using magnetorheological fluids |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Numerical Investigation on Dissimilar Titanium-Aluminum T-joints Produced by Friction Stir Welding: Process Mechanics and Material Flow |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Defining a new process window for LPBF of Ti-6Al-4V based on micro-warping phenomena |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Feasibility study of using friction stir extruded recycled aluminum rods for welding and additive manufacturing |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
A generalized parametric model for the bonding occurrence prediction in friction stir consolidation of aluminum alloys chips |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of wires produced from A356 aluminum alloy chips by Continuous Friction Stir Extrusion: Experiments and numerical simulation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Surface treatments on 3D printed Ti6Al4V biomedical plates to enhance corrosion resistance in simulated physiological solutions and under inflammatory conditions |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Finite element modeling (FEM) as a design tool to produce thin wall structures in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Analysis of continuous magnetic field-assisted double-sided incremental forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Unveiling the mechanical and microstructural properties of SiC reinforced aluminum wires recycled from scraps by friction stir extrusion |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Elucidating role of sheets mutual position and copper interlayer in FSW of dissimilar Ti6Al4V-SS316L lap joints: Metallurgical and mechanical characterizations |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Residual stress and part distortion prediction in L-PBF of Ti-6Al-4V using layer-by-layer FEM simulation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Improving the Industrial Efficiency of Recycling Aluminum Alloy Chips Using Friction Stir Extrusion: Thin Wires Production Process |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Parts repairing and microstructural refinement of high-pressure die cast aluminum alloys through friction stir processing for bulk production |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Simplified primary energy models for the selection of Electron Beam Melting over turning in the production of titanium alloys components |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Material flow analysis in friction stir consolidation during recycling aluminum alloy chips |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
A methodological framework to model cumulative energy demand and production costs for additive and conventional manufacturing approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Optimization of the sheet hydroforming process parameters to improve the quality of reshaped EoL components |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Progresses in multi-materials billet manufacturing out of metal scraps through friction stir consolidation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Characterization of friction stir consolidated recycled billet by uniaxial compression tests with miniaturized cylindrical specimen |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Solid bonding criteria design for aluminum chips recycling through Friction Stir Consolidation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
On the role of intermetallic and interlayer in the dissimilar material welding of Ti6Al4V and SS 316L by friction stir welding |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Ductility and linear energy density of Ti6Al4V parts produced with additive powder bed fusion technology |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
A new control parameter to predict micro‑warping‑induced job failure
in LPBF of TI6AL4V titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
An insight into friction stir consolidation process mechanics through advanced numerical model development |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Influence of distinct tool pin geometries on aluminum 8090 FSW joint properties |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Dissimilar titanium-aluminum skin-stringer joints by FSW: process mechanics and performance |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Properties Augmentation of Cast Hypereutectic Al–Si Alloy Through Friction Stir Processing |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Design and development of a new machine tool for continuous friction stir extrusion |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Life Cycle Assessment of aluminum alloys chips recycling through single and multi-step Friction Stir Consolidation processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Study of the implementation of SPIF as a Reshaping strategy in terms of formability and accuracy performance |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Fabrication of Billet from Aluminum Alloys AA 2011-T3/7075 Chips through Friction Stir Consolidation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
The role of thermal contribution in the design of AA2024 friction stir welded butt and lap joints: mechanical properties and energy demand |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Outlining the Limits of Friction Stir Consolidation as Used as an Aluminum Alloys Recycling Approach |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
A novel approach to enhance mechanical properties during recycling of aluminum alloy scrap through friction stir consolidation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Sample building orientation effect on porosity and mechanical properties in Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Prediction of phase evolutions during friction stir welding of Ti-grade 5 T-joints using finite element modeling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Joining by forming technologies: current solutions and future trends |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Multi-material based functionally graded billets manufacturing through friction stir consolidation of aluminium alloys chips |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Hybrid prediction-optimization approaches for maximizing parts density in SLM of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Forgeability characterization of multi-material based functionally graded materials manufactured through friction stir consolidation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V: Effects of Heat Accumulation Phenomena Due to Building Orientation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
3D Printing and Computational Modeling for the Evaluation of LVOT obstruction in Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Reshaping End-of-Life components by sheet hydroforming: An experimental and numerical analysis |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Study of forming mechanics of magnetic field–assisted single point incremental forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Review on mechanical joining by plastic deformation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Advances and innovations in manufacturing systems research 2022 |
