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  • 1. brochure_STAM_def (100%)

    29-set-2021 11.20.53

    2238 - MEDITERRANEAN FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 20216 AGROINDUSTRY SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS AND ... , precision farming, agri-food plants, real time monitoring and control systems, risk assessment for agricultural and agro-food industry operators. FOOD PRODUCTION AND AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PLANTS (Modulo) 6 ... 20213 ANIMAL FOOD AND FISHERIES C.I. 9 CFU Antonino Di Grigoli Associate ... products. 20212 ANIMAL FOOD QUALITY (Modulo) 3 CFU Concetta Maria Messina She teach

  • 2. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (60%)

    9-gen-2020 13.11.00

    ) Office Address: Department of Agricultural, Food And Forest Sciences (SAAF) University of Palermo ... of PALERMO Affiliation: Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF) 3. Previous ... and Agro-Forest Technology Department (ITAF), today Department of Agricultural, Food And Forest ... , Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences. University of Palermo, Italy. NON Finanziato ... -WENS)”. Thematic area: Sustainable agriculture and food production Partner, National Research

  • 3. Outlook from the soil perspective of urban expansion and food security (60%)

    9-gen-2021 8.56.12

    Outlook from the soil perspective of urban expansion and food security articolo, notizia, unipa The use of soil as support for built-up areas represents only one of its several functions. Farmlands at the fringe of conurbations have more chance of being converted into built-up areas due to the favourable topography and the accessibility to existing infrastructure, being in the vicinity of urban areas. On a global scale and through the centuries

  • 4. forthem locandina 3 (53%)

    25-ott-2021 22.21.21

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND ... Food Lab Forthem Unipa Rosario Schicchi - Coordinatore Consiglio Interclasse Food Science and Tecnology Frédéric Debeaufort - Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH Link

  • 5. forthem locandina 3 (53%)

    25-ott-2021 22.14.50

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND ... Food Lab Forthem Unipa Rosario Schicchi - Coordinatore Consiglio Interclasse Food Science and Tecnology Frédéric Debeaufort - Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH Link

  • 6. GSARA CV ENG AT FEB 2014 (42%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.42

    of organic matter fluxes and fate and its incorporation into the food webs in polluted systems. 3 ... availability to secondary consumers; assessing food web structure by stable isotopes ( 13 C and 15 N) and recognition of OM sources and fate and rates of incorporation into the food webs in shallow ... pelagic food webs: tuna and swordfish” . 2008 Italian Research Council (CNR) and DAIMAR company ... ), [Leader of Research Unit]: “Food web analysis and biomagnification in Sandgerdi shores (Iceland

  • 7. Curriculum vitae (40%)

    31-dic-2019 17.53.27

    ; - Expert Review; - Food Microbiology; - Genome Biology and Evolution; - Immunity and Ageing ... . Impact Factor (2009) = 0,947 Vernile A., Giammanco G.M., Massa S. PFGE: importance in food quality. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 2009; 1: 248-251. Giammanco G.M., Melilli D

  • 9. GSARA CV ENG AT 10-2020 (38%)

    6-ott-2020 20.20.05

    : Bioeconomy, Food and Blue growth and Theme 14: Natural Resources, Environment and Disasters risk reduction ... Research Unit]: “Effects of organic pollutants on marine pelagic food webs: tuna and swordfish ... Unit]: “Food web analysis and biomagnification in Sandgerdi shores (Iceland) using multiple stable

  • 10. GSARA CV extenso ITA 10-2020 (38%)

    6-ott-2020 20.44.44

    on the coastal benthic food web: evidence from stable isotope analysis. Marine Environmental Research 158

  • 11. Culture and Communication of Taste (CuCoTa) - Erasmus+ (37%)

    28-set-2020 8.59.16

    of Bread Making and Confetionery, Kaunas Food Industry and Trade Training Centre; - 1 gruppo di azione ... , design e tecnologie; Ristoranti; Pubblicità; Branding; Packaging; General food marketing; Food marketing

  • 12. corso alta formazione UNIPA (37%)

    7-giu-2021 10.34.04

    ALTAFORMAZIONE FOODSAFETYVIRTUALLEARNING Il corsi saranno erogati da STUDIOMAF in collaborazioneconRINASERVICESSPA. . Il progetto formativo prevede l’erogazionedi corsi diAlta Formazione, per gli studenti ed i giovani laureati del corso di Studi in Scienze e Tecnologie Agroalimentari al fine di svilupparecompetenzespecifichesui principali schemidi certificazione in ambitodi FOOD SAFETY ... di frequenza rilasciato da RINA su competenze. esterno nella food safety. normativa agroalimentare

  • 13. malta23 (37%)

    5-feb-2024 21.37.26

    of the middle of the rural (CLT) in Denmark: Key 法 策略 Chinese as a foreign country. Food for Issues ... Autofiction in Dai Sijie’s analysis of the food Novel Balzac and the consumed by Little Chinese

  • 14. GCPS_locandina_ (30%)

    14-dic-2021 1.17.59

    ROSSO Francesco Pensovecchio Fiduciario Slow Food Palermo PER COLLEGARTI AL TEAM Alessio Planeta

  • 15. CV ENG (30%)

    9-lug-2024 12.57.34

    , RSC Advances, Food Control, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Solid State

  • 16. Note Biografiche (30%)

    9-lug-2024 13.08.54

    , Coatings, ACS Omega, Energies, RSC Advances, Food Control, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Thin

  • 17. The Economist 14 Nov 2015 (28%)

    24-nov-2015 16.39.46

    to curb food-price inflation. Interest rates have been steadily reduced this year from 8% to 6.75

  • 18. Indi19_0820106202600001_082053 F.te SUA-CDS 2019 (28%)

    24-mag-2023 12.08.05

    - - - 212,5 18,3 11,6 245,5 22,4 10,9 Rapporto studenti regolari/docenti (professori a tempo iC05 ... il 21/10/2020. Approvata definitivamente dal Consiglio di Interclasse "Food Science and

  • 19. Indi19_0820106202600001_082053 F.te SUA-CDS 2019 (28%)

    24-mag-2023 12.57.59

    - - - 212,5 18,3 11,6 245,5 22,4 10,9 Rapporto studenti regolari/docenti (professori a tempo iC05 ... il 21/10/2020. Approvata definitivamente dal Consiglio di Interclasse "Food Science and