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Ambra Gentile







 Ambra Gentile

BSc, MSc








+39 091-





+39 0000000000









Viale delle Scienze, ed. 15




Ambra Gentile took a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Palermo in 2014, discussing a dissertation about cognitive and post-decisional dissonance. In 2016, she took a master’s degree in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Palermo, discussing a meta-analysis about the effect of stereotype threat on women’s sport performances.




Ambra’s research interests focus on the effects of gender stereotype threat in sports activities and on the prevention of violence and social exclusion in sports.


- Servidio, R., Gentile, A., & Boca, S. (2018). The mediational role of coping strategies in the relationship between self-esteem and risk of internet addiction. Europe's journal of psychology14(1), 176.

- Gentile, A., Boca, S., & Giammusso, I. (2018). 'You play like a woman!'Effects of gender stereotype threat on women's performance in physical and sport activities: a meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise39, 95-103.

- Bianco, A., Gentile, A., Boca, S., Paoli, A., Messina, G., Gómez-López, M., ... & Tabacchi, G. (2018). An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Associated with Health-Related Physical Fitness in Adolescents. The ASSO Project. Sustainability10(6), 1847.

- Gentile, A., Valantine, I., Staskeviciute-Butiene, I., Kreivyte, R., Mujkic, D., Ajdinovic, A., ... & Drid, P. Preventing Violence and Social Exclusion through Sport and Physical Activity: The SAVE Project.

- Gentile, A., Servidio, R., Caci, B., & Boca, S. (2018). Social stigma and self-esteem as mediators of the relationship between Body Mass Index and Internet addiction disorder. An exploratory study. Current Psychology, 1-9.

- Bianco, A., Ravalli, S., Maugeri, G., D’Agata, V., Vecchio, M., D’Amico, A. G., ... & Giustino, V. (2019). The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Overtraining and Exercise Addiction.

- Petrigna, L., Thomas, E., Gentile, A., Paoli, A., Pajaujiene, S., Palma, A., & Bianco, A. (2019). The evaluation of dual-task conditions on static postural control in the older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic reviews8(1), 188.

- Gentile, A., Milovanovic, I., Valantine, I., Kreivyte, R., Tilindiene, I., Mujkic, D.., ... & Boca, S. (2019). VIOLENCE, EXCLUSION AND THE ROLE OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS MORAL FEATURES IN THE SPORT DOMAIN: THE SAVE PROJECT. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 35(3), 1681-1683.



Supervisor (s)

Stefano Boca, Full Professor in Social Psychology at University of Palermo

Irena Valantine, Professor in Sport Management at Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas


Thesis title/topic

Ambra’s research topic regards the prevention of violence and social exclusion in the sport field.



Social attitudes, Persuasion, Prejudices, Stereotypes, Gender differences, Prevention of Violence and Social Exclusion, Conflict resolution, Conformism, Altruism, Intergroup relationships.

Her research interests are focused on the effects of gender stereotypes in sport, on children morality in the sport context and on the effects of youth Internet usage.



International Mobility

From October 2018 until December 2018, Ambra spent her research period in LSU (Lithuania).