Nota o commento |
Vai |
2022 |
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of titanium gr.5 parts produced by different manufacturing routes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Residual stress and material flow prediction in Friction Stir Welding of Gr2 Titanium T-joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Manufacturing processes as material and energy efficiency strategies enablers: The case of Single Point Incremental Forming to reshape end-of-life metal components |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
A numerical approach for the modelling of forming limits in hot incremental forming of AZ31 magnesium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Comparative evaluation of the effect of the substrate thickness and inherent process defects on the static and fatigue performance of FSW and adhesive-bonded overlap-joints in an AA6016 alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Magnetic field-assisted single-point incremental forming with a magnet ball tool |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Understanding formability and geometrical accuracy of SPIF process used as reshaping approach |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
Geometrical deviation of end-of-life parts as a consequence of reshaping by single point incremental forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
The Effect of Building Direction on Microstructure and Microhardness during Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Smart and resilient manufacturing in the wake of COVID-19 |
Nota o commento |
Vai |
2021 |
Gaming as a Key Approach for the Recovery Process of a Public Space: The Case Study of the Old Chemical Plant ‘Chimica Arenella’ in Palermo |
Poster pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
A two steps Lagrangian–Eulerian numerical model for the simulation of explosive welding of three dissimilar materials joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
On the effectiveness of spif process to re-form end-of-life components as compared to conventional forming approach |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Effect of position and force tool control in friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminum-steel lap joints for automotive applications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Multi-directional vs. mono-directional multi-step strategies for single point incremental forming of non-axisymmetric components |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Mechanical and metallurgical characterization of AA6082-T6 sheet-bulk joints produced through a linear friction welding based approach |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Re-forming end-of-life components through single point incremental forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Uncovering Technological and Environmental Potentials of Aluminum Alloy Scraps Recycling Through Friction Stir Consolidation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Friction Stir Welding of Ti6Al4V complex geometries for aeronautical applications: a feasibility study |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Application of linear friction welding for joining ultrafine grained aluminium |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Microstructural, mechanical and energy demand characterization of alternative WAAM techniques for Al-alloy parts production |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
An energy efficiency analysis of single point incremental forming as an approach for sheet metal based component reuse |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Surface and mechanical characterization of stationary shoulder friction stir welded lap joints: experimental and numerical approach |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Solid state joining of thin hybrid sandwiches made of steel and polymer: A feasibility study |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Single block 3D numerical model for linear friction welding of titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
An insight into the electrical energy demand of friction stir welding processes: the role of process parameters, material and machine tool architecture |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Constant Heat Input Friction Stir Welding of Variable Thickness AZ31 Sheets through In-Process Tool Rotation Control |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Friction stir extrusion to recycle aluminum alloys scraps: Energy efficiency characterization |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A novel linear friction welding based approach for sheet-bulk joining |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2019 |
Aluminium sheet metal scrap recycling through friction consolidation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
History of NAMRI and NAMRC |
Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione |
Vai |
2019 |
Special issue of journal of manufacturing systems on new trends in manufacturing systems research |
Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione |
Vai |
2019 |
Special issue of journal of manufacturing processes on new trends in manufacturing processes research |
Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione |
Vai |
2019 |
New trends in manufacturing systems research |
Nota o commento |
Vai |
2019 |
Energy demand reduction of aluminum alloys recycling through friction stir extrusion processes implementation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
New trends in manufacturing processes research |
Nota o commento |
Vai |
2018 |
In-process control strategies for friction stir welding of AZ31 sheets with non-uniform thickness |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Welding abilities of UFG metals |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Experimental and numerical investigation on a new FSW based metal to composite joining technique |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Bonding prediction in friction stir consolidation of aluminum alloys: A preliminary study |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2018 |
Influence of oblique edge blanking on the online punching quality after stretch bending |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Special Issue of Journal of Manufacturing Processes on Advancing Manufacturing Processes Research at NAMRC 46 |
Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione |
Vai |
2018 |
Special Issue of Journal of Manufacturing Systems on Advancing Manufacturing Systems Research at NAMRC 46 |
Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione |
Vai |
2018 |
