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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Seminario "Innovations in the Economy" (100%)

    18-ott-2022 8.56.32

    Seminario "Innovations in the Economy" seminario, evento, LM-56 Venerdì 21 ottobre 2022, dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 18:00, la prof.ssa Niki Derlukiewicz (Wroclaw University of Economics & Business, Polonia) terrà un seminario dal titolo "Innovations in the Economy". Il seminario si terrà in modalità telematica tramite piattaforma Ms Teams (codice del team: zdk9jod; link al seminario) Per gli studenti del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie (LM-56

  • 2. CONVEGNO/Innovations for Sustainable Crop Production in the Mediterranean Region (93%)

    28-mag-2023 0.14.00

    Palermo, Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali (SAAF), Aula Magna "Gian Pietro Ballatore" CONVEGNO/Innovations for Sustainable Crop Production in the Mediterranean Region saaf, agraria, convegno, ispamed Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce and invite you to join the International Conference Innovations for Sustainable Crop Production in the Mediterranean Region (ISPAMED). This conference is organized by the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences

  • 3. REP. 1578_2023_CDA-Amendment_-_AMD-101060537-9 HORIZON BLUEREV (90%)

    1-feb-2024 16.03.15

    Innovation, business models and 5 - UIA 40.50 16 27 D4.1 – New models for social innovations governance ... ; evaluation of Governance/business models/KPIs/models for social innovations developed within the project ... the current governance structures, business models and social innovations linked to the implemented ... to the theory of modal aspects for social innovations. This will allow to elaborate on the different ... governance and business models including social innovations. Description Task 4.1 Proposal of new solutions

  • 4. Audretsch (59%)

    15-mar-2024 12.48.34

    as the age of the firm, t: The total innovation rate is defined as the total number of innovations ... rate is defined as the number of innovations where A is a constant determining the asymptotic ... , or as the firm gains experi- sists of 8,074 innovations introduced into the United States in ence in the industry. Under the entrepreneurial 1982. Of the manufacturing innovations for which firm size ... of a firm making an innova- p. 19). A detailed analysis of the distribution of innovations according

  • 5. Di Stefano Artes EDIH PSTS (51%)

    23-apr-2024 17.31.04

    adoption of best practices, in identifying high potential innovations and innovators and in allowing every ... gap in digital innovations and supporting the scale-up of digital start- ups; Contribution to Innovation Radar platform by innovations and initiatives at territorial level and contributing ... Facilitating Market Uptake of Innovations from SMEs Anastasia Sakkoula Microsoft® PowerPoint

  • 6. ANNALI-2009_LXIII (49%)

    30-mag-2013 14.43.12

    . * Professore associato di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ... : legal (new norms or regulations), technological (innovations), market (owing to demographic factors ... on the speed of adoption and diffusion of innovations. As Viscusi et al. (2005: 545) explicitly put

  • 7. Agarwal (47%)

    15-mar-2024 12.48.00

    Business Administra- increasing number of firms, when innovations in tion data and find small firm ... using Small followed by a shake-out stage 4. Innovations in Business Administration data. His results ... of the design: (consumer, industrial and military) which were basic innovations and had adequate data ... gaussian recent innovations and maintain representativeness density) can be used as kernel functions ... of Product Innovations’, Economic Journal 92(367), Acs, Z. J. and D. B. Audretsch, 1990, Innovation

  • 8. Secure Societies 2018-2020 (45%)

    31-mar-2017 14.58.25

    (CBRN) cluster Specific Challenge: Technologies and innovations in the field of CBRN are developed ... aiming at research and development of novel CBRN technologies and innovations identified

  • 9. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (39%)

    4-apr-2018 13.53.28

    -innovations/index_en.cfm?pg=ple te home 1.4 Ambition  Describe the advance your proposal would provide ... to deliver these innovations to the market. Your plan for the dissemination and exploitation

  • 10. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (38%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    40 RIVISTA DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO - DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA INNER AREAS IN FOLIO_40 | ISSN 1828-2482 Direttore Filippo Schilleci Comitato scientifico Filippo Schilleci Tiziana Campisi Simona Colajanni Maria ... , Elif Sezer, Salvatore Siringo Contatti Sede Dipartimento di Architettura ... highlighted how inner areas are a crucial part of our di ricerca del Dipartimento di Architettura

