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Risultati della ricerca
21. Research (16%)
20-gen-2014 16.57.20ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Research ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Research ELISA OLIVERI Navigation menu Description People Research Academic programs Laboratory Services Link Dicam Home page Research Fields Laboratories Contacts
22. Services (16%)
3-feb-2014 16.06.55ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Services ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Services ELISA OLIVERI navigation menu Description People Research Academic programs Laboratory Services Link DICAM Home page Research Fields Laboratories Contacts
23. Appel - Call Post-Doc ERC MAP (16%)
8-mag-2017 16.23.37cartography, and to analyse them according to their context, as the most efficient indicator ... teamwork skills. Knowledge of tools deriving from network analysis and cartography would be an additional
25-lug-2017 12.19.00and Cartography. Within the above mentioned topics, the PhD curriculum will deal specifically ... sensing, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS)). 3 INGEGNERIA IDRAULICA E AMBIENTALE
25. 08_ingegneria-civile-ambientale-dei-materiali.pdf (16%)
25-lug-2017 12.19.00and Cartography. Within the above mentioned topics, the PhD curriculum will deal specifically ... , cartography, geographic information systems (GIS)). 3 INGEGNERIA IDRAULICA E AMBIENTALE Le tematiche
26. ingegneria civile, ambientale, dei materiali (16%)
25-lug-2017 12.19.00– Topography and Cartography. Within the above mentioned topics, the PhD curriculum will deal specifically ... , cartography, geographic information systems (GIS)). 3 INGEGNERIA IDRAULICA E AMBIENTALE
27. Allegato 9 - Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, dei Materiali (16%)
25-lug-2017 12.19.00and Cartography. Within the above mentioned topics, the PhD curriculum will deal specifically ... , cartography, geographic information systems (GIS)). Allegato 9 3 INGEGNERIA IDRAULICA
29. cv-picone (14%)
10-apr-2020 9.28.04Imagery: World of Warcraft as Playful Cartography?. In: Charting the Digital: Discourse, Disruption ... in a Geographical Imagery: World of Warcraft as Playful Cartography?” (con Giulia de Spuches) 19
8-mar-2013 23.04.55Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Towards better solutions. p. 143-154, BERLIN ... Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Towards better solutions. p. 103-111, BERLIN
33. Schede_PHD (11%)
7-giu-2019 10.49.15– Transportation and SSD ICAR/0 6 – Topography and Cartography. Within the above mentioned topics ... techniques for land surveying (remote sensing, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS)). 3
37. Structural and Infrastructural Engineering (11%)
5-giu-2019 15.15.30Structural and Infrastructural Engineering Engineering, Structures and Infrastructures, Research The Structural and Infrastructural Engineering Section Coordinator is prof. Guido Borino, it has 31 professors and 8 Scientific-Disciplinar Sectors: GEO/05 – Engineering Geology ICAR/04 – Roads, Railways and Airports ICAR/05 – Transportation ICAR/06 – Topography and Cartography ICAR/07 – Geothecnics ICAR/08 – Structural mechanics ICAR/09 – Structural engineering ICAR/14 – Urban and architectonics
38. Mauro sarno (11%)
8-mar-2013 23.20.44: "Genesis, classification and cartography of soils on" sandstones "of the Plio
39. Appe - Call Project Manager ERC MAP (11%)
8-mag-2017 16.23.37cartography would be an additional asset. Professional environment The Project Manager will work under
40. Teacher body (11%)
28-ott-2020 17.09.31Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature 34 Mauro Lo Brutto ICAR/06 Topography and cartography