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Data Titolo Tipologia Scheda
2024 Phytochemical profiling and investigation of antioxidant, anti-proliferative, and antibacterial properties in spontaneously grown Sicilian sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruits Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Recycling wastes from Rubus idaeus by-products: sourdough bread production as a new end-use of exhausted seeds still containing active compounds Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2023 In Silico Mixed Ligand/Structure-Based Design of New CDK-1/PARP-1 Dual Inhibitors as Anti-Breast Cancer Agents Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Mucilage-Based and Calcium Ascorbate Edible Coatings Improve Postharvest Quality and Storability of Minimally Processed Cactus Pear Fruit Stored under Passive Atmosphere Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Salphen metal complexes as potential anticancer agents: interaction profile and selectivity studies toward the three G-quadruplex units in the KIT promoter Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Rubus idaeus by-products: Sustainable improvement of the antioxidant value of sourdough bread by a new end-use of exhausted seeds still containing bioactive compounds Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Indicaxanthin Induces Autophagy in Intestinal Epithelial Cancer Cells by Epigenetic Mechanisms Involving DNA Methylation Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Biological Activity and Metabolomics of Griffonia simplicifolia Seeds Extracted with Different Methodologies Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant, Antiproliferative, and Antimicrobial Properties of Rubus idaeus Seed Powder Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Properties with Involved Mechanisms of Eugenia involucrata DC Fruits Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Changes in the Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant Properties of Prunus persica Fruits after the Application of a Commercial Biostimulant Based on Seaweed and Yeast Extract Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Phytochemical profile and antioxidant properties of the edible and non-edible portions of black sapote (Diospyros digyna Jacq.) Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Bioactive effects of citrus flavonoids and role in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cancer Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Antiproliferative Activity Predictor: un nuovo tool in silico per predire l’attività antiproliferativa nei confronti del pannello NCI60 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2022 Preliminary Investigation of Biogenic Amines in Type I Sourdoughs Produced at Home and Bakery Level Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Antiproliferative Activity Predictor: A New Reliable In Silico Tool for Drug Response Prediction against NCI60 Panel Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Anthocyanins: Biosynthesis, distribution, ecological role, and use of biostimulants to increase their content in plant foods—a review Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Flavonoids in Bone Erosive Diseases: Perspectives in Osteoporosis Treatment Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Melatonin and phytomelatonin: Chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism, distribution and bioactivity in plants and animals—an overview Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Terpenoid treatment in osteoporosis: this is where we have come in research Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Antiproliferative properties and g-quadruplex-binding of symmetrical naphtho[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene derivatives Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Effect of opuntia ficus-indica mucilage edible coating on quality, nutraceutical, and sensorial parameters of minimally processed cactus pear fruits Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Bioactive triterpenes of protium heptaphyllum gum resin extract display cholesterol-lowering potential Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Proanthocyanidins and where to find them: A meta-analytic approach to investigate their chemistry, biosynthesis, distribution and effect on human health Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2021 In silico identification of small molecules as new cdc25 inhibitors through the correlation between chemosensitivity and protein expression pattern Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Identification of biological targets through the correlation between cell line chemosensitivity and protein expression pattern Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2021 Non-flavonoid Polyphenols in Osteoporosis: Preclinical Evidence Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Improvement of Fatty Acid Profile in Durum Wheat Breads Supplemented with Portulaca oleracea L. Quality Traits of Purslane-Fortified Bread Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Pomological, sensorial, nutritional and nutraceutical profile of seven cultivars of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill) Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Effect of addition of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage on the biological leavening, physical, nutritional, antioxidant and sensory aspects of bread Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranberry)-Based Dietary Supplements: Variation in Mass Uniformity, Proanthocyanidin Dosage and Anthocyanin Profile Demonstrates Quality Control Standard Needed Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Tree-Ripe Mango Fruit: Physicochemical Characterization, Antioxidant Properties and Sensory Profile of Six Mediterranean-Grown Cultivars Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Phytochemical profile and antioxidative properties of Plinia trunciflora fruits: A new source of nutraceuticals Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Physicochemical, Nutraceutical and Sensory Traits of Six Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse Conditions in the Mediterranean Climate Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 DRUDIT: Web-based DRUgs DIscovery Tools to design small molecules as modulators of biological targets Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Science and Healthy Meals in the World: Nutritional Epigenomics and Nutrigenetics of the Mediterranean Diet Review essay (rassegna critica) Vai
