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Risultati della ricerca
21. Call of Application for Ukrainian students in the A.Y. 2022/2023 (35%)
4-ago-2023 10.39.22Call of Application for Ukrainian students in the A.Y. 2022/2023 articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 16 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2022/2023. Download and read the Call in Ucrainian language version CATALDO RICCARDO RIGGI
22. Bandi di Accesso dottorati di ricerca (35%)
10-dic-2024 17.09.40di ricerca, ciclo 40, A.A. 2024/2025 Call for application for 33 PhD courses, cycle 40, A.Y. 2024/2025 ... Call for application for PhD course in Architecture, arts and planning, cycle 39. A.Y. 2023/2024 ... . A.A. 2023/2024 Call for application for PhD course in Architecture, arts and planning, cycle 39 ... e pianificazione, ciclo 39. A.A. 2023/2024 Call for application for PhD course in Architecture, arts and planning ... di dottorato di ricerca Studi umanistici, ciclo 39. A.A. 2023/2024 Call for application for PhD course
23. Call for application M.Sc. Excellence Track in Physics' at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (33%)
11-mar-2021 10.47.02Call for application M.Sc. Excellence Track in Physics' at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz articolo, notizia, unipa Nell'ambito del progetto FORTHEM, di cui l'Università degli Studi di Palermo è partern assieme ad altre sei università Europee si segnala l'opportunità di iscrizione al corso/programma M.Sc. Excellence Track in Physics' at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz promosso dalla Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (Germania). (scopri di più su FORTHEM: https://www.unipa.it/progetti
24. DR 1573_2024 CALL FOR APPLICATION UNICORE 6.0 (32%)
1-mar-2024 11.10.38CONDITIONAL ISSUING OF THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS This call for application is issued conditionally
25. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 10 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
19-mag-2022 10.06.43Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 10 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 10 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a single class of the University programs in the A.A. 2021/2022 as required by the D.R. 1719 of 4 April 2022 The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further fees) covering the costs of food, accommodation
26. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - (Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina) (31%)
20-apr-2022 10.09.26Call of Application for Ukrainian students - (Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina) articolo, notizia, unipa È stato pubblicato il bando per l’erogazione di n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina che si immatricolino o si iscrivano, anche a singoli insegnamenti dei corsi di laurea e di laurea magistrale per l’anno accademico 2021/2022 dell’Ateneo come previsto dal D.R. 1719 del 04.04.2022. L’importo
27. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
14-apr-2022 20.52.00Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 30 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a single class of the University programs in the A.A. 2021/2022 as required by the D.R. 1719 of 4 April 2022 The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further fees) covering the costs of food, accommodation
28. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
11-mag-2022 18.50.21Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 30 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa Upgrade/ (Aggiornamento) 11 /05/2022 The acts of to the selection are approved. Pursuant to Article 6 of the call for applications, all winners will receive the notification of the scholarship award by e-mail at the address provided in the application form and at their university institutional address. Under penalty of forfeiture, within
29. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 16 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
14-nov-2022 14.20.11Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 16 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 16 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2022/2023. The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further fees) covering the costs of food, accommodation, travel expenses, didactic materials
30. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 16 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
24-nov-2022 9.55.05Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 16 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 16 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2022/2023. The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further fees) covering the costs of food, accommodation, travel expenses, didactic materials
31. Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 10 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina (31%)
6-lug-2022 12.37.28Call of Application for Ukrainian students - Bando n. 10 borse di studio a favore di studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina articolo, notizia, unipa Upgrade/ (Aggiornamento) 05/07/2022 The acts of to the selection are approved. Pursuant to Article 6 of the call for applications, all winners will receive the notification of the scholarship award by e-mail at the address provided in the application form and at their university institutional address. Under penalty of forfeiture, within
32. Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - A.Y. 2023/2024 (31%)
24-nov-2023 11.12.40Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - A.Y. 2023/2024 articolo, notizia, unipa A call has been issued to grant 20 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2023/2024. The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further fees) covering the costs of food, accommodation, travel expenses, didactic materials, the regional tax and
33. Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 15 borse di studio per studenti provenienti dall'Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra (30%)
29-mar-2024 10.58.45Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 15 borse di studio per studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra articolo, notizia, unipa, cot, bando, rifugiati, Ucraina, 2023-24 A call has been issued to grant 15 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war who are enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs (non-telematic courses) in the A.Y. 2023/2024. The amount
34. Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 15 borse di studio per studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra (30%)
4-apr-2024 9.12.24Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 15 borse di studio per studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra articolo, notizia, unipa, cot, bando, rifugiati, Ucraina, 2023-24 A call has been issued to grant 15 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war who are enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs (non-telematic courses) in the A.Y. 2023/2024. The amount
35. Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 20 borse di studio per studenti provenienti dall'Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra (30%)
9-nov-2023 13.22.53Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 20 borse di studio per studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra articolo, notizia, unipa, bando, ucraina, 2023-24 A call has been issued to grant 20 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2023/2024. The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00 (plus further
36. Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 20 borse di studio per studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra (30%)
9-nov-2023 13.51.37Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war - Bando n. 20 borse di studio per studentesse e studenti provenienti dall’Ucraina e da altri paesi in guerra articolo, notizia, unipa, bando, ucraina, 2023-24 A call has been issued to grant 20 scholarships for students fleeing Ukraine and other countries at war who will be enrolled to a degree program or to a master degree of the University programs in the A.Y. 2023/2024. The amount of the scholarship is € 3,600.00
37. Bando, modulistica e graduatoria (26%)
30-lug-2024 11.17.32posizioni borse è 5 non 4 come riportato. Candidatura online Documents Call for application - EN (not ... ". Documents Call for application - EN Annexes A, B, C, D, E Application guide PhD courses ... - Call for Application cycle 36 https://www.unipa.it/didattica/dottorati/dottorato-xxxvi/faq-phd-call ... /dottorato-xxxv/date-esami-e-luogo---selections-date-and-place/ FAQ - Call for Application Cycle 35 ... scholarships 3) Pag. 6 - Studi di genere: total positions 8, 1 of them without scholarships Documents Call
38. Bandi (26%)
7-nov-2024 16.31.29/11/2023 Vai alla pagina dedicata Call of Application for students fleeing Ukraine and other ... Scadenza: 18/01/2023 Vai alla pagina dedicata Call of Application for Ukrainian students - (Bando n ... /2022 Vai alla pagina dedicata Call of Application for Ukrainian students - (Bando n. 10 borse ... Selezione di 40 Studenti peer tutor Scadenza: 14/05/2022 Vai alla pagina dedicata Call of Application ... di studio delle Lauree Magistrali telematiche Scadenza: 08/04/2024 Vai alla pagina dedicata Call
39. Announcement of competition, forms and list (23%)
30-lug-2024 11.23.18positions 8, 1 of them without scholarships Documents Call for application - EN Application guide PhD ... , unipa Call for application for 31 PhD courses, cycle 39, A.Y. 2023/2024 CECILIA MACALUSO Call ... /dottorati/dottorato-xxxvi/bando-di-accesso-ciclo-36/ FAQ - Call for application PhD 36 https ... -e-luogo---selections-date-and-place/ FAQ - Call for Application PhD 35 https://www.unipa.it/didattica
40. Rettifica Bando di concorso per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca A.A. 2014-2015 - XXX ciclo - Scadenza 22 ottobre 2014 ore 17.00 (20%)
25-lug-2017 12.13.00Compilazione domanda on-line Allegato A Allegato B Call for application - English version Call for application UPDATE (22 september 2014) Call for application On-line form Annex A Annex B Decreto