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Controlled Delivery of Sildenafil by β-Cyclodextrin-decorated Sulfur-doped Carbon Nanodots: a Synergistic Activation of ROS Signaling in Tumors Overexpressing PDE-5

  • Autori: Mauro, Nicolò; Cillari, Roberta; Andrea Utzeri, Mara; Costa, Salvatore; Giammona, Gaetano; Nicosia, Aldo; Cavallaro, Gennara
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


: Fluorescent sulfur- and nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots (CDs) are zero-dimensional nanoparticles that mediate ROS production in cancer cells, displaying inherent anticancer properties. Thus, they have been proposed as nanotheranostic tools useful in image-guided cancer therapy. Here, we try to show that cancerous cells (high PDE-5 expression) receiving sildenafil delivered by CDs-based nanostructures promote positive reinforcement of PDE-5-mediated cell death via the overexpression of genes involved in the production of ROS. We explored the regioselective Huisgen cycloaddition between azide-β-cyclodextrin and CDs-alkyne to synthetize homogeneous nanostructures, named CDs-PEG4-β-Cdx, consisting of CDs functionalized at the surface with β-cyclodextrins capable of including high amount drugs such as sildenafil (> 20 % w/w), and releasing them in a controlled manner. We investigated how CDs-PEG4-β-Cdx bearing sildenafil enter cells, enhancing ROS production and cell death specifically in cancer cells overexpressing PDE-5. These nanoplatforms go beyond the bounds of EPR-based nanomedicines in which carriers are conceived as inert vehicles of toxic drugs. Our findings enable the development of clever anticancer nanoplatforms that synergistically combine nanomedicines that perturb the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ROS production) with PDE-5 inhibitors which trigger oxidative stress specifically in cancer cells regardless of their location.