  • 11. Presentation and educational aims (38%)

    26-ott-2020 9.19.33

    the disciplines involved - the phenomena of continuity and rupture, resumption and innovations, influences ... classify the phenomena of continuity and rupture, resumption and innovations, influences and

  • 12. About Third Mission (38%)

    18-dic-2020 15.30.31

    ; - transferring of technologies and innovations in the form of cooperation with public and private enterprises ... disseminate scientific knowledge and technological innovations resulting from the research activities

  • 13. Locandina Ciclo lezioni SAAF-Prof Claus Sorensen (38%)

    22-apr-2022 16.30.10

    Bando CORI 2020 Innovations in agricultural applications Prof. Claus Grøn Sørensen Professor, Head of Research Unit and Smart Farming Center Faculty of Technica l Sciences, Århus University, Denmark CICLO DI LEZIONI Palermo 27 - 29 Aprile 2022 Dipartimento SAAF 27 Aprile 10:00-12:00: Autonomous/robotics System in agriculture - Aula Magna 27 Aprile 15:00-17:00 : Modelling ... /innovations in agricultural applications - Aula Magna 29 Aprile 10:00-12:00: Smart Faming and

  • 14. Mechanics, Manufacturing, Management & Aerospace (38%)

    11-feb-2024 13.29.08

    the propulsive systems as a whole, the individual components, the development of specific innovations regarding the applicable sciences as well as the development of technological innovations. Fluid Machinery

  • 15. UNIVERSITÉ DE ROUEN Francia Caci3 (33%)

    3-mar-2020 13.25.42

    Psychologie du travail, changements technologiques et innovations PYL622M1 ....................... 15 ... Psychologie du travail, changements technologiques et innovations PYL622M1 Type d¶enseignement 24h

  • 16. CALL FOR PAPERS_Matera (33%)

    21-nov-2018 17.33.36

    , process and product innovations, sufficiently particolari eccezioni, innovazioni di sistema ... from particular exceptions- system, process and product innovations, sufficiently particolari eccezioni

  • 17. Scheda di valutazione dottorati 2012 (33%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    Partecipanti soprannumerari Cognome Nome Struttura/Dipartimento Posizione Settore Innovations ... 10148 Turin Research and Prototyping Garino Pierangelo Telecom Italia Innovations and ... Group, INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec, Varennes, QC J3X 1S2, Canada b Dipartimento D'Ingegneria ... - Pubblico consiglio di dipartimento del pag. 16/23 Università degli studi di Palermo ... di ricerca è soddisfacente? SI Nelle attività di consiglio di Dipartimento, di Consiglio di Corso

  • 18. Scheda_di_valutazione_dottorati_2012 (33%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    Partecipanti soprannumerari Cognome Nome Struttura/Dipartimento Posizione Settore Innovations ... 10148 Turin Research and Prototyping Garino Pierangelo Telecom Italia Innovations and ... Group, INRS-EMT, Universite du Quebec, Varennes, QC J3X 1S2, Canada b Dipartimento D'Ingegneria ... - Pubblico consiglio di dipartimento del pag. 16/23 Università degli studi di Palermo ... di ricerca è soddisfacente? SI Nelle attività di consiglio di Dipartimento, di Consiglio di Corso


    26-nov-2021 15.20.40

    ARABELLA MOCCIARO LI DESTRI Abitazione: Ufficio: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali ... di servizio 01/10/2016)  Vice Direttore Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche ... Scientifico di Ateneo (dal 2020)  Componente Giunta del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali ... Università di Palermo Delegato alla Ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali ... presso il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Inglese in Entrepreneurship and Management (LM77) - Dipartimento

  • 20. Educational activities (33%)

    27-set-2022 15.08.45

    Needs. 16. Learning analytics: foundations and innovations 20 second year Learning analytics: foundations and innovations The discipline "learning analytics" aims to extract, evaluate and