Design of continuous Friction Stir Extrusion machines for metal chip recycling: Issues and difficulties |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Advancing manufacturing processes research at NAMRC 46 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Advancing manufacturing systems research at NAMRC 46 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Linear friction welding of dissimilar AA6082 and AA2011 aluminum alloys: microstructural characterization and design guidelines |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Latest developments in manufacturing processes at NAMRC 45 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Strategies for numerical simulation of linear friction welding of metals: a review |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Analysis of Electrical Energy Demands in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Residual Stress Measurement in Innovative Friction Stir Welding Processes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2017 |
A macroscale FEM-based approach for selective laser sintering of thermoplastics |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Enhancement of mechanical properties of FSWed AA7075 lap joints through in-situ fabrication of MMC |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Process mechanics in Friction Stir Extrusion of magnesium alloys chips through experiments and numerical simulation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
An exploratory study for analyzing the energy savings obtainable by reshaping processes of sheet metal based components |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2017 |
A numerical model for Wire integrity prediction in Friction Stir Extrusion of magnesium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Influence of processing parameters and initial temper on Friction Stir Extrusion of 2050 aluminum alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite production through Friction Stir Extrusion of aluminum chips |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
In-process tool rotational speed variation with constant heat input in friction stir welding of AZ31 sheets with variable thickness |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Comparison between FSW and bonded lap joints - A preliminary investigation |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Latest advancements in manufacturing systems at NAMRC 45 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Life cycle energy and Co2 emissions analysis of food packaging: an insight into the methodology from an Italian perspective |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Weld quality prediction in linear friction welding of AA6082-T6 through an integrated numerical tool |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Effect of the mutual position between weld seam and reinforcement on the residual stress distribution in Friction Stir Welding of AA6082 skin and stringer structures |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
AZ31 magnesium alloy recycling through friction stir extrusion process |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Influence of process parameters on the product integrity in friction stir extrusion of magnesium alloys |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2016 |
An Innovative Friction Stir Welding Based Technique to Produce Dissimilar Light Alloys to Thermoplastic Matrix Composite Joints |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
In-process tool force and rotation variation to control sheet thickness change in friction stir welding of magnesium alloys |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2016 |
Material flow analysis in dissimilar friction stir welding of AA2024 and Ti6Al4V butt joints |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
Dissimilar titanium/aluminum friction stir welding lap joints by experiments and numerical simulation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Comparative analysis of bonding mechanism in solid state metal working processes |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Dissimilar Al/steel friction stir welding lap joints for automotive applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Dissimilar Al/steel Friction stir welding lap joints for automotive applications |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
On the Solid Bonding Phenomena in Linear Friction Welding and Accumulative Roll Bonding Processes: Numerical Simulation Insights |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2015 |
Phase evolution in hot forging of dual phase titanium alloys: Experiments and numerical analysis |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminium– magnesium joints: Sheet mutual position effects |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Design of Numerical Simulations of Linear Friction Welding Processes: Issues and Difficulties |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2015 |
Shear coefficient determination in linear friction welding of aluminum alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Metallurgical evolutions in hot forging of dual phase titanium alloys: Numerical simulation and experiments |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2015 |
Dual phase titanium alloy hot forging process design: experiments and numerical modeling |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Microstructure Evolution during Linear Friction Welding of Ti6Al4V |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Modeling of the plastic characteristics of AA6082 for the friction stir welding process |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Friction Stir Welding as an effective alternative technique for light
structural alloys mixed joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Experimental and numerical study on Linear Friction Welding of AA2011 Aluminum Alloy |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Beta-Forging of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy Powders Consolidated by HIP: Plastic Flow and Strain-Rate Relation |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Influence of geometrical ratios in forgeability of complex shapes
during hot forging of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of friction stir welded skin and stringer joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Effective Linear Friction Welding Machine Redesign through Process
Analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Mappe di Lavorabilita’ per Giunti Misti di Alluminio Mediante Processo di Saldatura Linear Friction Welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Phase Evolution in Hot Forging of Dual Phase Titanium Alloys: Experiments and Numerical Analysis |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Analytical bonding criteria for joint integrity prediction in friction stir welding of aluminum alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Using a neural network for qualitative and quantitative predictions of weld integrity in solid bonding dominated processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Friction based solid state welding techniques for transportation industry applications |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Influence of joint geometry on micro and macro mechanical
