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  • 1. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (100%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    ..............................................................................................................................................13 ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT ... —es (M20u2lt2i )&64 M86o1n3o6: -v 210./009/2022 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT ... are not subject to any funding rate. 5.4 Estimated budget, budget categories and forms of funding

  • 2. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (100%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    ..............................................................................................................................................12 ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT ... ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement sets out the rights and obligations and terms and ... and subject to an amendment; see Article 39). The financial responsibility of each beneficiary in case

  • 3. EBSCO eBooks Academic 02 2016 (89%)

    6-dic-2016 14.34.01

    , anzichè effettuare la scelta titolo per titolo, EBSCO eBooks mette a disposizione: • Subject Sets ... sono già stati effettuati dal team EBSCO – Oltre 100 Subject Sets disponibili: - Subject Set recenti: - Subject Set archivio: • Custom Collections (acquisto perpetuo) – Create ... un’alternativa o un complemento ai Subject Sets 1 2. Abbonamento

  • 4. REP. 202_2023-CDA - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (85%)

    1-feb-2024 16.00.57

    ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT ...  GENERAL ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement sets out the rights and obligations and ... costs for beneficiaries that are profit legal entities. Contributions are not subject to any funding

  • 5. REP. 2482_2023- Capsenhar_subsidy contract-2 -Sarà (66%)

    1-feb-2024 15.33.02

    . The eligibility of the expenses is subject to national and comunitaria e alla valutazione da parte dell’AdG dei ... italiano sono 7. The resources from the ERDF and Italian national co-funding are subject soggetti

  • 6. international coach turismo (49%)

    22-gen-2015 16.42.22

    ! with the subject line: International :: ::. : Coach hostessl , _ . - _stei:ward pairt

  • 7. Atti "Diagnostic for Cultural Heritage" (45%)

    25-giu-2014 12.58.11

    are subject to higher pressure than larger pores. Thus, dense gels containing micropores, typically

  • 9. Call Summer School Gullo[2] (44%)

    18-apr-2014 8.55.27

    , researchers with an interest in the topic and able to orientate themselves in the subject matters

  • 10. REP. 204_2023-CDA - AGREEMENT_701-2022-9E074410_UNIVERSITY_OF_PALERMO_-_WWF_Milazzo (41%)

    1-feb-2024 16.01.25

    Of Completion Envelope Id: 77A15142B53B41389C4D55393A369AAD Status: Completed Subject: Complete