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1. Brochure Summer School 2017 ItaStra (64%)
2-mar-2017 12.41.54SUMMER Italian, Sun and Culture SCHScuOolaO di Lingua italiana per Stranieri of ItUalniaivnersità ... SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Italian, music, art, photography, cookery SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study Studying Italian ... that for Intensive courses at the Summer School of Italian Language School for over three thousand ... by teachers Sicily is its name. specialised in teaching Italian as a second and foreign language
2. "Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program is back! (64%)
13-mag-2013 13.40.00"Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program is back! italian, language, course,, italian, art, course,, italian, language, school, for, foreigners The course ( from 18 February to 1 March) offers monographic modules outlining the peculiarities of italian ... and Expert in Didactis of Italian as Second Language). Read the brochure! GIUSEPPE PATERNOSTRO "Italian language and visual art", the new intensive italian language program of the Italian
3. Italian language School (63%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.18Italian language School Italian, language, School The Italian Language School is an institution ... , teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language. The School regularly organises courses of Italian Language and Culture, welcoming ... , the School works in close cooperation with two postgraduates courses in Italian Language Acquisition. The School also promotes and hosts international seminars for teachers of Italian on the most up-to-date
4. Italian language School (63%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.19Italian language School Italian, language, School The Italian Language School is an institution ... , teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language. The School regularly organises courses of Italian Language and Culture, welcoming ... , the School works in close cooperation with two postgraduates courses in Italian Language Acquisition. The School also promotes and hosts international seminars for teachers of Italian on the most up-to-date
5. Teaching Italian to foreigners and migrants. The Master in “Didactic of Italian as a Foreign Language” is back! (62%)
13-mag-2013 13.40.00Teaching Italian to foreigners and migrants. The Master in “Didactic of Italian as a Foreign ... , of, Italian, as, a, foreign, language,, palermo, university The 4th edition of the Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second and Foreign Language offered by the Department of Philological and ... in teaching according to the two dimensions of Italian as a foreign language: as a second language (L2: for people who learn Italian while living in Italy) and as a foreign language (LS: for people
6. Italian Higher Education System (59%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.46Italian Higher Education System unipa, portale, universita, Italian Higher Education System Mainstream Education 1st Cycle Laurea: (180 credits)three year course; Italian Laurea is comparable with international Bachelor Degree. (accessible with Italian school-leaving qualification, after completion ... Construction engineering, Architecture (accessible with Italian school-leaving qualification, after ... Magistrale: (120 credits) two-year course, Italian Laurea Magistrale is comparable to foreign Master
7. PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST #selfietaliAmo selfietaliAmo and WIN AN ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE (59%)
10-apr-2014 10.56.34PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST #selfietaliAmo selfietaliAmo and WIN AN ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE photograpy, contest, summer, school, italian, courses, palermo Would you like to spend the summer in one of the most exotic places in Italy and to study Italian for free? Itastra Language School offers two free ... you like to win a Standard Italian Language and Culture course and a Special Course of your choice ... of Italian and Art, saving 350 euros? Take a selfie with a paper saying #selfietaliAmo (followed
8. Italian and art (58%)
16-mag-2013 15.28.03Italian and Art Course. Italy is closely related to Art: the course “Italian and Art” is a programme that aims at increasing the knowledge of Italian language, while discovering Italian art ... both in History of Art and in Italian as a Foreign Language. ADDRESSEES intermediate and ... ). She is also specialised in teaching Italian as a second/ foreign language. WHERE The classroom activities will take place in the premises of the Italian Language School: the ex convent
9. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (55%)
6-ott-2017 12.46.41SUMMER SCHOOL Italian, Sun and Culture Palermo 2016 From July 4 to September 23 Scuola di Lingua ... importance but it also reveals its multicultural past and present. Studying Italian in Palermo ... , which is one of the most important in Italy and a model with Italian cusine being imitated all over the world. Studying Italian in the Summer School of ItaStra Intensive courses at the Summer School of Italian Language School for Foreigners of the University of Palermo (ItaStra) are divided into