properties of friction stir spot welded joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Prediction of phase transformation
of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy during
hot-forging processes using a
numerical model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Analisi numerico-sperimentale per la determinazione delle tensioni
residue in un giunto saldato |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
On Tool Stirring Action In Friction Stir Welding Of Work Hardenable Aluminum Alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Analysis of the mechanical performance of hybrid (SPR/bonded) single-lap joints between CFRP panels and aluminum blanks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Advanced numerical models for the thermo-mechanical-metallurgical analysis in hot forging processes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Advanced FEM Modeling of Friction Stir Welding of Ti6Al4V: Microstructural Evolutions |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Joining by plastic deformation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Modelling Aspects in Accumulative Roll Bonding process by Explicit Finite Element Analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
On the Self-Piercing Riveting of Aluminium blanks and Carbon Fibre Composite Panels |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
On the linear friction welding process of aluminum alloys: Experimental insights through process monitoring |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
An Automated Visual Inspection System for the Classification of the Phases of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Micro and macro mechanical characterization of friction stir welded Ti–6Al–4V lap joints through experiments and numerical simulation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Coupled thermo-mechanical-metallurgical analysis of an hot forging process of titanium alloy |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
On the improvement of material formability in SPIF operation through tool stirring action |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Dissimilar material lap joints by Friction Stir Welding of Steel and Titanium Sheets: Process Modeling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Influence of parameters in a hybrid joint (SPR/bonded) GFRP-aluminum |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
FEM based prediction of phase transformations during Friction Stir Welding of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Ingegnerizzazione di giunti SPR a semplice sovrapposizione CFRP-Al |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
On the field variables influence on bonding phenomena during FSW processes: experimental and numerical study |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
Beta Forging of Ti-6Al-4V: microstructure evolution and mechanical properties |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
Effect of process parameters on the joint integrity in Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V lap joints |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
Improving formability in SPIF processes through high speed rotating tool: experimental and numerical analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2013 |
Friction stir welding of stainless steel thin sheets in lap configuration |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Application of a rheological Model for Phase Transformation Prediction in Beta Processing of Titanium Alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
An Optimization Procedure for the Friction Stir Welding FEM Model of Corner Fillet Joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Influence of the distance between rivets in Self Piercing Riveting bonded joints made of carbon fiber panels and AA2024 blanks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welded Parts of Complex Geometry |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Strumenti numerici avanzati per il cae di processi di formatura di leghe di titanio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Experimental and numerical analysis on FSWed magnesium alloy thin sheets obtained using “pin” and “pinless” tool |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Investigations on the linear friction welding process through numerical simulations and experiments |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
On The Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloys: Experimental Measurements and FEM Model Fine Tuning |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Stato dell’arte del Friction Stir Welding |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Factors Influencing Bonding Mechanics in FSW of AA5754 |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Mechanical and microstructural properties prediction by artificial neural networks in FSW processes of dual phase titanium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
A Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure in Friction Stir Welded and MIG Welded Light Alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
FSW of Lap and T-Joints |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Process Mechanics in Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloys: Experimental and Numerical Analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Ingegnerizzazione di una macchina prototipale per processi di saldatura linear friction welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Experimental study of SPR-bonded joints CFRP-AA2024-T6 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
TITAFORM - Precision Hot Forming, development of innovative hot-forming processes of aeronautical components in Ti-alloy with low buy/fly ratio: an Italian example of co-operation between academy and industry |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Ottimizzazione di Giunti Ibridi(Spr/Incollati) Gfrp-Al |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Numerical prediction of Biphasic Titanium Alloys Microstructure in Hot Forging Operations. |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Dissection Properties of Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms Associated with Bicuspid and Tricuspid Aortic Valves |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Fatigue behavior of self-piercing riveting of aluminium blanks and carbon fiber composite panels |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Comportamento a Fatica di Giunti Ibridi (Spr/Incollati) Cfrp-Alluminio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
On the Choice of Tool Material in Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Fatigue characterization of hybrid joints CFRP-aluminum obtained by Self-Pierce Riveting (SPR) |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Post Welding Formability of FSWed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Thin Joints obtained using a “Pinless” Tool Configuration |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Friction based solid state welding processes |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2011 |
