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1. Framework_EN (100%)
8-mar-2013 21.55.16in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language ... . The description also covers the cultural context in which language is set. The Framework also defines ... . The provision of objective criteria for describing language proficiency will facilitate the mutual recognition ... of human language by breaking language competence down into separate components. This confronts us ... , it is a central objective of language education to promote the favourable devel- opment of the learner’s
2. Italian language courses (91%)
9-mag-2016 15.10.05Italian language courses unipa, itastra, language The Italian Language School is an institution belonging to the Department of Humanities of the University of Palermo. It promotes language learning, teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language. The School regularly organises courses of Italian Language and Culture, welcoming ... a model of language that is close to the linguistic and cultural habits on one side, and
3. Italian language School (91%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.18Italian language School Italian, language, School The Italian Language School is an institution belonging to the Department of Humanities of the University of Palermo. It promotes language learning, teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language. The School regularly organises courses of Italian Language and Culture, welcoming ... a model of language that is close to the linguistic and cultural habits on one side, and
4. Italian language School (91%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.19Italian language School Italian, language, School The Italian Language School is an institution belonging to the Department of Humanities of the University of Palermo. It promotes language learning, teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language. The School regularly organises courses of Italian Language and Culture, welcoming ... a model of language that is close to the linguistic and cultural habits on one side, and
14-gen-2019 13.27.34Symposium LITERACY EDUCATION AND SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR ADULTS (LESLLA) “People, languages and ... Annual Symposium LESLLA Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults “People ... like that of being a ‘non-speakers’ in that their ‘languages are beautiful, but they are no language ... . Spotti (2015). Superdiversity Discourse. The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Wiley-Blackwell. Makoni, S. (2012). A critique of Language, Languaging and Supervernaculars
6. "Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program is back! (75%)
13-mag-2013 13.40.00"Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program is back! italian, language, course,, italian, art, course,, italian, language, school, for, foreigners ... and Expert in Didactis of Italian as Second Language). Read the brochure! GIUSEPPE PATERNOSTRO "Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program of the Italian Language School for Foreigners, is back! From 18 February to 1 March. /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/
7. Call for Teacher Mobility at the University Language Centre (73%)
23-giu-2023 9.25.18Call for Teacher Mobility at the University Language Centre articolo, notizia, unipa, teacher mobilty, university language centre Within the framework of the project Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching, the University Language Centre organises seminars held by mobile lecturers and dedicated ... interested in carrying out their mobility period at the University Language Centre should send their CV ... finance language (English, French, Spanish) Legal language (English, French, Spanish) Medical
8. Italian language and culture courses (72%)
12-feb-2018 20.17.51Italian language and culture courses italian, language, culture Our teaching methodology Our methodology, inspired to the most up-to-date teaching theories and practices, is based on the functional ... every step of your language learning process. Our courses combine face to face classes, creative ... language learning process through non-formal learning. Test and certificate of attendance Your level ... ), unless you are new to the language, in which case you will be advised to join a beginners’ course
9. University Language Services (72%)
9-mag-2020 18.18.35University Language Services articolo, notizia, unipa CALOGERO CRAPANZANO Language Centre (CLA) articolo, notizia, unipa The Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Palermo offers an extensive programme of foreign language courses, which are free for students, PhD students, teaching and ... Language experts Foreign Languages at the CLA The University Language Centre offers courses ... advantage of the Language Centre’s courses. Foreign language skills are compulsory on a certain level
10. Teaching Italian to foreigners and migrants. The Master in “Didactic of Italian as a Foreign Language” is back! (71%)
13-mag-2013 13.40.00Language” is back! master, in, didattica, dell'italiano, come, lingua, non, materna,, Master, in, Didactic, of, Italian, as, a, foreign, language,, palermo, university The 4th edition of the Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second and Foreign Language offered by the Department of Philological and ... in teaching according to the two dimensions of Italian as a foreign language: as a second language (L2: for people who learn Italian while living in Italy) and as a foreign language (LS: for people
