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Data Titolo Tipologia Scheda
2024 The helium and carbon isotopic signature of Ocean island basalts: Insights from Fogo volcano (Cape Verde archipelago) Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 Fast, furious, and gassy: Etna's explosive eruption from the mantle Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 The December 2018 eruption at Etna volcano: a geochemical study on melt and fluid inclusions Articolo in rivista Vai
2024 CO2‐Rich Xenoliths at Mt. Vulture Volcano (Southern Italy): New Constraints on the Volcano Plumbing System Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Timescale of Emplacement and Rheomorphism of the Green Tuff Ignimbrite (Pantelleria, Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinel inclusions inolivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) with the in situ synchrotronmicro-Mossbauer technique Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Temporal evolution of the Fogo Volcano magma storage system (Cape Verde Archipelago): a fluid inclusions perspective Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Contrasting Styles of Inter-Caldera Volcanism in a Peralkaline System: Case Studies from Pantelleria (Sicily Channel, Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Micro-thermometry and minerochemical composition of ultramafic xenoliths and minerals from Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy) Dataset Vai
2022 The Impact of Climate, Resource Availability, Natural Disturbances and Human Subsistence Strategies on Sicilian Landscape Dynamics During the Holocene Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2022 New Inferences on Magma Dynamics in Melilitite-Carbonatite Volcanoes: The Case Study of Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Evolution of the magma system of Pantelleria (Italy) from 190 ka to present Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Volcanological evolution of Pantelleria Island (Strait of Sicily) peralkaline volcano: a review Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 An overview of the geochemical characteristics of oceanic carbonatites: New insights from Fuerteventura carbonatites (Canary islands) Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Procesos hidrotermales con enriquecimiento en REE en las carbonatitas de Fuerteventura: evidencias en minerales accesorios Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Water solubility in trachytic and pantelleritic melts: an experimental study Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Obsidians of Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily): A Petrographic, Geochemical and Magnetic Study of Known and New Geological Sources Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Chlorine as a Discriminant Element to Establish the Provenance of Central Mediterranean Obsidians Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Experimental and thermodynamic constraints on mineral equilibrium in pantelleritic magmas Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Geochemical constraints on basalt petrogenesis in the Strait of Sicily Rift Zone (Italy): Insights into the importance of short lengthscale mantle heterogeneity Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Volatiles and trace elements content in melt inclusions from the zoned Green Tuff ignimbrite (Pantelleria, Sicily): petrological inferences Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Melt inclusions track melt evolution and degassing of Etnean magmas in the last 15 ka Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Explosive eruptive history of Pantelleria, Italy: Repeated caldera collapse and ignimbrite emplacement at a peralkaline volcano Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Phase equilibria of Pantelleria trachytes (Italy): constraints on pre-eruptive conditions and on the metaluminous to peralkaline transition in silicic magmas. Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 New Insights into the Provenance of the Obsidian Fragments of the Island of Ustica (Palermo, Sicily) Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Pantelleria island (Strait of Sicily): volcanic history and geomorphological landscape Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2017 Geochemistry and volatile content of magmas feeding explosive eruptions at Telica volcano (Nicaragua) Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 The Argonautica Orphica version of the voyage of the Argonauts: a geo-analysis Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Volatile contents of mafic-to-intermediate magmas at San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Dal mantello terrestre ai vulcani. Uno sguardo al vulcanismo degli ultimi 2 Ma nel Mediterraneo. Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2017 Melt inclusions track changes in chemistry and oxidation state of Etnean magmas Altro Vai
2016 Melt inclusions constrain S behaviour and redox conditions in Etnean magmas eedings Vai
2016 Origin of primitive ultra-calcic arc melts at crustal conditions - Experimental evidence on the La Sommata basalt, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Cooling and crystallization recorded in trachytic enclaves hosted in pantelleritic magmas (Pantelleria, Italy): Implications for pantellerite petrogenesis Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Experimental constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of a chemically-zoned peralkaline ignimbrite: the Green Tuff eruption at Pantelleria Island (Italy) eedings Vai
2015 Sulphur behaviour in Etnean magmatic system (Italy eedings Vai
2014 A two-component mantle source feeding Mt. Etna magmatism; insights from the geochemistry of primitive magmas. Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Millennial-scale phase relationships between ice-core and Mediterranean marine records: insights from high-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Green Tuff of Pantelleria, Sicily Strait Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Cognate xenoliths in Mt. Etna lavas: witnesses of the high-velocity body beneath the volcano Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Generation of CO2-rich melts during basalt magma ascent and degassing Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Petrologic constraints on melting conditions in the Strait of Sicily Rift Zone. eedings Vai
