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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 101. Gianluca Lo Coco, presidente della Society for Psychotherapy Research (33%)

    14-nov-2016 10.47.18

    Gianluca Lo Coco, presidente della Society for Psychotherapy Research riconoscimento, Gianluca Lo Coco, Society for Psychotherapy Research, Il prof. Gianluca Lo Coco, Associato di “Psicologia clinica” presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione, presso, eletto presidente dell’SPR-Italia (Society for Psychotherapy Research). Il docente coordinerà un comitato direttivo che rimarrà in carica nei prossimi due anni. Il prof Lo Coco, è stato eletto in occasione

  • 102. Co-creation of research projects with stakeholders: approaches, tools & skills (33%)

    30-nov-2021 9.24.36

    online articolo, notizia, unipa, fit forthem, forthem, research, co-creation Giovedì 2 dicembre, dalle 12.00 alle 15.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene online il sesto incontro del ciclo di workshop in lingua inglese "Intercultural Sensitization" dal titolo "Co-creation of research projects with stakeholders: approaches, tools & skills" ... . Visualizza il programma Co-creation of research projects with stakeholders: approaches, tools & skills

  • 103. Scheda_corso_MP_21Luglio_def (33%)

    24-lug-2023 11.35.08

    di PALERMO TEMATICHE DI RICERCA / RESEARCH TOPICS • Studi di oncologia molecolare e di precisione ... / University of Palermo Sede della ricerca Contatto/Contact person: Antonio Russo Research Department Email: Periodo Estero Non obbligatorio – Max 12 Mesi Research Department Not Mandatory – Max 12 Months Periodo in Impresa Non Obbligatorio Research Department Not Mandatory Impresa N/A Research Department Ambito in cui si svolgerà l'attività di ricerca e formazione

  • 104. Research Seminars (33%)

    10-dic-2018 9.56.21

    Research Seminars Research Seminars, seminario, L-11, L-12, CdS, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche 11 Dicembre 2018 - Ed. 19, Aule 9/10, ore 10-12 Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/ /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 105. Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) (33%)

    5-ott-2015 12.09.31

    Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) Ignazio Vinci, nomina, Governing board della European Urban Research Association, Prestigioso riconoscimenti al prof. Ignazio Vinci, associato di “Urbanistica” presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) per il periodo ... editore di Urban Research & Practice, rivista scientifica pubblicata da Taylor and Francis

  • 106. ING-IND022 - ING-IND24 - Materials Science and Technology - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering - Research (33%)

    18-giu-2015 15.27.55

    ING-IND022 - ING-IND24 - Materials Science and Technology - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering - Research ING-IND22, ING-IND24, Materials Science and Technology, Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering, Research Research projects Preparation and characterization of polymer and biopolymer based nanocomposites, with different nanofiller types Compatibilization of polymer and biopolymer blends ... of constitutive materials of artistic artifacts Research projects PON01_02315: SIBAR – Sistemi

  • 107. ING-IND04 - ING-IND06 - ING-IND07 - Aerospace Section - Research (32%)

    12-giu-2015 15.15.49

    ING-IND04 - ING-IND06 - ING-IND07 - Aerospace Section - Research ING-IND04, ING-IND06, ING-IND07, Aerospace Structures and Design, Fluid Dynamics, Aerospace Propulsion, Research Research projects Aerostructures: Elastostatics and elastodynamics; Fracture and damage mechanics; Micromechanics; Multiscale modelling; Structural Health Monitoring; 2D and 3D modelling of composite materials; 2D and 3D ... . Research Projects ASIA - Architetture Strutturali Innovative dell'Ala - Sviluppo di metodologie

  • 108. Research (32%)

    9-mar-2014 14.07.21

    ING_IND23 - Applied Physical Chemistry - Research ING_IND23, Applied Physical Chemistry, Research Research Research projects Research activity is mainly concentrated on: 1- Mechanism of growth and breakdown of anodic oxide films on valve-metals and valve-metals alloys. This research theme ... Spectroscopy (PCS). Research in this subject is aimed to correlate the corrosion behaviour of metals and ... . The aim of this research is the electrochemical production of nanostructured materials for possible

  • 109. Research Webinar Series: from specialised languages and discourses to accessible translations (32%)

    13-mag-2021 8.33.24

    online articolo, notizia, unipa, Research Webinar Series Giovedì 13 maggio, dalle 14.00, si tiene online l’incontro sul tema “How technology is shaping traditional and emerging translation practices”, organizzato nell’ambito dei “Research Webinar Series: from specialised languages and discourses to accessible translations” dai gruppi di ricerca nelle aree di “Inglese e Francese - Lingua ... :// | Meeting ID: 871 7028 4633 - Passcode: ELIOT Visualizza la locandina Research Webinar