Caratterizzazione microstrutturale e meccanica di giunti friction skin-stringer (2024/t4-7075/t6) saldati a basso e alto apporto termico |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Formability enhancement in incremental forming operations through sheet local heating |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Numerical simulation of linear fiction welding (LFW) processes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
FSW of AA2139-T8 Butt Joints For Aeronautical Applications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Fatigue strength of a single lap joint SPR-bonded |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Shape distortion and thickness distribution during SPIF processes: experimental and numerical analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2011 |
Studio sperimentale di giunti ibridi CFRP-alluminio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Mechanical and metallurgical properties of titanium alloy friction stir welded butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Design and setup of a Linear Friction Welding fixture |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Computer Aided Design of an Effective Fixture for FSW Processes of Titanium Alloys |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2011 |
Effect of process parameters in Linear Friction Welding Processes of Steels |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Mechanical and Microstructural modifications induced by Friction Stir Welding and Processing on AA5754 Aluminum Alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Recent advances in sheet metal single point incremental forming and friction stir welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Mechanical and Microstructural Properties Prediction by Artificial Neural Networks in FSW Processes of Dual Phase Titanium Alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Mechanical behaviour and failure modes of metal to composite adhesive joints for nautical applications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Numerical Procedure For Residual Stresses Prediction In Friction Stir Welding |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
On the use of SPH for Mechanical Engineering structural analyses: an elastic linear case |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Valutazione della vita a fatica di giunti complessi saldati tramite Friction Stir Welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Rilevamento Sperimentale delle Storie di Temperatura in Processi di Friction Stir Welding di Lamiere di Titanio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Improved FE model for the simulation of friction stir welding of different materials |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Mechanical and metallurgical effects of in process cooling during friction stir welding of AA7075-T6 butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
On the slabbing of stones throughdiamond wire cutting |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Development of corner fillet joints using friction stir welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
On the fem simulation of FSW and LFW operations |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Numerical Modelling of the Linear Friction Welding Process |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Key factors for industrial applicability of friction stir welded T- joints of different materials |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2010 |
Analysis of Joint Quality along Welding Plane |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2010 |
Formability of friction stir welding AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2010 |
Developing Tele-Operated Laboratories for Manufacturing Engineering Education |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Numerical simulation of Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
A new fixture for FSW processes of Titanium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
A New Friction Stir Welding Based Technique for Corner Fillet Joints: Experimental and Numerical Study |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
On the Self-Piercing Riveting of Aluminium blanks and Carbon Fibre Composite Panels |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Towards tool path numerical simulation in modified friction stir spot welding processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Finite element simulation of friction stir welding |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Residual stresses in friction stir welded parts
of complex geometry |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloys under Different Process Parameters |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2010 |
Friction Stir Processing of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: Microstructural Characterization |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
On the FSW of AA2024-T4 and AA7075-T6 T-joints: an industrial case study |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Friction Stir Welding of Tailored Joints for industrial applications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Mode I failure modeling of friction stir welding joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Failure modelling of friction stir welded joints in tensile tests |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
An overview of new joining technologies in aerostructures: laser beam welding and friction stir welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Tool Geometry in Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium Alloy Sheets |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2009 |
On the material flow in fsw of T-joints: influence of geometrical and tecnological parameters |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
A Neural Network Based Approach for the Design of FSW Processes |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2009 |
FSW of lightweight aluminum structures: lap joint development |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Physico-chemical characterization and corrosion properties of friction stir welded Al2024-T4 alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Self-piercing riveting for aluminium alloys-composites hybrid joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Friction Stir Welding of steels process design through a continuum based fem model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Friction Stir Processing: thermo-mechanical loads and consequent effects on the local material characteristics |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
A New Approach to Study Material Bonding in Extrusion Porthole Dies |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Utensile di saldatura per attrito |
Brevetto |
Vai |
2009 |
Fatigue crack growth in 2024-T351 Friction Stir Welded Joints: longitudinal residual stresses and microstructural effects |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Residual stresses and FCP prediction in FSW through a continuous FE model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Wear Analysis During Friction Stir Processing of A359+20%SiC MMC |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2009 |
