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2233 - NURSING

Training Places

policlinico Policlinico_Ingresso_2a ISMETT

Paolo Giaccone University Hospital 
Location where educational activities are carried out

ISMETT - Mediterranean Institute for Transplants
and Highly Specialized Therapies
Location of Internships


Coordinator: Prof.ssa Anna Licata (
Dip. PROMISE, Piazza delle Cliniche, 2 - 90127 Palermo (PA)


Director of Professionalizing Activities: Dott. Rosario Lombardo (

c/o ISMETT, Via E. Tricomi 5 - 90127 Palermo


Teaching and student secretariat

Department of Health Promotion, Maternal-Child, Internal and Specialist Medicine of Excellence "G. D'Alessandro" - PROMISE
Building 8, ground floor - A.O.U. Policlinico P. Giaccone, Via del Vespro, 134


U.O. Manager:
Dott.ssa Tiziana Nuara ( tel. +39-09123890651

Dott.ssa Letizia Granà (, tel. +39-09123890648
Dott.ssa Giada Mercadante (, tel. +39-09123890634


Incoming students - Mobility


Every year, the University of Palermo welcomes hundreds international students from all over the world. International students come to Palermo on various programmes (Exchange, Erasmus, Double Degree or PhD) for a period of one or two semesters. The majority of the international students are Prospective Students, or students who study for an entire degree course at our university.

International students come also to study at our Summer and Winter School programmes around the world, with destinations including Italy, various European countries and even Kazakhstan, India and China.

The university’s educational offering for international students is split into Bachelor and Master MSc Degrees. Ten of these courses are delivered entirely in English international course.

The university’s Doctoral Research School also offers lectures in English. You will find all the detailed information on the left Menu column.

Incoming Erasmus students Intra EU



Addressed to Erasmus students getting ready to come to Palermo, these pages offer useful advice on dealing with administrative formalities, as well as a brief, step-by-step memorandum on the current enrolment procedure.

The following procedures are valid if your University has an Agreement with Palermo University. 

Students coming from an EU country are considered as Erasmus incoming students, while students coming from an extra-EU country are considered Exchange incoming students.


Once you received an acceptance e-mail from the International Office at Palermo University you will be invited to apply as an erasmus student at Palermo University.

Please find  here all the current Erasmus agreements.

If you do not receive any acceptance message, ask your home University to check if you have been nominated.

Guide to enrol as Incoming Erasmus+ intra EU students

Video-Guide to enrol as Incoming Erasmus+ intra EU students (download English version)

Video-Guide to enrol as Incoming Erasmus+ intra EU students (download Spanish version)


Educational Offer - Degree Courses




- 1st Semester: 30th June

- 2nd Semester: 30th November 

Online Application

  • Make sure that your application has been successful. Without receiving our acceptance e-mail, you will be not accepted as an Erasmus student.
  • If you are a Medicine, a Dentistry or a Nursing student, in addition to the measures foreseen by the Italian Ministry of Health, you have to follow the Regulations containing the safety measures adopted by the "P.  Giaccone" University Hospital.
  • BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL (Medicine, Dentistry or Nursing student): you will be requested to produce the following health documentation:
    - blood tests: CBC (Complete blood count), glucose (fasting), creatinine, Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase  (AST), bilirubin (total and fractionated), hepatitis B markers (HBsAg  and anti HBs Ab), antiHCV Ab, anti HIV Ab, performed no earlier than  15 days before the first access date to the "P. Giaccone" University  Hospital;
    - intradermal Mantoux test;
    - Certification of negative result to SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal swab test, carried out no earlier than five days before to the first access to the "P. Giaccone" University Hospital;
    - vaccination record (photocopy) and specific-antibody response;

  • ONLY FOR MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY TRAINEESHIP STUDENTS: It is mandatory having a valid certification of a workplace safety course done at your university. (it is also possible to enclose a self-certification of this course).
    It's also mandatory, before sending your application through our portal, to ask for the signature of your teacher coordinator of the University of Palermo on your learning agreement.
    We suggest you to send the certification of a workplace safety course to the teacher coordinator when you ask for its signature on the learning agreement.

This documentation must be sent by e-mail to the AOUP Occupational Medicine Operational Unit for the necessary and consequent authorization.

  • Don't forget to take with you your EHIC, the European Health Insurance Card. In case you are not a EU citizen, a valid Health insurance (which has to be written in English) is required.
  • Make sure that your passport or your identity card is valid.
  • Contact by e-mail your future teacher coordinator at Unipa (whose contact can be found on your learning agreement). Please Inform the International Relations Office about your arrival date and ask for a meeting
Please download here the guidelines for Medicine Students 

Please download here the guidelines for Nursing Students 

Department (Faculty) contacts


Steps to be followed after your arrival and other useful information
At your arrival you have to go to the International Relations Office (Viale delle Scienze, Building n°3, 1st floor, room n°13, from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 o’clock to 12.30), handing in:

your passport or other identity document
your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) for medical assistance
Then you will receive your arrival certificate and all useful information
We are sorry to inform you that, due to the restrictive measures about Covid19, the International Relations Office is currently unable to attend incoming students arriving in Palermo. We invite you to contact us by e-mail at the following address in order to carry out the check-in procedures.

Furthermore, if you are a Medicine student, in the phase of first access to the internship you have to:

✔ declare that you have not been in quarantine or home isolation in the last 14 days;

✔ declare that you have not been in contact with positive people, as far as it knows, in the last 14 days;

✔ declare that you have not respiratory symptoms or fever above 37.5 ° C in the current day and in the three previous days;

✔ always wear the FFP2 type mask for the entire stay in the University spaces;

✔ always respect the spacing of at least 1 meter (including movement space) with all staff.

The self-declaration, duly filled in and signed, must be delivered to the Responsible for the internship who will take care to archive and keep it for 14 days in order to record, if necessary, any close contacts.


Steps to be followed before leaving Palermo

1. Send an e-mail to your Unipa Tutor/ Coordinator and ask for an appointment informing about the date of your leave.

2. Go to the appointment with your Tutor/ Coordinator at Unipa and collect your signed Transcript of records with all examinations and credits you got.

3. After collecting the signed “Transcript of records”by your Tutor/Coordinator, make sure to email it to, in order to receive your Certificate of Stay. These documents are very important for your mobility.