24-giu-2022 8.53.11ITALIAN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST news, in primo piano, comunicazioni, prova di conoscenza della lingua italiana, studenti, futuristudenti, bacheca Language proficiency test Exemption from the language proficiency test Exemption from the language test and quotas Dates for the language proficiency test Language proficiency test As required by the PROCEDURES FOR ENTRY, RESIDENCY AND ENROLMENT ... of proficiency in the Italian language, obligatory for all Laurea degree and Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
12. EVENTI / Multi-Level Modeling in SLA & Language Assessment - 20 e 21 giugno (60%)
21-giu-2016 10.27.51EVENTI / Multi-Level Modeling in SLA & Language Assessment - 20 e 21 giugno biblioteca sant'antonino, biblioteca linguistica, eventi, Multi-Level Modeling in SLA & Language Assessment Il 20 ... il workshop 3 intitolato “Multi-Level Modeling in SLA & Language Assessment” all’interno del Colloquium dal titolo Language Constructs, Contexts, and Content in Classroom and Large-Scale Assessments ... dell’evento al link LTRC (Language Testing Research Centre) dell’ ILTA (International Language Testing
13. ProLanguage "Language in Global Migration: Policies and Practices of Inclusion" (Palermo, September 14th-16th, 2017) (59%)
5-feb-2019 18.39.44ProLanguage "Language in Global Migration: Policies and Practices of Inclusion" (Palermo, September 14th-16th, 2017) Language, inclusion, migration, L'obiettivo generale del convegno ProLanguage "Language in Global Migration: Policies and Practices of Inclusion" è quello di affrontare il modo in cui le politiche linguistiche all'interno e intorno ai campi profughi, possano migliorare lo stato fisico e mentale dei profughi, agire come protezione sociale, aumentare
14. CLA - Language Centre and School of Italian for Foreigners (57%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.19CLA - Language Centre and School of Italian for Foreigners Language, Centre, School Piazza S. Antonino, 1 90134 PALERMO (PA) +39.0916169615 cla@unipa.it OFFICE MANAGER: ANTONIO CONIGLIARO Activities of CLA ROSARIO MARRARO
15. Summer School "Practices of Language Mediation" – Palermo, 27 Giugno - 1 Luglio 2022 (56%)
22-lug-2022 15.38.11Summer School "Practices of Language Mediation" – Palermo, 27 Giugno - 1 Luglio 2022 forthem, summer school, language mediation Le prof.sse Alessandra Rizzo, Mette Rudvin e Marianna Zummo, hanno organizzato, nell’ambito dell’Alleanza FORTHEM, la summer school “Practices of language mediation”, in cui studenti provenienti dalle università partner del progetto, iscritti in corsi di studio ... , hanno organizzato, nell’ambito dell’Alleanza FORTHEM, la summer school “Practices of language mediation
16. Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati (55%)
29-feb-2024 15.10.49Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati articolo, notizia, unipa, placement, Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House, laureandi, laureati, specializzazioni Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00, si svolgerà il Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House (scuola ... partecipazione Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) indicando, nel testo della mail ... @unipa.it (inserendo in oggetto: “Info Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) oppure
17. Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati (55%)
29-feb-2024 15.10.49Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati articolo, notizia, unipa, placement, Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House, laureandi, laureati, specializzazioni Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00, si svolgerà il Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House (scuola ... partecipazione Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) indicando, nel testo della mail ... @unipa.it (inserendo in oggetto: “Info Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) oppure
18. Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati (55%)
29-feb-2024 15.10.49Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati articolo, notizia, unipa, placement, Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House, laureandi, laureati, specializzazioni Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00, si svolgerà il Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House (scuola ... partecipazione Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) indicando, nel testo della mail ... @unipa.it (inserendo in oggetto: “Info Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) oppure
19. Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati (55%)
29-feb-2024 15.10.49Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati articolo, notizia, unipa, placement, Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House, laureandi, laureati, specializzazioni Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00, si svolgerà il Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House (scuola ... partecipazione Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) indicando, nel testo della mail ... @unipa.it (inserendo in oggetto: “Info Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) oppure
20. Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati (55%)
29-feb-2024 15.10.49Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House rivolto a laureandi e laureati articolo, notizia, unipa, placement, Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House, laureandi, laureati, specializzazioni Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00, si svolgerà il Recruiting Day online Tudor Language House (scuola ... partecipazione Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) indicando, nel testo della mail ... @unipa.it (inserendo in oggetto: “Info Recruiting Tudor Language House - 09/11/2023”) oppure