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The effect of manufacturing tolerances on a tubular linear ferrite motor

  • Autori: Boscaino, V.; Cipriani, G.; DI DIO, V.; Corpora, M.; Curto, D.; Franzitta, V.; Trapanese, M.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2015
  • Tipologia: Proceedings
  • OA Link:


This study presents a numerical and experimental study on the effect of permanent magnet tolerances on the performances of a Tubular Linear Ferrite Motor. The statistical distribution of the magnetic characteristic of a set of commercial magnets is obtained experimentally while the performances of a the tubular motor are numerically evaluated. The performances that have been considered are: cogging force, end effect force and generated thrust. It has been shown that: 1)the statistical variability of the magnets modifies the time behavior of the cogging force; 2)the value of both the end effect cogging force and the generated thrust are directly linked to the values of then remanence field of the external magnets placed on the slider.