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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. laboratorio di analisi dei dati (100%)

    10-mag-2013 11.37.51

    understanding) Psychologists are expected to critically use statistics within their work environment ... softwares. Lezioni frontali Ore: Argomenti: 3 Review of descriptive and inferential statistics. 3 ... Univariate descriptive statistics, graphical representations. 7 Bivariate descriptive statistics, the linear ... . Testi consigliati: - Review of Statistics (concepts and methods). All academic books on descriptive and inferential statistics used by students during their BA degree courses fit the requirements

  • 2. master_HFB_4edition (63%)

    26-ott-2016 11.17.26

    De Cantis Associate Professor of Social Statistics, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy Sandro Formica ... Professor of Economics, Businessand Statistics, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy Marcantonio

  • 3. Abstract Viparelli (55%)

    25-nov-2013 16.38.01

    are the overall structure of the delta, the statistics of elevation variation of the delta top, and ... statistics of elevation variation of the delta top are used to predict the ecological succession

  • 4. CURR_Mazzola_RSAI (50%)

    4-set-2015 12.59.22

    , 1, 2015 CURRENT POSITIONS -Chairman, Department of Economics, Statistics and Business ... of Economics, Statistics and Business, University of Palermo, from August 2000 to present - Professor

  • 8. Events & Media (35%)

    22-dic-2023 8.47.26

    Events & Media Prin, 2017, events, media 1) Students' mobility from the South of Italy: first considerations (RAI Sardinia's news service dedicated to student mobility - video in Italian language) 2) Webinar organized by CISIA with the Conferences of Engineering (CopI) and Economics and Statistics (Area 13) Participation and interest in the conference on the role of the entrance test in the orientation process held on October 23rd, 2020: “Il test di ingresso: valenza predittiva e rilevanza

  • 10. Elenco Pubblicazioni DISTEM - 2016_2020 (33%)

    15-gen-2021 15.44.28

    Rotigliano, E. DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS IN ITALIAN BADLANDS Anno di Nr pagina: pagina: ID prodotto