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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Progetto PRIN ATTANASIO (100%)

    19-lug-2019 16.08.46

    MIUR.AOODGRIC.REGISTRO_PRIN2017.0003999.29-03-2018 Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE ... in southern regions of the country. Although there has been an increase in enrolments ... , which will be qualified in terms of student enrolments and incoming/outgoing flows of both students

  • 2. Progetto PRIN ATTANASIO (90%)

    17-set-2019 20.22.36

    MIUR.AOODGRIC.REGISTRO_PRIN2017.0003999.29-03-2018 Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE ... in southern regions of the country. Although there has been an increase in enrolments ... , which will be qualified in terms of student enrolments and incoming/outgoing flows of both students

  • 3. Project Development (89%)

    17-set-2019 19.13.12

    that influence university attractiveness, which will be qualified in terms of student enrolments and

  • 4. Working Packages (89%)

    17-set-2019 19.00.07

    that influence university attractiveness, which will be qualified in terms of student enrolments and

  • 5. PRIN 2017 (89%)

    8-ott-2019 13.48.29

    . Although there has been an increase in enrolments in the northern and central regions since 2012

  • 6. From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide (89%)

    18-set-2019 9.37.38

    of 2008, especially in southern regions of the country. Although there has been an increase in enrolments