Friction stir welding of lap joints: influence of process parameters on the metallurgical and mechanical properties |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
In-process heat treatments to improve FS-welded butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Influence of material characteristics on plastomechanics of the fsw process for T-joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Using a neural network for predicting the average grain size in friction stir welding processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Numerical simulation of modified friction stir spot welding processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Comportamento a fatica di giunti a T friction stir wleded in lega di alluminio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Metal to composite joining through adhesives |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Finite Element Studies On Friction Stir Welding Processes of Tailored Blanks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Friction Stir Welding e Friction Stir Knead Welding per la realizzazione di giunti misti acciaio-alluminio |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Residual stresses in friction stir welding: numerical simulation and experimental verification |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Numerical Simulation of Friction Stir Welding by Natural Element Methods |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Friction stir knead welding of steel aluminium butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Material Flow in FSW of T-joints: Experimental and Numerical Analysis |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Numerical Simulation of Lightweight Alloys Alternative Joining Techniques |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
On the springback prediction in 3d sheet metal forming processes |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
On the influence of tool path in friction stir spot welding of aluminum alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
On the Thermo-mechanical Loads and the Resultant Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Processing Operations |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Metallurgical Phenomena Modelling in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloys: Analytical vs. Neural Network Based Approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Friction Stir Spot Welding of AA6082-T6: influence of the most relevant process parameters and comparison with classic mechanical fastening techniques |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Friction stir assembly of alluminium alloy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Tool Path Design in Friction Stir Welding of AA6082-T6 Aluminium Alloy |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2007 |
Fundamental Investigations on Friction Stir Knead Welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Effetti delle tensioni residue sulla propagazione di cricche in giunti FSW in lega di alluminio |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Measuring of Geometrical Precision of Some parts Obtained by Asymmetric Incremental Forming Process After Trimming |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Numerical Prediction of Elastic Springback in an Automotive Complex Structural Part |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Improving Friction Stir Welding of blanks characterized by different thickness |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
On the Finite Element Simulation of Secondary Operations on Metallic Foams |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2007 |
Analysis of the joint strength in FSW of AA7075-T6 butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Investigations on the Mechanical Properties and Formability of Friction Stir Welded Tailored Blanks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Meshless Simulation of Friction Stir Welding |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
On the springback prediction in industrial air bending sequences |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
On the Effectiveness of Numerical Prediction of Elastic Springback: An Industrial Case Study |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Ritorno elastico in processi di formatura della lamiera |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Incremental Forming Process For The Accomplishment of Automotive Details |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
FSW lap joint resistance optimization through gradient techniques |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Investigations on the Mechanical Properties and Formability of Friction Stir Welded and Laser Welded Aluminum Tailored Blanks |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
The Relevance Of The Preform Design In Coining Processes Of Cupronickel Alloy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
CDRX modelling in friction stir welding of AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy: analytical approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
New Materials Design Through Friction Stir Processing Techniques |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Electrochemical Analysis on Friction Stir Welded and Laser Welded 6XXX Aluminium Alloys T-Joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Experimental characterization of FSW T-joints of light alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Solid State Bonding Mechanics In Extrusion And FSW: Experimental Tests And Numerical Analyses |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Innovative User Defined Density Profile Approach To FSW Of Aluminium Foam |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
On the numerical simulation of FSW processes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
CDRX modelling in friction stir welding of aluminium alloys: a neural network based approach |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Numerical prediction of elastic springback in automotive complex parts |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
AA6082-T6 friction stir welded joints fatigue resistance: influence of process parameters |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Forming of aluminum foam sandwiches: numerical simulations and experimental tests |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Friction Stir Welding of 3D Industrial Parts: Joint Strength Analysis |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
A technical note on an experimental device to measure friction coefficient in sheet metal forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
CDRX modelling in Friction Stir Welding of AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy: neural network based approach |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Design of the friction stir welding tool using the continuum based FEM model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Design Of Experiments for the optimization the process parameters of thixotropic aluminum alloy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
