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Rare AU-1-like G3P[9] human rotaviruses with a Kun-like NSP4 gene in children with diarrhea in Italy

  • Autori: DE GRAZIA, S.; Giammanco, G.; Martella, V.; Ramirez, S.; Colomba, C.; Cascio, A.; Arista, S.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2008
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Parole Chiave: Rotavirus, Phylogenetic analyses
  • OA Link:


Three G3P[9] rotaviruses, detected in children hospitalized with gastroenteritis in Palermo, Italy, were found to be genetically related to strains of either human or feline origin in the VP7, VP4, and VP6 genes. In contrast, in the NSP4 gene the viruses resembled G2P[4] human strains, suggesting a reassortment between AU-1-like and Kun-like strains.