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Nonni caregiver e famiglie headed by grandparents


The volume begins with a reflection on the multiple and changing forms that contemporary families have assumed. The new trends in the social sciences emphasize, in fact, an increasingly accentuated gap between the nuclear family, a union between "the social and the legal" and a multitude of new family models, a synthesis of choices and assumptions of responsibility in the perspective of care and of the well-being of the other. There are numerous studies that in the most recent period investigate the transformation of the family, an institution present in all human societies. Subject analyzed by different disciplines and with multiple cuts, it has represented a cornerstone of anthropological reflection, since its emergence at the end of the nineteenth century, as well as sociology and psychology; today it is a much debated topic also in social and political spheres for the many questions that its "evolution" in our context has entailed and for the repercussions on a social, economic and ethical level.