2020 In Silico Insights into the SARS CoV-2 Main Protease Suggest NADH Endogenous Defences in the Control of the Pandemic Coronavirus Infection Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Chemical Profile and Biological Activity of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) and Atemoya (Annona atemoya) Leaves Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Evolution of carotenoid content, antioxidant activity and volatiles compounds in dried mango fruits (Mangifera Indica L.) Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Omega-3 rich foods: Durum wheat spaghetti fortified with Portulaca oleracea Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 The application of a plant biostimulant based on seaweed and yeast extract improved tomato fruit development and quality Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Food quality, sensory attributes and nutraceutical value of fresh “Osteen” mango fruit grown under mediterranean subtropical climate compared to imported fruit Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) genotypes from south Italy by UHPLC–Orbitrap-MS approach Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Pasta fortificata ad azione antiossidante. Uso della Portulaca Oleracea Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2019 Effect of saffron addition on the microbiological, physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of yoghurt Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Chemical–physical characteristics, polyphenolic content and total antioxidant activity of three Italian-grown pomegranate cultivars Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Food quality and nutraceutical value of nine cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits grown in Mediterranean subtropical environment Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Yield, pomological characteristics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of Annona cherimola Mill. Grown in mediterranean climate Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Chemical partitioning and DNA fingerprinting of some pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) varieties of different geographical origin Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Melatonin reduces inflammatory response in human intestinal epithelial cells stimulated by interleukin-1β Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a new class of benzo[b]furan derivatives as antiproliferative agents, with in silico predicted antitubulin activity Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Effects of gellan-based coating application on litchi fruit quality traits Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Quality changes in fresh-cut mango cubes submitted to different gas partial pressure of active MAPs Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 La coltivazione della Papaya in Sicilia: qualità dei frutti e prospettive Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Protective effects of melatonin in inflamed intestinal epithelium are associated with reduced NF-κB activation and changes in DNA methylation status Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2017 Methylation of cytokines gene promoters in IL-1β-treated human intestinal epithelial cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Kinase Inhibitors in Multitargeted Cancer Therapy Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Melatonin Inhibits Inflammatory Response of Intestinal Epithelial Cells Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2016 Pomological Traits, Sensory Profile and Nutraceutical Properties of Nine Cultivars of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) Fruits Grown in Mediterranean Area Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Drugs Polypharmacology by In Silico Methods: New Opportunities in Drug Discovery Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Raman Spectroscopic Measurements of Dermal Carotenoids in Breast Cancer Operated Patients Provide Evidence for the Positive Impact of a Dietary Regimen Rich in Fruit and Vegetables on Body Oxidative Stress and BC Prognostic Anthropometric Parameters: A Five-Year Study Articolo in rivista Vai
2016 Heterocyclic Scaffolds for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Inhibits Colon Cancer Cell Growth and Affects the DNA Methylation Status by Influencing Epigenetically Modifying Enzyme Expression and Activity Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Pomological Traits, Sensory Characteristics, and Antioxidant Activity in Fruits of Nine Loquat Cultivars Grown in Sicily Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Studies on a new potential dopaminergic agent: in vitro BBB permeability, in vivo behavioural effects and molecular docking evaluation Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 IL-1b induces DNA demethylation, at genome level and in specific CpG sites of IL-6 and IL-8 genes in human intestinal epithelial cells Abstract in rivista Vai
2015 Sicilian pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nut inhibits expression and release of inflammatory mediators and reverts the increase of paracellular permeability in IL-1b-exposed human intestinal epithelial cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Anti-inflammatory effects of sicilian pistachio (pistacia vera l.) Nut in an in vitro model of human intestinal epithelium Abstract in rivista Vai
2015 Ni(II) and Zn(II) Schiff Base complexes: B-DNA vs G4-DNA binding Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2015 Selective in vitro antileukemic activity (HL-60, K-562, MOLT-4, SR) of new chloro-propyl-pyrazolo[1,2-a]benzo[1,2,5]triazepinones Poster pubblicato in volume Vai
2015 Synthesis, antiproliferative activity, and in silico insights of new 3-benzoylamino-benzo[ b ]thiophene derivatives Articolo in rivista Vai
2015 Valutazione degli effetti antiossidanti del Resolvis OmegaTM in un modello di disfunzione corneale in vitro. Abstract in rivista Vai
2014 New benzothieno[3,2-d]-1,2,3-triazines with antiproliferative activity: Synthesis, spectroscopic studies, and biological activity Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 NiII, and ZnII Schiff Base Complexes: Telomeric G-quadruplex Stabilizers eedings Vai