On the use of resin tools in sheet metal stamping of small lots |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Friction Stir Welding of Tailored Blanks: Investigation on Process Feasibility |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
FSW research activity at OSU and UNIPA |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Local mechanical and morphological characterization of FSW butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Material flow in fsw of aa7075-t6 butt joints: continuous dynamic recrystallization phenomena |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Analysis of induced shape defects in FSW aluminum lap-joints for automotive applications |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
On microstructural phenomena occurring in friction stir welding of aluminium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Fatigue life of AA2024-T4 friction stir welded joints influence of process parameters and post-welding treatments |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Tecniche di giunzione per la realizzazione di giunti misti acciaio-alluminio |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Solid State Bonding in Extrusion and FSW: Process Mechanics and Analogies |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Springback effect evaluation in three-dimensional stamping processes at the varying of blankholder force |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Material Flow in FSW of AA7075 - T6 butt joint: numerical simulations and experimental verifications |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Deep drawing of conical and spherical thin parts utilizing a rubber punch |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-6-4 Friction Stir Welds |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Materiali innovativi nella lavorazione di formatura delle lamiere nel settore automobilistico |
Altro |
Vai |
2006 |
FSW of AA6082-T6 T-joints: process engineering and performance measurement |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
On the Joining of Aluminum Foams and Aluminum Foam Sandwiches |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
A continuum based FEM model for friction stir welding - model development |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
An analysis of through-thickness residual stresses in aluminium FSW butt joints |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Incremental Forming of Friction Stir Welded Taylored Sheets |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Material flow and CDRX phenomena determining joint resistance in AA7075-T6 friction stir welding |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2005 |
Friction stir welding FEM model improvement through inverse thermal characterization |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2005 |
Thermal Characterization of Friction Stir Welded Butt Joints |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2005 |
Numerical modelling of friction stir welding: a grain size evolution model |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
A cost model for the Friction Stir Welding process |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Development of Diamond Sawblades for granite sawing on pendulum-like-frames |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Behaviour of friction stir welded T-components under loading |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Infra-red measurement of temperature during the Friction Stir Welding process and correlation with numerical simulation |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Friction stir welding: a solid state joining process |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Friction stir spot welding of aluminum alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Spot friction stir welding of aluminum alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Microstructural Changes Determining Joint Strength in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloys |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2005 |
Friction Stir Welding of 3D Industrial Parts |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
A thermo-mechanical model for the simulation of the Friction Stir Welding process |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Fatigue Resistance of AA2024-T4 Friction Stir welding Joints: Influence of Process Parameters |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2005 |
Modeling the effect of pin geometry in friction stir welding of aluminum alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Resistenza a fatica di giunzioni saldate per attrito: influenza dei parametri di processo |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
CDRX modelling in friction stir welding of aluminium alloys |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2005 |
Influence of process parameters for thixotropic alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Process parameters analysis in friction stir welding of AA6082-T6 sheets |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Innovative sheet metal forming processes: numerical simulations and experimental tests |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Friction stir welding of AA6082-T6 sheets: numerical analysis and experimental tests |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Technological Alternatives in the Joining of Lightweight Alluminum Structures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Effetti della temperatura sul ritorno elastico nella piegatura di strisce d’alluminio |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
La simulazione numerica per la progettazione dei processi di formatura delle lamiere: Piegatura mediante rulli (roll forming) |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2004 |
Influence of mechanical properties of the sheet material on formability in single point incremental forming |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Process mechanics analysis in single point incremental forming |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Thermal and thermo-mechanical treatments on shape memory alloys |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Influence of some relevant process parameters on the dimensional accuracy in incremental forming: a numerical and experimental investigation |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Die design for aluminium thin tubes extrusion: a 2D simulation approach |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Pin shape effect on friction stir welding af AA6082-T6 sheets |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Damage and fracture study of cold extrusion dies |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2003 |
On the use of SLS tools in sheet metal stamping |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2003 |
Enhancing formability of aluminium alloys by superimposing hydrostatic pressure |
Proceedings |
Vai |