2013 Volatiles in pantellerite magmas: A case study of the Green Tuff Plinian eruption (Island of Pantelleria, Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 A two-component mantle below Mt Etna volcano: evidences from noble gas and trace element geochemistry of primitive products eedings Vai
2013 A revision of the structure and stratigraphy of pre-Green Tuff ignimbrites at Pantelelria (Strait of Sicily). Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Sul ritrovamento di tephra di composizione riolitica peralluminosa a largo del promontorio di Capo Vaticano (Calabria Occidentale, Tirreno Meridionale) eedings Vai
2012 A two-component mantle extending from Hyblean Plateau to Mt Etna (Eastern Sicily) as inferred by an integrated approach with noble gases, trace elements and isotope geochemistry. eedings Vai
2012 Architecture and 15 ka to present volcano-tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera offshore the Campi Flegrei, (Naples, Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin) eedings Vai
2012 A revised stratigraphy of the pre-Green Tuff ignimbrites at Pantelleria (Sicily Channel) eedings Vai
2012 Evidence of basaltic magma intrusions in a trachytic magma chamber at Pantelleria (Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Melt inclusion study on the pantelleritic plinian eruption of the Green Tuff, Pantelleria Island. Altro Vai
2012 Seismic velocity structures of Southern Italy from tomographic imaging of the Ionian slab and petrological inferences Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Geologia e geomofologia dell’isola di Pantelleria: il settore di Cala Tramontana-Cala Levante Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2012 Correlation of welded ignimbrites on Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) using paleomagnetism Articolo in rivista Vai
2011 High-resolution 40Ar/39Ar chronostratigraphy of the post-caldera (<20 ka) volcanic activity at Pantelleria, Sicily Strait Articolo in rivista Vai
2010 Phase equilibrium constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of recent felsic explosive volcanism at Pantelleria Island, Italy. Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Experimental constraints on the deep magma feeding system at Stromboli volcano, Italy Articolo in rivista Vai
2009 Fumarolic alteration products at Sousaki (Greece) : occurrence and environmental impact eedings Vai
2009 A window into the high velocity body (HVB) beneath Mt. Etna:a cntribution from the study of cognate xenoliths in historical lavas eedings Vai
2009 Recent felsic explosive magmatism at Pantelleria island: an experimental study Abstract in rivista Vai
2009 Local earthquake tomography in the Southern Tyrrhenian region of Italy: Geophysical and petrological inferences on subducting litosphere Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2008 Wam tomography in the southern Tyrrhenian region. petrological inferences and hypothesis on the fluid circulation in the subducting ionian slab and adjoining mantle domain. eedings Vai
2007 modelling of the subducting slab beneath the south tyrrhenian basin with geophisical and geochemical data eedings Vai
2007 Local earthquake tomography in the Southern Tyrrhenian region (Italy): Geophysical and petrological inferences on subducting litosphere. eedings Vai
2007 Low-P hydrous phase equilibria of a pantellerite melt: constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of recent felsic explosive volcanism at Pantelleria. Abstract in rivista Vai
2007 Local earthquakes tomography in the southern tyrrhenian region (italy): geophysical and petrological inferences on subducting lithosphere eedings Vai
2007 Role of oxygen fugacity on the solubility of chlorine in peralkaline magmas. Abstract in rivista Vai
2007 Geology and petrochemistry of recent (25 ka) silicic volcanism at Pantelleria Island Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Sulfur in hydrous, oxidized basaltic magmas: phase equilibria and melt solubilities. eedings Vai
2006 Submarine volcanism in the Sicily Channel Rift: new data from Graham, Nameless and Pantelleria Banks Capitolo o Saggio Vai
2006 Experimental Crystallization of a High-K Arc Basalt: the Golden Pumice, Stromboli Volcano (Italy) Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Diffuse and focused carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the Sousaki geothermal system, Greece Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Petrology of some amphibole-bearing volcanics of the pre-ellittico period (102-80 ka) Mt. Etna Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Petrology and Geochemistry of submarine volcanism in the Sicily Channel Rift Articolo in rivista Vai
2005 Mafic and ultra-mafic enclaves from Ustica island lava: inferences on deep magmatic processes Articolo in rivista Vai
2005 Natural degassing activity of the geothermal system of Soussaki(Greece):Environmental impact and gas hazard issues. eedings Vai
2005 OH-related infrared absorption bands in oxide glasses Articolo in rivista Vai
2005 Phase equilibrium constraints on the production and storage of peralkaline silicic magmas: insights from Kenya and Pantelleria eedings Vai
2004 Eruptive paroxysms at Stromboli: an experimental simulation of pre-eruptive conditions of "yellow pumice" eedings Vai
2004 OH-related infrared absorption bands in oxide glasses Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Vai
2004 Submarine volcanism in the Sicily Channel: the messagge from a deep mantle reservoir. eedings Vai
2004 Petrology and geochemistry of some pre-“Ellittico-Mongibello” volcanic rocks,-Mt. Etna (Italy) Altro Vai
2004 Petrology of enclaves from Ustica Island (Italy): insights on time scale of magma ascent Altro Vai
2004 Crystallization of Pantelleria basalt: preliminary reults eedings Vai
2004 Ascent of Stromboli yellow pumice magmas: experimental simulation at P eedings Vai
2004 OH-related Infrared Absorption Bands in Oxide Glasses eedings Vai
2004 OH-related infrared bands in oxide glasses eedings Vai
2003 Geochronology of the medium-high-grade units of the Peloritani Mts., Sicily. Articolo in rivista Vai
2001 Clinopyroxene-bearing garnet amphibolites from the Ferrà valley (northern Peloritani Mts., Sicily Articolo in rivista Vai
2001 39Ar/40Ar dating of an alkali-granite enclave from Pantelleria island. Articolo in rivista Vai
1998 Transition from mildly-tholeiitic to calc-alkaline suite: the case of Chichontepec volcanic centre, El Salvador, Central America. Articolo in rivista Vai