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Time series analysis in the UNIPA NRTK GNSS network


Today GNSS coordinate time series analysis was evaluated to determine accurate position. The aims of this project is a preliminary combination of raw data to obtain the initial accurate parameter estimates of the stations in order to compute error bounds for all parameters of the model. Case of study is UNIPA NRTK GNSS: this network is located in Italy, central western of Sicily and is composed of nine permanent stations. The coordinates of the reference stations were established in IGS05 (epoch 2005.0) and ETRF89 (epoch 1989.0) system. Recently, two reference stations have been included and calculated in the Italian GPS dynamic permanent network so-called Rete Dinamica Nazionale (RDN). All calculations were performed with the Bernese 5.0 software. The pre-processing strategy used provided of the coordinate time series in which outliers and discontinuities were identified. After outlining the GPS coordinate time series analysis strategy this paper shows initial results for coordinate time series for one year period.