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Risultati della ricerca
121. SMAART laboratory (9%)
14-giu-2019 18.30.03and also part of the DICAM-Transport and Geomatics Area, will be a place for research on issues
122. Date esami - Dottorati di ricerca, Ciclo XXXVII, A.A. 2021/2022 (9%)
3-ago-2021 13.03.13Date esami orali - Dottorati di ricerca, Ciclo XXXVII, A.A. 2021/2022 articolo, notizia, unipa [Ultimo aggiornamento 03/08/2021 - ore 12:45] [Last update 3rd August 2012 - 12:45 italian time] Data esame orale - Interview date Advances in Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest) Data/Date: Da definite / To be defined Architettura Arti e Pianificazione Data/Date: 20th September 2021 - 09:30 (italian time
123. DR4906_2021_Decreto_Assegnazione_borse_PON_fto_prot (9%)
16-nov-2021 8.48.30in “Advances in Modeling, Health Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering
124. DR197_2021_decreto_assegnazione_borse_regionali_avviso_37_2020 (9%)
21-gen-2021 12.03.43“Advances in Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards
125. Bando di accesso ciclo 37 (9%)
126. BORSE PON R&I 2014-2020 e Piano Stralcio R&I 2015-2017 con risorse FSC - Dottorati Innovativi a caratterizzazione industriale, ciclo XXXVI (9%)
19-mar-2021 12.27.06-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation
127. Verbale_NdV - 05 maggio 2021 (9%)
128. Statistiche Dottorato 36° ciclo (9%)
14-feb-2021 12.43.34Statistiche Dottorato 36° ciclo articolo, notizia, unipa Sesso Cittadinanza Ateneo di provenienza Borsa Dottorato 36 Dottorandi F M Italiana Straniera Estero Altro Ateneo Unipa Con Borsa Senza Borsa 1 ADVANCES IN MODELLING, HEALTH-MONITORING, INFRASTRUCTURES, GEOMATICS, GEOTECHNICS, HAZARDS, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, TRANSPORTATION (AIM HIGHEST) 7 2 5 6 1 1 0 6 7 0 2 ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE 7 4 3 6 1 1 1 5 7 0 3 BIODIVERSITY IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY 9 4 5 8 1 1 1 7 8 1 4
129. Dottorato Ciclo 36 (9%)
14-feb-2021 11.55.39Statistiche Dottorato 36° ciclo articolo, notizia, unipa Sesso Cittadinanza Ateneo di provenienza Borsa Dottorato 36 Dottorandi F M Italiana Straniera Estero Altro Ateneo Unipa Con Borsa Senza Borsa 1 ADVANCES IN MODELLING, HEALTH-MONITORING, INFRASTRUCTURES, GEOMATICS, GEOTECHNICS, HAZARDS, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, TRANSPORTATION (AIM HIGHEST) 7 2 5 6 1 1 0 6 7 0 2 ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE 7 4 3 6 1 1 1 5 7 0 3 BIODIVERSITY IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY 9 4 5 8 1 1 1 7 8 1 4
130. Bando "PON&POC Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale" 2020-2021 (9%)
16-feb-2021 12.12.29BORSE PON R&I 2014-2020 e Piano Stralcio R&I 2015-2017 con risorse FSC - Dottorati Innovativi a caratterizzazione industriale, ciclo XXXVI articolo, notizia, unipa Advances in Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest) - UDDIN Mohammed Zeeshan [Borsa PON n. 1] , AMIRI Fabiana [Borsa PON n. 2] Biodiversity - CARELLA Alessandro [Borsa FSC n. 2] Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic and
131. Assegnazione e scorrimenti borse finanziate dalla Regione Siciliana - Avviso 37/2020 (9%)
3-mar-2021 16.20.33. NUZZO Gianmarco - “Advances in Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics
132. Date esami orali - Dottorati di ricerca, Ciclo XXXVII, A.A. 2021/2022 (9%)
27-set-2021 16.56.08, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures
133. Esito Valutazione Progetti e Titoli - selezione per l'accesso ai corsi di Dottorati ciclo XXXVII, A.A. 2021/2022 (9%)
6-ott-2021 10.03.31, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (AIM HIGHEST) [05/10/2021
134. Description (9%)
16-feb-2014 10.03.36ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Description ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Description Description The Research Group of Topography and Cartography is responsible for all operations relating to the survey of land and infrastructure by Geomatics techniques. The activities include processing and treatment of the observations, the production of the metric data and/or thematic maps, the management of spatial information data with geographic information systems. The main applications
135. Laboratories (9%)
31-mag-2016 16.19.36Laboratories Dicam, research, description DICAM is characterized by 16 laboratories as support for the researches and services carried out by the seven research sections Aerospatial Coastal Engineering Dynamic of structures Electrochemical Materials Science Geomatics Geotechnics Hydraulics Hydraulic structures Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Material and Structures Natural and Hybrid Materials Materials for Conservation and Restoration Plastic and Bioplastic Materials Highways, Railways
136. Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale: incontri su GIS 3D e BIM rivolti a dottorandi e studenti (9%)
11-gen-2016 8.52.37il Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering dell'University College of London. Info
137. COOPERAZIONE/Delegazione Unipa in visita alla State University of Land Use Planning (9%)
16-lug-2013 7.59.18development: the case of Palermo” e “Geomatics techniques for surveying of Cultural Heritage”. La visita
138. New page (9%)
9-nov-2015 12.44.58Research Dicam, research, description Research Sections DICAM is characterized by seven research sections. By clicking on the name of each research section of the above figure you can explore the contents AEROSPACE HYDRAULICS AND ENVIRONMENT GEOMATICS ROAD INFRASTRUCTURES MATERIALS STRUCTURES AND GEOTECHNICAL TRANSPORTATION GIORGIO MANNINA Navigation Menu About People Research Laboratories Academic programs Contact us
139. New page (9%)
9-nov-2015 12.45.56geomatics GIORGIO MANNINA Navigation Menu About People Research Laboratories Academic programs Contact us
140. New page (9%)
9-nov-2015 12.45.28Laboratories Dicam, research, description DICAM is characterized by 16 laboratories as support for the researches and services carried out by the seven research sections Aerospatial Coastal Engineering Dynamic of structures Electrochemical Materials Science Geomatics and GIS Geotechnics Hydraulics Hydraulic structures Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Material and Structures Natural and Hybrid Materials Materials for Conservation and Restoration Plastic and Bioplastic Materials Highways