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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 8_internal_assessment_report20102012_results_evaluation_2012 (100%)

    18-mag-2020 11.45.43

    nurseries, extended to post-docs. career. Amongst the specific aspects to be extend parental leave ... post-docs within governance bodies. TRAINING (4th sphere) During their education, researchers

  • 2. 8_internal_assessment_report20102012 (100%)

    13-mag-2013 12.27.39

    nurseries, extended to post-docs. career. Amongst the specific aspects to be extend parental leave ... post-docs within governance bodies. TRAINING (4th sphere) During their education, researchers

  • 3. EN_4_Table_2_action_plan (86%)

    18-mag-2020 11.45.44

    to post-docs. aspects to be taken into consideration there are, for example: flexible work hours

  • 4. Table_2_en (86%)

    29-lug-2013 8.49.33

    to post-docs. aspects to be taken into consideration there are, for example: flexible work hours

  • 5. Evento Informativo DAAD 20 Ottobre 2017 (86%)

    5-ott-2017 12.14.29

    Incontro informativo DAAD, Venerdì, 20 Ottobre 2017 ore 13:00-15:00, Aula S1, Edificio 16 Offerte del DAAD per s tudenti, professori, ricercatori e post-docs aperto a studenti, dottorandi, ricercatori e professori di tutti i dipartimenti Dott.ssa Agota Asztalos (Lettrice DAAD, Universitá delgi Studi di Palermo) Il DAAD - l’ente più grande a livello mondiale per gli s cambi accademici Lettrice DAAD dell´Università di Palermo Agota