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Comparative study on the quality characteristics of some Egyptian mango cultivars used for food processing

  • Autori: Elsheshetawy, H.; Mossad, A.; Elhelew, W.; Farina, V.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2016
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


This study aims to investigate the physical, chemical, rheological and sensorial properties of six common mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars in Egypt. These common cultivars were Alfonse, Sedeka, Awis, Sinara, Sukari and Zibdia. Weights of mango fruits ranged between 246.6 and 549.2 g. The highest significant value of sphericity was in Alfonse fruits (0.82), whereas the lowest value was 0.58 in Sinara fruits. The highest firmness value was 29.51 N in Sedeka fruits. The highest elasticity was 1.16 N/mm for Sukari fruits. The significantly color intensity chroma was recorded by Sinara, whereas the highest total color index (ΔE) was 88.41 for Sedeka mango cultivar. The significantly lowest pH value was 3.6 for Sinara mango fruits. Awis mango fruits had the significantly highest TSS value (23.67 Â°brix) whereas Sinara fruits had the lowest TSS value (11.33 Â°brix). Rheological properties of Sinara, Zibdia and Sedeka mango pulps are characterized by high values of consistency coeffecient 126.5–156.6 dyne sn/cm2. Sesonsorially, the significantly sweetest fruits were Sinara, Alfones and Awis whereas the lowest one was Zibdia. There is no bitter taste with all tested mango cultivars either with taste or after taste criteria.