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Kaltrina Feka






  Kaltrina Feka

BSc, MSc








+44 7243899146





+39 351 244 0124




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Via Giovanni Pascoli 6 - 90144  Palermo, Italy




Kaltrina studied at University of Pristina (Kosovo) where in 2014 she gratuated in Bachelor’s degree. In the same year (2014) she got accepted in a two year Master program alled “European Master in Health and Physdical Activity” at University of Rome “Foro Italico” (Italy), where she graduated in 2016. Afterwards, in 2017 she was awarded with a 3 years Ph.D. scholarship funded by University of Palermo (Italy).




Research Projects:

• Active Aging II - Field testing and laboratory testing within a project in Austria called “Test-retest reliability and validity of field tests to assess functional performance of a young cohort – Vienna, Austria
• “HERAS” Field testing and laboratory testing within a PhD project in Kosovo called “Test-retest reliability and validity of field tests to assess functional performance in elderly people in Kosovo – Pristina, Kosovo 2016-2017
• Exercise testing and test analysis within a PhD project called “A Multi-Dimensional Approach to the Study of Youth Soccer Performance”, Rome, Italy 2017
• “Posture and Multiple Sclerosis” – University of Palermo and PosturaLab, Palermo Italy.
• “SENECA” – University of Murcia, Spain
• “Sensory stimulation to improve mobility in individuals with multiple sclerosis” -Univeristy of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America.
• “Augmented transcutaneous electrical stimulation as a supplement to regular dance training in experienced dancers” University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado, United States of America.
• “Enriched Sports and Acivity – ESA Program” – European Project, Palermo, Italy.
• “Temperature sensitivity in Multiple Sclerosis Online Survey” – Loughborogh University, Loughborough, United Kindem
• “Executive Functions and Physical Exercise” – University of Palermo, Palermo Italy.
• ”The effect of aging on skin wetness sensitivity across the body and the implication on hand manipulation” – University of Lougborough, United Kingdom


1. Reliability and validity of field-based strength tests for elderly to be used in younger adults. Sandra Unterberger, Cornelia Holl, Paco Cerletti, Antonio De Feo, Kaltrina Feka, Harald Tschan and Barbara Wessner, Centre for Sport Science and University Sports, Dpt. Sports and Exercise Physiology, University of Vienna-XMAS Conference 2017 Szombathely, Hungary.
2. Prevalence of sarcopenia based on ewgsop criteria and population specific cutpoints in adults aged 60 and above in Kosovo: BOSHNJAKU, A., BAHTIRI, A, FEKA, K., KRASNIQI, E., TSCHAN, H., WESSNER, B. ECSS 2018, Dublin, Irland

3. Cervical spinal kinematic analysis in young rowers at rowing ergometer during different frequency. Giustino V., Zangla D., Messina G., Feka K., Fischetti F., Iovane A, Palma A. SISMES 2018, Messina, Italy

4. How sports affect static posturography? An observational study carried out in women living in southern Italy. Kaltrina Feka, Giuseppe Messina, Francesco Pomara, Valerio Giustino, Angelo Iovane, Antonio Paoli, Marianna Bellafiore, Giuseppe Battaglia, Antonio Palma, Antonino Bianco - SISMES 2018, Messina, Italy

5. Illinois test vs. Crunning test in children living in southern Italy: an update of the ESA Program. K. Feka, M. Barca. M. Basile, G.Panzica, N. Randazzo, F. Giglio, P. Vaccaro, G. Vivona, V. Vaccaro, R. Genchi, M. Kirkar, M. Alesi, A. Bianco. SISMES 2019, Bologna Italy

6. Standing Long Jump test vs. Crunning test in Italian children: ESA Program update. Nemanja Lakicevic, Kaltrina Feka, Martina Barca, Michele Basile, Valentina Polizzi, Lucia Pollina, Marcello Giaccone, Salvatore Di Noto, Musa Kirkar, Rosario Genchi, Flavia Figlioli, Giuseppe Battaglia, Antonio Palma, Marianna Alesi, Antonino Bianco. SISMES 2019 Bologna, Italy.

7. THE INFLUENCE OF 30 SECONDS WINGATE ON YOUNG ADULTS’ EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS: A PILOT STUDY. Ambra Gentile, Kaltrina Feka, Marianna Bellafiore, Giuseppe Battaglia, Anita Di Vincenzo, Marco Restifo, Valentina Amata, Angelo Iovane, Patrizia Proia, Zangla Daniele, Giuseppe Messina, Antonino Bianco, Antonio Palma. SISMES 2019 Bologna, Italy. 

8. Davis LA, Carzoli JP, Feka K, Nelson C, Enoka RM. Augmented transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as a supplement to regular dance training in experienced dancers. Rocky Mountain Conference 2019 Colorado, United States.

9. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Can Restore Some of the Decline in Walking and Balance for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Mohammed Alenazy, Luca Petrigna, Kaltrina Feka, Enrique Alvarez, Awad M. Almuklass, Roger M. Enoka. Rocky Mountain Conference 2019 Colorado, United States.

10. ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF SENSORY NERVES IMPROVES MOBILITY AND BALANCE IN PERSONS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Mohammed Alenazy, Luca Petrigna, Kaltrina Feka, Enrique Alvarez, Awad M. Almuklass, Roger M. Enoka. Rocky Mountain Conference 2019 Colorado, United States.

Publications Manuscripts:

1. Sahin NE, GÜRSES VV, Baydil B, AKGÜL MÅž, Feka K, Ä°ovane AN, Messina G. The effect of comprehensive warm up (fifa 11+ program) on motor abilities in young basketball players: a pilot study. Acta medica. 2018 Jan 1;34:703.
2. Feka K, Pomara F, Russo G, Piccione MC, Petrucci M, Giustino V, Messina G, Iovane A, Palma A, Bianco A. How do sports affect static baropodometry? An observational study among women living in southern Italy. Human Movement.;20(2).
3. Scifo L, Borrego CC, Monteiro D, Matosic D, Feka K, Bianco A, Alesi M. Sport Intervention Programs (SIPs) to Improve Health and Social Inclusion in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2019 Sep;4(3):57.
4. The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Overtraining and Exercise Addiction. Bianco A, Ravalli S, Maugeri G, D’Agata V, Vecchio M, D’Amico AG, Pavone V, Lucenti L, Amato A, Gentile A, Giustino V, Feka K, Thomas E, Musumeci G.


Supervisor (s)

Supervisor Prof. Antonino Bianco

Co-Supervisor Prof. Davide Filingeri


Thesis title/topic

In progress



Exercise physiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Health Promotion, Sport Science,

International Mobility

1. Healthy Adults – Fitness, prevention and public health – Internship in Vienna, Austria - April, 2015 (European Master in Health and Physical Activity)
2. Movement Therapy in Special Population - Internship in Cologne, Germany - July, 2015 (European Master in Health and Physical Activity)
3. Moving in old age - Internship in Odense, Denmark - October, 2015 (European Master in Health and Physical Activity).
4. Master thesis (Erasmus + grand) in Vienna, Austria. December 2015 until May 2016 (Untitled: “TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY OF DIFFERENT METHODS TO ASSESS MUSCLE QUALITY OF AUSTRIAN ADULTS AGED 20-35 YEARS”).
5. Neurophysiology of Movement Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado, United States of America.
6. Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre – Thermosense Lab, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom