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1. 2nd AdCourse - 16 - 19 May 2016, Palermo (100%)
14-feb-2016 10.16.082nd AdCourse - 16 - 19 May 2016, Palermo conference, participant, presentations The II edition of the Advanced Course on Innovative wastewater treatment processes and mathematical modelling will be held in Palermo from 16 to 19 May 2016. For this second edition there will be 6 lecturers among the maximum international expert from different Universities. Further info can be gained from the course website. The course forms part of the research project PRIN2012: Energy consumption and Greenhouse
2. International Seminar - 101as (100%)
14-feb-2016 10.19.15International Seminar - 101as conference, participant, presentations On May 11th at the Polythecnic School of Palermo the International Seminar on the 100 + 1 years celebration of the activeated sludge will take place. Eminent experts will be among the speakers. Among the others: proff. Gustaf Olsson (Lund University, Gooteborg), Hallvard Odegard (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), Jiri Wanner (Prague University, Check Repubblic), Baeza Juan Antonio (University of Barcellona, Spaign). Further info can
3. iEMS2014 Conference San Diego (100%)
9-feb-2016 10.31.45conference, participant, presentations 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) June 15-19, 2014, San Diego, California, USA Monday, June 16, 2014 Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a plant-wide model for carbon and energy footprint of wastewater treatment plants Giorgio Mannina, Alida Cosenza, Riccardo Gori, Reza Sobhani, Manel Garrido and Diego Rosso Global sensitivity analysis in environmental water quality modelling: Where do we stand? Giorgio Mannina
4. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (58%)
25-gen-2022 10.34.23Assignment Week of 14th December 2020 Elective Presentations Monday 21st December 2020 Minor ...  assignments  in-class student presentations  autobiographical work  professional teaching and learning
6. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (45%)
9-gen-2020 13.11.00activity 5. Co-author presenting at Conferences and Workshops 6. Speaker presentations at Italian Conferences 7. Organization and Speaker presentations at International Conferences 8. Participation ... of National and International presentations (n. 25), ii) Conference Papers (n. 16), iii), Non-ISI ... . Speaker presentations at Italian Conferences AIGR Congress on “Sviluppi recenti delle ricerche ... razionale rivisitata from 21-6-2018 to 22-6-2018. 7. Organization and Speaker presentations
7. CV Eng (30%)
31-ago-2020 17.58.46presentations, seminars and invited lectures. He has supervised/co-supervised more than 60 Master
8. CV ENG (28%)
21-feb-2014 10.15.08among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian
9. new-page (28%)
21-feb-2014 10.15.12among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian
10. GSARA CV ENG AT 10-2020 (27%)
6-ott-2020 20.20.05by University of Palermo for the AXA Research Fund proposal presentations 2012 Members of Scientific
12. GabrieleFiciPapers (27%)
31-ott-2024 10.27.47: Presentations of Constrained Sys- tems With Unconstrained Positions. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 51: 1891–1900
13. PROGRAMMA "Museologia e gestione dei beni museali" A.A. 2023-2024 (26%)
15-gen-2025 11.57.22: le cas d’Auschwitz- Birkenau Ilenia Rizzo A Visitor’s Guide in an Active Museum: Presentations
14. GSARA CV ENG AT FEB 2014 (25%)
9-feb-2014 16.39.42of Palermo for the AXA Research Fund proposal presentations 2012 Designed coordinator by University