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  • Autori: Portale, EC; Montali, G; Sole, L; Polizzi, G; Limoncelli, M; Schepis, L
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


The paper briefly accounts for the results of the third archaeological campaign held by the team of the University of Palermo at the Solunto site, in the large sanctuary west of the theatre and in the North Baths. In the sanctuary at the top of the public area, new data help to delineate an even more complex and articulated situation than had been imagined. In the central part, on the axis of the theater, the existence of a monumental staircase is ascertained, corresponding perfectly to the raised front of the two-cellae temple (“Temple of Astarte”) and prolonged by a staircase in the epitheatron; this ascending system was framed by two (?) transversal terraces in an E-W direction (the terrace to the N of the staircase is for now conceivable from a few visible remains). On its part, the singlecella temple with front steps further south was served by a narrower staircase that reached the two altars in front. The two-aisled sacred building, on a lower terrace, was also elevated and provided with steps on the front connecting it to the terrace to the east, which was shared with the adjacent building with two staircases. This whole system belongs to the great monumental phase of the mid-2nd century b.c. However, remains of an older phase (end of 3rd century b.c.?) with the same alignment have been identified – as in the westernmost part (portico adjoining the plateia) – also in the area immediately west of the theatre: it is the basis of a terrace or narrow building, parallel with the western trait of the analemma wall, but earlier than the theatre-temple complex. At the North Baths, research continued in the north-eastern sector, where in previous campaigns the water-heating system, a new room and an ash discharge had been identified. The excavation of the hypocaust and the removal of the ash levels have been completed, recognizing also two new rooms/spaces with probable service function to the bathing complex. Keywords · Solunto