    8-mar-2013 13.23.38

    ’ attitude towards scientific research. Admission examinations consist of: Written test ... , where the candidate will expose his/her research plan, already sent as an attachment to his/her application ... anything else deemed useful to demonstrate study and research activities). During the first ... for the competitive selection for research Doctorate courses (Rector’s Decree nr 2609, 29/07/2010 ... , (as per par.13, letter p of the Research Doctorate rules and regulations), after the qualified opinion

  • 111. Seminari 'Research in Progress' (32%)

    24-gen-2024 16.02.33

    Seminari 'Research in Progress' saaf, agraria, dottorato, d87, research VALERIO LOMBARDO /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 112. La genesi dell’ Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (32%)

    25-set-2023 11.50.40

    La genesi dell’ Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment servizi per la ricerca, unipa, open science, scienza aperta , valutazione della ricerca, agreement on reforming research assessment Di seguito vengono rappresentati i principali passi compiuti per la stesura del testo dell’Accordo, la nascita della Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (COARA) e le prospettive future. Visualizza il pdf accessibile MARIA CONCETTA STELLA

  • 113. Gli impegni dell’ Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (32%)

    25-set-2023 11.51.35

    Gli impegni dell’ Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment servizi per la ricerca, unipa, scienza aperta, open science, valutazione della ricerca, agreement on reforming research assessment L’Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, a partire da principi su cui basare la valutazione, prevede dieci impegni a carico dei firmatari. I primi quattro, ritenuti fondamentali, promuovono il riconoscimento di risultati, pratiche e attività che indirizzi la valutazione della ricerca verso

  • 114. Research Seminars (32%)

    15-nov-2018 9.19.53

    Research Seminars Research Seminars, English Studies, studenti, lingue moderne e traduzione per le relazioni internazionali, CdS 26 Novembre 2018 Ed. 19, Ex Ufficio A, 17-19 27 Novembre 2018 Ed. 19, Aule 9, 10 Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 115. hrs4r form_euraxess (32%)

    27-mar-2023 14.39.45

    holders, PhD. students either full-time or part-time involved in research * 2835 Of whom ... research staff) * 4211 RESEARCH FUNDING (figures for most recent fiscal year) € Total annual organisational budget 268341582.92 Annual organisational direct government funding (designated for research) 260363145.01 Annual competitive government-sourced funding (designated for research, obtained ... -government sources, designated for research 1005121.17 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE (a very brief description

  • 116. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (31%)

    4-apr-2018 13.53.28

    (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) Innovation Actions (IA ... updated to include the 13 DMP and to reflect the extension of the Open Access to Research Data Pilot as open access becomes the default setting for research data generated in Horizon 2020 ... to Research Data  replacement of "person/month" by "person month" all ... Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and

  • 117. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (31%)

    10-apr-2018 10.24.45

    (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) Innovation Actions (IA ... updated to include the 13 DMP and to reflect the extension of the Open Access to Research Data Pilot as open access becomes the default setting for research data generated in Horizon 2020 ... to Research Data  replacement of "person/month" by "person month" all ... Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and

  • 118. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (31%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    , the interconnection between laboratories and future research collaborations will strengthen the research capacity in the field of blue economy, including the establishment of co-supervised ... , coordinators which are ‘sole beneficiaries’ (or similar, such as European research infrastructure consortia

  • 119. 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018) (31%)

    22-giu-2018 15.42.43

    Aule satellite della Presidenza e nell’Aula “Capitò” della Scuola Politecnica in viale delle Scienze. 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018) International Forum, Research and Technologies, Society and Industry, Dal 10 al 13 settembre 2018, si svolgerà il 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018). General chairs: prof. Guido Ala (UNIPA - DEIM), Dr. Tiziana Tambosso (IEEE Italy

  • 120. FIT FORTHEM – Bootcamp online "FIT FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING - The Social Sciences and Humanities – Strongholds of the FORTHEM Alliance!" (31%)

    29-nov-2021 8.03.16

    FIT FORTHEM – Bootcamp online "FIT FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING - The Social Sciences and Humanities – Strongholds of the FORTHEM Alliance!" forthem, bootcamp, fit, fit forthem, european research funding Da Lunedì 22 a Venerdì 26 Novembre, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene il primo bootcamp online sul tema "FIT FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING - The Social Sciences and Humanities - Strongholds of the FORTHEM Alliance!". Nel corso della settimana