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  • 1. dott-XXIX-SchedaSedeAmmUNIPA_DEIM (100%)

    25-set-2013 19.39.19

    the multidisciplinary approach that is needed by the research activities developed by the PhD students ... dell’Informazione e modelli Matematici (DEIM) Delibera del Consiglio di Dipartimento del 04/07/2013 (si allega ... both in academia and industry. At the end of the course PhD students: will have gained ... publication of research results in international journals with review is encouraged. PhD students ... “Environmental Applied Physics” and “Energy” of the previous PhD School of “Energy”. PhD students

  • 2. Bando_Dottorato_25ciclo_traduzioneinglese (83%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    ;... to the PhD students can be assigned limited auxiliary or supplementary teaching activities, that should ... , if requested from the PhD students, the awarding of the Doctorate. To receive the papyrus

  • 3. Curr_IPPOLITO_2012_MASTER (72%)

    8-mar-2013 18.57.02

    PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ... organizzativi e di gestione nell’ambito del Dipartimento (DIEET di Palermo), del Consiglio ... della Giunta di Dipartimento e vice-presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria ... grade) organized by the University of Palermo in 2006 and 2011. He was teaching tutor of numerous PhD students. Since 2001, local responsible for several research project (ex60%, PRIN co-funded