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  • 1. Progetto PRIN ATTANASIO (100%)

    19-lug-2019 16.08.46

    management 5. demography 6. Student Inter-Regional Mobility 8. Principal Investigator ATTANASIO MASSIMO ... e della Ricerca registered operating office office? and copy of contract 1. ATTANASIO Professore Università ... . Ignazio 78 4. DELPINI Ricercatore Università P.zza no City: free Danilo confermato ... Total ATTANASIO Massimo 84.044 71.615 93.395 3.900 2.400 11.800 267.154 24.599,4 291.753,4 RAGOZINI ... Co-funding (item A.1) MIUR funding (other items) (euro) (euro) (euro) 1. ATTANASIO Massimo 291.753,4 84.044