10. Italian citizens with a foreign degree, EU citizens and Extra EU students living in Italy_Enrolment guide_30_11_2015 (53%)
30-nov-2015 10.57.25that will help you to enroll to an Italian University and to register as “Italian students with a foreign ... to study in Italy? If you are Italian citizen with a foreign qualification or EU citizen or Extra ... and find the educational offer of all Italian Universities. If you want to study with us you need ... , on the right side, you can change the language choosing ENGLISH or ITALIAN. Fill all the requested fields with your personal data. The server will automatically generate the Italian Tax code
11. Italian language and culture courses (51%)
12-feb-2018 20.17.51Italian language and culture courses italian, language, culture Our teaching methodology Our methodology, inspired to the most up-to-date teaching theories and practices, is based on the functional-communicative approach. The communicative approach is complemented with other methods ... for the development of specific competences (academic writing, Italian for academic study skills and so forth ... and thematic workshops, guided visits. All learning materials are provided by the teachers. Italian
12. pdf italian and art (49%)
24-mar-2014 10.41.27INTENSIVE SPECIAL COURSES ITALIAN AND ART Levels: From Intermediate to Advanced Dates: 28th of July – 8th of August + the weekend of the 2nd/3rd of August and Saturday, the 9th of August Cost: 350 Euros (including registration, learning materials, recreational activities and guided ... and Italian Language Acquisition proposes monographic programs to highlight the peculiarities of the Italian artistic and architectural culture (from the antiquity to the twentieth century) and
13. Italian and sea (47%)
16-mag-2013 15.28.48Italian and Sea Course The Italian Language School of the University of Palermo in collaboration with the organisation MondoMare organises a programme for sport and nature lovers who want to learn or improve Italian. ADDRESSEES From beginners to advanced students. ACTIVITIES SNORKELING to observe aquatic life and to develop the interest for underwater photography; BAPTISM OF THE SEA for a first scuba diving experience; TREKKING to explore the Mediterranean vegetation
14. italian and theatre 2 (46%)
16-mag-2013 15.32.25Italian and Theatre Course “Free Words with the Newspaper Theatre” «Our body thinks», says Augusto Boal who invented the Newspaper Theatre. Accordingly, «Our body speaks». Nevertheless, communication is not always free and authentic because we have learned to use our communication tools to hide or to defend ourselves and to convince or to deceive others. Getting rid of our masks and ... of the Italian Language School: the ex convent of Sant’Antonino, a building from the XVII century that has been
16. BrochureWinterSchool2017ItaStra (43%)
24-ott-2016 17.44.54WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Palermo 16 Gennaio - 10 Marzo © Antonio Gervasi WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Palermo, an alive city ... tutors, young Italian university students who support our students inside and outside the classroom ... SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Italian and Photography Levels: All levels ... the students through the main photographic techniques. WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art
17. Brochure Winter School 2017 ItaStra (43%)
25-ott-2016 18.26.38WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Palermo 16 January - 10 March © Antonio Gervasi WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Palermo, an alive city ... tutors, young Italian university students who support our students inside and outside the classroom ... SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Italian and Photography Levels: All levels ... the students through the main photographic techniques. WINTER SCHOOL 2017 Italian, music, art
18. Agroalimentare e italian sounding (43%)
7-gen-2015 19.27.45Agroalimentare e italian sounding articolo, qualità, italian sounding download https://cloud.unipa.it/public.php?service=files&t=d950137c0c2b9d9a7964958e674ea820 PIETRO COLUMBA
19. "Italian for a year" program (43%)
12-dic-2022 15.03.33"Italian for a year" program italian, for, a year, courses, school, The program can contain from 5 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) intensive and/or semi-intensive courses. The duration changes from 5 to 12 months. Write an email to scuolaitalianostranieri@gmail.com for information about price or longer periods of time. GIUSEPPE PATERNOSTRO
20. bando 22 posti ordinari art. 18_ c.1_en (43%)
15-set-2020 15.54.51the D.P.R. (Decree of the President of the Italian Republic) 09.05.1994, n. 487, concerning the rules ... of the Italian Republic) 28.12.2000, n. 445, Consolidated Act of the regulations and legislative provisions ... of the President of the Italian Republic) 11.02.2005, n. 68 Regulation containing provisions for the use ... of the President of the Italian Republic) D.P.R. 03.05.2006, n. 252 Regulation containing rules on deposit ... . 662 defining the table of correspondence between the Italian and foreign academic positions