2014 Indicaxanthin inhibits NADPH oxidase (NOX)-1 activation and NF-κB-dependent release of inflammatory mediators and prevents the increase of epithelial permeability in IL-1β-exposed Caco-2 cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activity of whole extract and isolated indicaxanthin from Opuntia ficus-indica associated with re-activation of the onco-suppressor p16INK4a gene in human colorectal carcinoma (Caco-2) cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Selective G-Quadruplex Stabilizers: Schiff-base Metal Complexes with Anticancer Activity Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Oxysterol mixture in hypercholesterolemia-relevant proportion causes oxidative stress-dependent eryptosis Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 In silico, spectroscopic, and biological insights on annelated pyrrolo[3,2-e]pyrimidines with antiproliferative activity Articolo in rivista Vai
2014 Methylation decrease of BECN1 gene induced by phytochemical Indicaxantin in Caco2 cells: an epigenetic hypothesis of autophagy Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2014 Pomological traits, sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity in fruits of nine loquat cultivars grown in Sicily. eedings Vai
2014 IL-1β maintains the DNA hypermethylation of anti-inflammatory IL-10 gene in a human intestinal epithelial cell line Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2014 Double chained naphthalenes as G4 binders eedings Vai
2013 Synthesis and biological activities of a new class of heat shock protein 90 inhibitors, designed by energy-based pharmacophore virtual screening Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 Eryptosis by major components of a plasma-compatible mixture of oxysterols. eedings Vai
2013 Anti-inflamamtory effects of Sicilian pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nut in an in vitro model of human intestinal epithelium eedings Vai
2013 Trans-epithelial transport of the betalain pigments indicaxanthin and betanin across Caco-2 cell monolayers and influence of food matrix Articolo in rivista Vai
2013 IL-1. induces DNA demethylation at genome level and in specific CpG sites of IL-6 and IL-8 genes in human intestinal epithelial cells Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2013 Phytochemical indicaxanthin suppresses 7-ketocholesterol-induced THP-1 cell apoptosis by preventing cytosolic Ca++ increase and oxidative stress Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of the phytochemical Indicaxanthin on human intestinal (Caco-2) and hepatic (Ha 22T) cancer cell lines Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2012 Polymeric proanthocyanidins from Sicilian pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nut extract inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in RAW 264.7 cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2012 Pro-apoptotic activity of the phytochemical Indicaxanthin on colorectal carcinoma cells (Caco-2) and epigenetic CpG demethylation of the promoter and reactivation of the expression of p16 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Vai
2011 Non Invasive RAMAN spectroscopic detection of skin carotenoids in healthy Sicilian subjects. eedings Vai
2011 Phytochemical indicaxanthin prevents 7-ketocholesterol-induced oxidative stress and cell cycle arrest in murine macrophages eedings Vai
2011 Antiinflammatory effects of pistachio nut proanthocyanidins in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells eedings Vai
2010 Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of pyridothienotriazolopyrimidine derivatives as new HSP90 inhibitors eedings Vai
2010 Transepithelial transport of betalainic phytochemicals in Caco-2 cell monolayers. eedings Vai
2009 Uptake of Betanin and Indicaxanthin by Caco-2 cell monolayer. eedings Vai
2009 Betacyanins as phenol antioxidants. Chemistry and mechanistic aspects of the lipoperoxyl radical-scavenging activity in solution and liposomes Articolo in rivista Vai
2008 Kinetics of the lipoperoxyl radical-scavenging of betanin and betanidin in solution. eedings Vai
2008 In Vitro Digestion of Betalainic Foods. Stability and Bioaccessibility of Betaxanthins and Betacyanins and Antioxidative Potential of Food Digesta. Articolo in rivista Vai
2008 Sicilian pistachio nut extract inhibits inflammatory response in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. eedings Vai
2007 Bioactive components of caper (Capperis spinosa L.) from Sicily and antioxidant effects in a red meat simulated gastric digestion Articolo in rivista Vai
2007 Antioxidant activity of sicilian caper (Capparis spinosa L.) and its bioactive compounds eedings Vai
2007 Antioxidant activity of Sicilian Pistachio (Pistacia vera, L. var. Bronte) nut extracts and its bioactive components Articolo in rivista Vai
2007 Kinetics of the lipoperoxyl radical-scavenging activity of indicaxanthin in solution and unilamellar liposomes Articolo in rivista Vai
2007 Betanin inhibits icam-1 expression in endothelial cells co-cultured with activated HL-60 cells eedings Vai
2006 Expression of T-cadherin in tumor cells influences invasive potential of human hepatocellular carcinoma Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Cytoprotective effects of the antioxidant phytochemical indicaxanthin in β-thalassemia red blood cells. Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Cytoprotective effects of the antioxidant phytochemical indicaxanthin in beta-thalassemia red blood cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2006 Cytoprotective effects of indicaxanthin in beta-thalassemia red blood cells eedings Vai
2005 Betanin protects endothelial cell dysfunction produced by activated HL-60 eedings Vai
2005 Presence of endothelial progenitor cells, distinct from mature endothelial cells, within human CD146+ blood cells Articolo in rivista Vai
2004 Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of betalains from Cactus Pear eedings Vai
2004 Antioxidant Betalains from Cactus Pear (Opuntia Ficus Indica) inhibit endothelial ICAM-1 expression Articolo in rivista Vai
2004 Anti-inflammatory properties of betanin from cactus pear (Opuntia Ficus Indica) in an endothelial cell model. eedings Vai
2003 Increased resistance to oxidation of betalain-enriched human low density lipoproteins Articolo in rivista Vai
2002 Protective role of the complement regulatory protein human CD-55 in cardiac xenograft: A descriptive study and a revision of the literature Articolo in rivista Vai